So, how buggy/notbuggy are quests now?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
The issues related to logging in to the megaservers have been resolved at this time. If you continue to experience difficulties at login, please restart your client. Thank you for your patience!
I haven't seen many 'so and so quest is completable', so I assume most of the quest bugs are fixed?
VR14 EH Sorc
VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Killum
    I have only found 1 bugged quest so far and that's the 'Frog Race' you can't put the frog in the basket.

    There are still some glitches in scenery though. I have got stuck in scenery 3 times so far and had to use /stuck to get out. Why this should involve a damage to Armour penalty I have no idea but it does.
  • khai
    I've seen plenty of quest bugs, still, I'm afraid. It's worth reporting them, but I think the problem is the same one from the last several beta sessions. (Where if there are too many players around, some entities don't end up spawning.) I'm sure they're working on it.
    Edited by khai on March 31, 2014 6:09PM
    You may say I'm a Dreamer but I'm not the only one.
  • Inversus
    Ok, thanks.

    That's weird, @Killum since I actually managed to complete that quest in the beta. Bugs are weird...
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • MistryssNite
    Verrik's quest on the two ships in Glenumbra is causing problems...crates not spawning.
    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • nerevarine1138
    I haven't seen any of the same issues as the last few betas, but I know people are saying the frog quest is having issues (totally different from what was happening before).
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Ive had zero buggy quests on all 3 storylines Ive played up to
  • Seraseth
    The crates on the ship in daggerfall are completely bugged. Tried relogging 8 times to get in different instances, bugged in all of them. The lockbox with the storeroom key on Stros M'kai was broken too, fixed that with 1 relog.

    Also the lady stone outside daggerfall can't be interacted with.

    And occasionally getting the freeze on loading screen.
    Edited by Seraseth on March 31, 2014 6:19PM
  • Inversus
    I haven't seen any of the same issues as the last few betas, but I know people are saying the frog quest is having issues (totally different from what was happening before).

    Yeah, that's the general expectation I had - it sounds like there aren't the large issues of the last betas, but I don't think any of us expectea completely bug-free launch.
    If only, though.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • ManiacMcLaughton
    I have noticed a HUGE difference between the number of bugs. I was in 6 beta sessions, and I'm very satisfied. I have found one single bugged quest. There are of course issues with respawn rates... but that fixes itself as population in those area's dropps (go get ahead of the crowd, then come back)

    As a tester, I am exceptionally impressed with the difference between the last major beta, and what i'm seeing now. Granted, all my game time (both in betas and now) has been daggerfall... it may be different in other places.
  • Honn
    Im watching a stream atm & it seems that some quests are having the same issues experienced in the beta's. A re-log fixes those quests at least.
    I haven't seen any stream where quests were completely bugged yet.

    Very disappointing to see this on release tbh...but could be worse.
  • Thesiren
    If you're talking about happenings like the final beta weekend, where practically every quest would not progress/complete because the server's phasing was borked (due to extremely high populations), then I have some bad news.

    When it gets really busy in an area, like it did last night, and tons of people are trying to complete the Assassins/Daggerfall quest on the boats, etc., items were refusing to spawn so quests were not progressing, just like during the last beta weekend.

    But yesterday during the day, and today daytime, it's been fine. I don't know if we're all just going to have to put up with high-population times as being quest-problematic, though, at least for a while after launch. Maybe after the free month, some people will quit playing, or people will spread out into Cyrodiil as well as throughout the questing areas (or roll alts and start in the newbie islands in alternate factions) and then the server congestion in certain quest chokepoints won't be so bad.
  • Varko
    They did a great job fixing up the bugs even if there are a few left. Launch has been great. As I say this the megaserver will probably explode.
  • Laura
    ebonheart is pretty borked i've heard the others aren't so bad. If that's true our numbers will dwindle even more =/
    Edited by Laura on March 31, 2014 6:49PM
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    Laura wrote: »
    ebonheart is pretty borked i've heard the others aren't so bad. If that's true our numbers will dwindle even more =/

    Don't fear, two major progression quests are currently broken in Daggerfall and all ZOS has been able to say is "Make sure you submit a bug report." So it's not just you. I am starting to think the Bloodthron Assassins' real goal is to break quests so that adventurers remain low level and are not a threat.

  • Strigoimare
    I've had lots of problematic quests on the Daggerfall and Glenumbra area. Not that many on the Morrowind hub, though.

    It pays to mention that these bugs are somewhat new, as other problematic quests were fixed (Abomination in Stros, Harpy Boss in Glenumbra).

    Overall, just skip them for the time, lots of content elsewhere.
  • MW2K
    Yeah, the abominations in Betnikh spawn fine now, so does Drusilla, but the collecting motes step is bugged as the cultists who dropped them won't spawn regularly.
    Lighting braziers and dispelling wards in Tamriel since 1994
  • Strigoimare
    Yeah, the quest mechanics changed a bit, and now depends on people waiting for the cultists to stop and summon the whole ritual ring. A tall order, since people usually nuke them into oblivion (pun intended) on sight.

    I managed to do the quest after some 15 minutes. But yeah, some Cultists and ritual rings seem buggy.
  • highpriestess
    i still cant get out of my damn prison cell tried relogging, new character, reloadui,
    no different outcome
  • MistryssNite
    ThanatosXR wrote: »
    You get the privilege of paying them $60+$15 a month to enjoy bugs.
    More like $100 plus for many of us.

    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • elbell17
    Yup frog race is def bugged. i tried logging twice and theres no improvement. the "The name of the Queen" one i relogged once and it was fixed.
  • eric.kb14_ESO
    Ive encountered a bugged quest about every 10-15 quests I do. Very frustrating but it will not refrain me from playing. With that being said if I'd have encountered none I'd be much higher level being as I sit at my bug quest until I fix it. I cant skip things like that. very ocd about moving on before I've fully completed something
  • dale0404
    The Lady Stone in Auridon cant be interacted with. At least for me. Will try again this morning though, if it works I will edit this.

    Edit: Can now interact with it, relogging seems to solve the issue.
    Edited by dale0404 on April 1, 2014 7:07AM
  • JohnG
    So far found 2 quests that refuse to work, the frog race and the fire staff portion of Blessings of the Eight. I've encountered bugs on other quests where enemies refuse to spawn or interaction points like a chest are just not there. In those cases logging out and logging back in seem to fix the problem.
  • Thete
    I've been making a few alts so haven't pushed very far in levels yet. That being said, the only bug I've come across so far is the strange chest (Ebonheart side).
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