Luke_Flamesword wrote: »Yeah, this is shoulder and there is just no chest at all.
The no chest is probably sai sahan style
The no chest is probably sai sahan style
El_Borracho wrote: »
Agree those look like High Elf epaulets. But the Sai Sahan style has a higher waist and plates on the hips. Those look like Prisoner's pants or trousers. The chest piece might be Black Drake with the arm wraps that the epaulets hides. But its hard to be certain
Considering it's a screenshot of someone standing in a town it's entirely possible they removed their chest piece, it's not like they'd have to be wearing a full set of armour.
If I remember correctly this is by the outfit station in Alinor, so they might have been experimenting with outfits, or maybe taking a screenshot of the epaulets without a chest piece underneath. But it could also be that they just like how this looks so they remove the chest piece when they don't need it.