So your in the Heat of the moment, you just had a beautiful streak of killing 5 other players, your resources are low, you have a giant smile and feel powerful, finally you are understanding what it feels like to not only win 1v1 in pvp but 1vx... An enemy player is on approach, you know you have just beaten them moments before, they come at you with your full burst, you dodge roll, hit a "tri" potion mid roll as all your resources are now low from the battle you just had killing their friends, then you hear this noise, and unsure what the noise was you look up at the top right corner of your monitor all to see the message, (This item can not be used at this time). So let me get this straight, at the very, very moment you are in absolute need of a healing potion or any other, you can not use a potion? So, in other words, NO CLUTCH Victory for you, no seizing the moment.... WHY ZOS WHY! PLEASE PLAY YOUR GAME IN PVP! How about you take a Poll or something, or actively play your game? There is no way I am the only one complaining about this. So I have to not only pvp other players, but also LAG, Bugs, and an inbreed YOU MUST DIE System from the DEVS? WHY!!!!