Pact Legionary Cohorts (Ebonheart Pact, NA, PVE and PVP)!


The Pact Legionary Cohorts (I realize that the plural of Cohort is Cohortes. Too late now :/) is recruiting PVE/PVP players looking for a casual and friendly gaming experience! We’re looking to grow in size and participate in everything there is to do in ESO. We have our own Teamspeak 3 server and a separate forums (PM me for a link to either). Progression, questing, dungeon crawling, PVE raids, and soon PVP raids are just a few of the things we are aiming to do. We also have and are looking for crafting specialists! Blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking, provisioning, alchemy, and enchanting (hey look, I can name them all!) are all useful to the cause.

We have 4 ranks, like everyone else, and because I have no shame, everyone that joins during the Early Access is immediately promoted to the 2nd rank. The names are, with rank 1 being the starting rank:
  • Rank 1: Legionary
  • Rank 2: Centurion
  • Rank 3: Praefect
  • Rank 4: Legate
As you can see, our ranks are loosely based on the Roman Legion, which we all know the Imperials are pretty much based on, themselves.

Anyway: If you have any questions, I am always available to answer if I am online at the time.

Ways to join:
  • Message myself in-game @SirTomDackery
  • Send me a PM on these forums.
  • Register on our forums (PM me for link), and post a thread or something. You know how forums work.
  • Come on our Teamspeak and hang out! I personally like this option the best.
Thanks for taking the time to read and consider, and hope to see you in-game!
Edited by TomDackery on April 4, 2014 9:33AM
  • TomDackery
    Updated the first post.
    This weekend we will be sending out invites to anyone that requests one. We are 10 members from a Guild Store, and would love to have you. See original post for details on joining, and again, hope to see you in game!
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