Weapon > Destruction Staff > Wall of Elements:
"Wall of Frost and its morphs will now apply Minor Breach and reduce the movement speed of enemies by 40% for 4 seconds when damaging a Chilled target, rather than Immobilized them for 4 seconds."
Developer Comment:
"In efforts to help reduce the amount of passive crowd control in the game, we’re shifting the power of Wall of Frost’s control to a snare, rather than an immobilize, while helping it gain some more use cases in PvE parts of the game."
Please enlighten me ZOS, how exactly this change can help an already weak frost build, that is based on weak DOTs, "in gaining some more use in PvE"?
I have made a pure frost warden based on the immobilization effect, which was the only reason I play with frost.
Without it all the fun from playing this character is ruined.
Immobilisation on Bombard (Bow Skills) will be next to ruin? Or, "to gain some more use in PvE"? I can understand such change for PvP, but in PvE?

PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."