Title pretty much says it all, but I’ll elaborate.
I think the art design in this game is, all in all, pretty robust. This game has amassed a plethora of cosmetic options for gear, and there’s something for just about everybody in here nowadays. The 673 or so chest pieces in this game range the gamut from tribal leathers to demonic plate-mail to elegant wizard robes.
Want to look like a vampire knight? It’s there. A bandit? ESO’s got you covered. Here’s to hoping you don’t want to look like an Ancestral Breton / Ancestral Akaviri / Ancient Daedra though, since you’ll have to jump through multiple low probability hoops for eons of time (exceedingly low chance of a treasure map for the desired zone in every locked chest, followed by a low chance of said treasure map actually dropping a lead for a page, followed by an increasingly low chance of said lead being one you don’t already have) and/or dump millions on auction house items… but I digress.
Lots of options, but so many of these otherwise great motifs and styles have big, goofy hip-plates that visibly float in thin air, suspended by magic next to your character’s hips. It’s an odd look, and one I can’t recall seeing in any other game, ever… probably for good reason. It’s jarring to have pieces of your armor literally detached from your suit and floating to the sides of you. In some extreme cases, like the Nedic costumes or the default Imperial armors, the open space between the plates and the character can get downright risible.
It also doesn’t help that said floating pieces of armor are seemingly designed with the default character pose in mind, so any other “personality” usually results in noticeable clipping issues. My sassy assassin’s hands disappear into over-sized hip-plate when she rests them on her hip, and her angled hips mean that one hip plate or the other is usually visually embedded in her torso or posterior. It’s… it’s not great.
I wish there was an option to toggle the things on or off. I harbor no illusions: it’d be a miserable quality of life improvement to implement. These hips plates are not unique, separate armor pieces. They are parts of the afore-mentioned chest pieces, and removing them would involve a lot of obnoxious tweaking and testing. It’d be an expensive, time-consuming slog.
Probably never going to happen as a result, but man… it’s a shame.
Speaking from my own Fashion Scrolls experience, I have unlocked 619 chest pieces, but steadfastly avoid using a goodly number of them because the accompanying hip-plates are so egregious. The Fargrave style is simply beautiful to behold, but the hip-plates are clearly not attached to anything, egregiously float off the character model, clip into my character’s hands during her personality poses, and are untenably unpleasant. The Ebonshadow style is awesome, and I love the light robes… but those hip-plates. Gadzooks. Not even an attempt to make them look attached to something. So on and so forth.
TLDR: I don’t mind floating orbs of fire or frost orbiting around my character, but floating flaps of metal suspended three to seven inches away from her hips are a bit much. I’m grateful for the slowly growing pool of armor styles that either have no hip-plates or ones designed to sit snug on the character and look attached to something. A toggle to turn the plates off would be welcome though, especially for the older styles.
Edit addition: also, I did want to kind of playfully mention that toggled-off hip-plates would, in most cases, not result in needing to add new textures to detail areas where they used to be... because these textures already exist. You can see them even now, loud and clear, because the hip-plates are detached and hover to the sides of said textures. For example, the Outlaw heavy armor style hip-plates hover over fully completed texture work. If they were toggled off, there wouldn't be gaps in the style visually. Just two less floating crescents of leather clipping into the character model at every pose outside of standing still.
Edited by Ingel_Riday on February 11, 2023 7:50AM