This is common in the genre, even if it probably isn't true to medieval Britain, but most Men in ESO, other than Nords and Reachfolk, have American accents anyway.
BaalMelqartu wrote: »Not personally concerned about accents. They could all speak like a kiwi, Nigerian, Dane or Texan or a complete mixture. It's fantasy.
BaalMelqartu wrote: »Not personally concerned about accents. They could all speak like a kiwi, Nigerian, Dane or Texan or a complete mixture. It's fantasy.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
- Nord: Stereotypical Scandinavian
- High elf: Generic affluent British
- Dunmer: Generic educated British, a little less affluent
- Wood elf: Stereotypical less educated British
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
- Nord: Stereotypical Scandinavian
- High elf: Generic affluent British
- Dunmer: Generic educated British, a little less affluent
- Wood elf: Stereotypical less educated British
A lot of it sounds like Americans doing half-bad impressions... it's kind of charming
I have only noticed one Nord in Elder Scrolls media with a noticable Scandinavian accent and that was Mjoll the Lioness in Skyrim(and some other npc's voiced by the same actress who is from Sweden)
I'm not complaining though because heavy accented Scandinavian English often sound pretty bad(especially Eastern Norwegian, just listen to people like Petter Solberg and Jens Stoltenberg and you get an idea)
angelwithashotgun wrote: »I realized that when listening to the voicelines in quests, that there is either british or accentless english being spoken. Which got me thinking why an american company would seem to not hire any "american" speaking voice actor. I immediatly thought it must be because such thing as: "The Middle Age" did simply not exist in America and started googling a bit around. I tried to find an answer considering the voice actor choice but couldn't find any. No thread, no post, no Q&A. So I am just throwing this in here, because why not.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
I was wondering why a lot of people called them cockney when I've always thought most of them sound like Devon colliding with Norfolk via Sydney, but I think it must be the tour guide, because she definitely *is* doing cockney/mockney (along with a few other characters) and it sticks. The others are, well, globe-trotting, and not always in a good way, but maybe the accents shift between the tree-dense wood elf zones and the slightly greener ones.
With the Imperials seemingly modeled somewhat after how we depict ancient Romans it would make sense that European voice actors and actresses would be used heavily. After all, the imperials are at the center of this game.
angelwithashotgun wrote: »Yes exactly, so I totally forgot to mention that; wrote this post in 2 minutes without reading through it. Yes there is the very distinguishable slavic accent aswell. Totally forgot that. But I just came to realize, that, what I consider the "american" country accent to be, was simply not found in the game. And hence my thoughtprocess.
Nightowl_74 wrote: »I don't pay a whole lot of attention but I know I've noticed characters speaking with a "generic" American accent, because that's what I hear every day here on the west coast. I can't say I've ever noticed regional U.S. accents in the game, but that could just be because my ears aren't as attuned to picking them out from among the rest.