I am not in an RP guild, but I do like playing MMO's LIKE it is an old fashioned pen and paper RPG. So on a few of my characters I do have various costumes set up for the environment they are in.
As for mounts I generally have mounts that work for their character, then I use a random mount/pet mod.
Here is an example using four environmental costumes. You may notice that in three of them, they are just color variations of the same gear. (I like how that looks on her.) And they all work with a particular hat. I like having the costumes have as quick change as possible so I don't want to keep going into the collections tab. They are all set up that I can open the character screen. Select the costume, then keep going.
I kind of wish we had an addon that can automatically change costumes for us depending on the zone. Like when I am in Malabol Tor then select this costume, and if I am in Elsweyr select this different costume. Etc.
He even lodged his horse in a stable and rented a guar because it was too swampy for his horse to explore. Yes, I do this.
stewhead2ub17_ESO wrote: »Lately I've been finding myself changing outfits for my char to match the weather in the zone I'm in. Question for all my RP'ers. Do you change your character's appearance to better match the terrain they're adventuring in, i.e. warm weather clothing vs. cold weather? How about your companions or mounts? Do you change to a non combat outfit unless questing? This simple act has added to my enjoyment & given me more incentive to find motifs.
stewhead2ub17_ESO wrote: »
emilyhyoyeon wrote: »With my two main characters, one I do, the other I don't because I love her robe too much and her mount is undead (a ghost) that she summons so a mount change doesn't really matter to her.
My other character has her combat/adventuring leathers, different sets of town clothes for different climates and situations, fishing gear, etc. She doesn't usually change her mount though. In fact a lot of the time she goes places on foot.