Pandion Knights - Daggerfall Covenant PvE + PvP Casual Guild

Soul Shriven
If you are looking for an EU based friendly, casual, multi-gaming community then please read on about the Pandion Knights, a community that has been around for over 10 years.

A Bit of History
The Pandion Knights was setup over 10 years ago by a group of friends. It was setup because we wanted to play games online but most communities we saw either had a huge set of rules ..etc to agree to or they were very competitive and serious. (One even required you to request holiday!)

We wanted to form a community where people could come back from work, study, family life and simply play some games with like-minded people.

Over the years the community grew and grew playing a variety of games from the FPS classics of COD and Battlefield to the MMO's we all know like Everquest, STO Online and of course World of Warcraft.

Who we will appeal to?
If you are the type of player who wants to be part of a Guild that is the best then and does World Firsts do not apply. We are not a hardcore serious community.

That said through we also want to progress through games like anyone else and you can only do that by working as a Team. So if you are the type of person who like to help other and likes to work together to achieve a common goal then look us up.

As for your personality ..etc. Well we have people from all walks of life and our main members tend to be either people with families or who work full time.

As mentioned we play a variety of games and we even play some unusual types such as virtual board games and some consoles.

We have TeamSpeak 3 server and regularly meet up through the year with people with one big event in the Summer for a BBQ.

Who do we want?
We are looking for mature gamers who don't mind a bit of banter and who enjoys a laugh, we are not a serious community however we do also like getting endgame content done so there will be raid guidelines in the future.

Play what char you want and have as many “alts” as you want. All we ask is that they are active and you use our community tools (Forums …etc).

In The Elder Scrolls Online we will be playing as Daggerfall Covenant, the PvP campaign is undecided as of yet.

If you are interested in the guild simply pop on over to and put in an application using our recruitment page
  • simbacmeb16_ESO
    The guild is going strong with 53 members, more would be great. /w Sanam, Thorvall or Kaaz in game for more information or visit and fill out the simple applictaion. :)
  • BadmoodTheBad
    Soul Shriven
    Is your guild still active in ESO and still recruiting?
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