Seeking small intimate PvE team.


I am looking for a small guild to level and do advanced PvE content with.

I am Canadian and it would be nice to find local (localish?) friends to play with.
  • DaddyBetaTest
    Hey there - what Alliance are you a part of? We've got a small group of guys (currently 5) on the Daggerfall Covenant that have been playing games together for several years and could use some fresh blood!

    I should add that we are rather laid back in attitude but are also looking foward to some of the more advanced things, like Adventure Zones and maybe even Trials.

    My character name is Cabrakan if you're interested, send me a message! I'm usually on after 9pm eastern until around midnight. If you can't catch me then, feel free to shoot me a message through the in game mail.
    Edited by DaddyBetaTest on March 31, 2014 5:21PM
  • Ghastly
    Hi @remilafo‌

    <Grin> Is a friendly, casual PvP/PvE guild, US/PC/AD (though we welcome cross faction members), with a solid core that's been playing together through beta. We have players of all types, and from all backgrounds. Several of us have been "top tier" gamers in previous mmo's but want to take a bit more relaxed approach this time around.

    Our rules are fairly basic:

    1) Teamwork above all else. Through teamwork, everything else comes naturally.

    2) Bigotry of any kind will absolutely not be tolerated. We have members from all backgrounds, and we enjoy our diverse community.

    3) You must download teamspeak3. You do not have to talk, or even own a mic, but it will be required for any pvp or pve guild groups and events.

    4) No spamming or scamming.

    We prefer players who are 18 or older.

    If you would like to join, post here or send myself (@ghastlygrin), or @Empjoy, mail in game.

    See you in game!
  • remilafo
    thank you for your responses. more are welcome..
  • Mara_Jade
    Very small guild here looking to add enough players to open the guild bank as we are avid collectors willing to share items. Mostly just family right now and in AD but will never participate in PvP as it is just for gathering and sharing items. We are not local to Canada but still very friendly to all. You can message me in game @Jdiknight
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • Wolfwing

    You may be interested in my guild, the Fangs of Ironglaive. We are a small (10 person) guild as of right now looking to help level our members. We are on the NA server and AD based (although we have no qualms about other faction members). We are focusing on PvE, crafting, trading, and socializing to create a real community. We are looking for mature players who are friendly and respectful.

    If you are interested feel free to check out our forum post for more information:


    Steelfang Knight of the Fangs of Ironglaive

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Dog_G6
    Hey Remilafo, I run an exploration-based guild, we do PVE, exploring (of course), private and public dungeons, quests, group encounters, skyshard hunts, crafting and gathering, and PVP.

    As far as I know, most of us are just plain old Americans, not sure if any of our players are Canadian but may be.

    Not sure what faction you play, we are mainly Ebonheart, but have some Aldmeri players. It'd be great to have you if you'd like to join us.

    The guild name is Clockwork Senate, you can PM me @Dog_G6, or my friends @ahorne145, @Aeraibrooks, @Sivuden or @LordYanLiang, or leave your @Handle or username on our site at if you'd like to join us.
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