Hey all. I just made my bosmer vampire and... what has happened to her eyes? they look like human's and not like mer at all. Never seen that before with my altmer, is it usual, or?... Not happy with that look
It's the case with Mer Vamps in general. If you want, there are special types of eyes you can buy within the crown store or from crown crates that completely change them.
Vampire's appearance is a skin, and it's a skin shared by all races.
So yes, those are human eyes.
The eyes are a lot less noticeable on my khajiit, but the fur change is rough. My inherent fur pattern is almost entirely gone and most tattoo options don't show (apart from the brightly glowing stuff body paints which just don't work thematically, imo) so now my fur is just this sort of flat grey and I can't use the vamp noble suit because it looks really off on the khajiit model.