I think that's doable, I have an addon that disables interactions with seats, I can possibly do the same with a wayshrine, basically you will not have the wayshrine name, the keybind and the "use" text displayed and clicking on the wayshrine will do nothing (I mean in the 3D world).I understand that disabling the game feature of wayshrine travelling is impossible
Saint-Ange wrote: »Have you tried World Map Wayshrines Controller?
Masteroshi430 wrote: »So, playing without using any wayshrine is your goal here?
Ok I just tested now that the servers are back up. Looks like the addon is pretty outdated because the "Overwrite Show/Hide" part of the settings are greyed out without being accessible. However, even if it were to work, upon closer inspection of the mod settings it only would disable wayshrines on the Tamriel map, not on every map.Saint-Ange wrote: »Have you tried World Map Wayshrines Controller?
I think I might try making an addon like this then. It'll have to be a project I work on over time though since my only ESO modding experience is with UI overlays hahaMasteroshi430 wrote: »I think that's doable, I have an addon that disables interactions with seats, I can possibly do the same with a wayshrine, basically you will not have the wayshrine name, the keybind and the "use" text displayed and clicking on the wayshrine will do nothing (I mean in the 3D world).
What mod is it you use to disable the access button for seats? Maybe I can work backwards from there.
Masteroshi430 wrote: »It is an addon I made to avoid unwillingly entering dialog with companions and followers (you have to have a key pressed e. g. ctrl, and then click to do it), it also avoids interaction with seats and other things using the same code logic:
You can reuse parts of the code to stop wayshrine interactions if you will.
I'll test this out once the servers are back up. Thanks!
Yep that's my goal. I'm fine with using them while doing PvP/PvE content, but while doing world content like questing I want to be immersed in the world and be forced to use in-universe travel options like boats, portals, etc.