Streak of bad luck

It is really weird. I basically ALWAYS have either a streak of good tavern luck or bad tavern luck. Unfortunately the bad tavern luck outweighs the good tavern luck. ToT rng is conspiring against me, I am sure :D

I've played four or five matches today and lost each one of it because I could not buy the cards while my opponent could. This game is definitely decided during the first two or three rounds with the first good draw being already highly decisive. I start to think that ToT hates me but this hate grows mutual :D
Edited by AnduinTryggva on February 7, 2023 6:35PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Why don't you give us some examples of your gameplay? I found that analyzing my decisions and asking others too not only made me a better player, but also made it easier to overcome bad luck and also realize it wasn't happening to me as much as I thought so much as I didn't know how to turn B tier cards into a winning hand if am opponent got an A tier one. I win more than I lose nowadays.

    Some games truly are unwinnable from first couple of draws but it's less than it felt like before I started rewatching.

    But that's my personal experience.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on February 8, 2023 12:26AM
  • AnduinTryggva
    I would still say that 30 to 50% of all matches are won by the first few draws. I usually now concede as soon as I see that my opponent is quickly building up his cards while I am already on the defensive having to fight his good draws. ToT is like monopoly but quicker in that a small early advantage builds up to a large advantage.
  • DragonRacer
    Feeling you there. Been playing ranked all day with an overall net loss of 200+ points trying to get to Rubedite. So many folks picking Pelin deck and so many folks, even when we are in a dead heat of turning in cards for 2 gold treasury cards, the other gets that Armory power card for 6 gold first and it honestly seems to decide the game so much of the time.

    Super dispiriting.

    Especially when EVERY SINGLE GAME you see them hit 6 gold first when it happens to pop. I got it once in like 8 hours. I'm sorry, but that is mental RNG luck.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • fall0athboy
    My bad luck is that the game seems to realize I want to play with crows in NPC matches. It now just keeps spawning nearly every other card in the game before giving crow cards.
  • AnduinTryggva
    I really don't understand. Since a couple of days I really have bad tavern luck in 80% of all matches me losing these games. It is almost as if there were a secret trick putting up cards in the tavern favorable for my opponent and disfavorable for me. It is really a strange streak of bad luck. I am so frustrated.

    Since this, I really struggle to win the lila daily box let alone the golden one.
    Edited by AnduinTryggva on February 24, 2023 4:29PM
  • DragonRacer
    The amount of times the Armory card from the Pelin deck drops for my opponent and not for me is mind-boggling.

    I even had a match recently where it popped up in the Tavern for my opponent. They bought it. And it was replaced with ANOTHER Armory card, which they also then bought. Just instant mega-power handed straight to my opponent with not a thing I could do about it.

    I have started conceding matches more often now and go do things that aren't a complete waste of time.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • AnduinTryggva
    The amount of times the Armory card from the Pelin deck drops for my opponent and not for me is mind-boggling.

    I even had a match recently where it popped up in the Tavern for my opponent. They bought it. And it was replaced with ANOTHER Armory card, which they also then bought. Just instant mega-power handed straight to my opponent with not a thing I could do about it.

    I have started conceding matches more often now and go do things that aren't a complete waste of time.

    Exactly. It seems somehow that my tavern luck got from so so to very bad in recent times.
  • Lucien_Torriel
    I feel your pain. 1 out of 20 games, the tavern is in neutral territory. 19 out of 20 games, the tavern is in my opponent's territory. 1 out of 21 games, the tavern is in my territory.
  • AnduinTryggva
    I don't understand. Since two or three weeks I have significantly!!!! more bad tavern luck than good tavern luck. It is really really strange. Is there a deterministic component in the tavern cards?

    I am currently losing 3 to 4 matches for 1 win and not because the opponent strat is really something unseen or not applied by myself. Just by tavern luck
    Edited by AnduinTryggva on March 8, 2023 5:59PM
  • Stinkyremy
    I am having a similar issue. normally I bomb through the ranks and reach rubedite really quick but for some reason this season I keep having terrible luck and bad card and keep loosing. Twice I have been half way to rubedite but them went all the way back down to near the beginning XP of voidsteel rank.

    I genuinely think something has changed. I mean there are better players than me of course but it is only this season I am having this type of loosing streaks.
  • Fugus
    Only play the NPC can definitely see the RNG seems off the past few days.

    Tried playing the Crow for a few games and I could literally go 10 straight turns without a single Crow card out. The NPC didn't buy them, literally, they just never hit the tavern to buy.

    Another game, then another game I went for Pelin, didn't really have a set plan to go for, but Pelin cards were 4 out of every 5 cards drawn for the first half of the game. I wonder if it finally transitioned away from him because they ran out of his cards. Me and the NPC bought them all because they were all we could buy.

    Can definitely force you to play decks you weren't intending but the RNG definitely felt off. But.... you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want.
  • DragonRacer
    Yeah, I quit ToT at this point. Endless bad luck in Ranked and Unranked has done me in. Then, the icing on the cake, an Unranked Casual match where dude starts trolling me with Rahjiin patron spam, then starts literally MESSAGING ME ON PSN to be a jerk. In a freaking CASUAL match. This is beyond ridiculous.

    Like, you’re already winning 18-0 and there’s literally nothing I can buy/do except patron spam back.

    NPCs only from now on. Goodbye, transmute crystals, I guess. It’s a real shame because I used to really enjoy this game, but I guess this will give me lots of time back for doing other stuff.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Jusey1
    Goodbye, transmute crystals, I guess.

    You still get transmute crystals from NPCs.
  • DragonRacer
    Jusey1 wrote: »

    You still get transmute crystals from NPCs.

    Huh. I figured it only came from playing against real people.

    That’s some small comfort, then. Thanks for the info.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
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