crafting questions

okay so I've been messing around with crafting and im beginning to grasp it but my only question is how do i learn other styles of crafting besides the ones you start with?
  • nerevarine1138
    From books you find as random drops in the world (or from trading with another player).
  • ManiacMcLaughton
    You have to find a "style book" in the world (they are random rare drops in any random container). Once you learn a style, it unlocks that style for ALL crafting types.

    In beta i got really lucky and found 2 style books on one character, so i had 3 styles.... but those were the only 2 style books I saw with hundreds of beta hours played.
  • kyllagdrgn
    Soul Shriven
    In order to learn the other racial styles you will need to find or trade for the book containing that style. Then just read the book.
  • eliteman19
    You have to find a "style book" in the world (they are random rare drops in any random container). Once you learn a style, it unlocks that style for ALL crafting types.

    In beta i got really lucky and found 2 style books on one character, so i had 3 styles.... but those were the only 2 style books I saw with hundreds of beta hours played.

    oh okay so there isnt a way to buy them then from like trade guilds or such? because I found a breton one yesterday so i notice I can do that style now but im curious how hard it can be to find the others
  • therasia2_ESO
    There are special books called "Motif" books. They are only found randomly throughout the game and eventually you will find some. I've heard that the Coldharbour region holds the best chances. Search everything you come across to increase your chances not only for those Motif books but for your provisioning materials as well as recipes. Another way is to deconstruct items by using the deconstruct tab in the crafting UI. Hope this helps you out a bit, Happy Hunting:)
  • nerevarine1138
    eliteman19 wrote: »
    oh okay so there isnt a way to buy them then from like trade guilds or such? because I found a breton one yesterday so i notice I can do that style now but im curious how hard it can be to find the others

    If you're in a guild with a guild store, that's also a valid way of getting them.

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