KyleTheYounger wrote: »I'm a SUPER casual PvE gamer who has yet to complete the base game MQ i.e beating Molag Bal. Since I bought ESO in 2016, I'd really like to complete the base game MQ before I kick the bucket or by time 2024 rolls around. Whichever comes first.
My oldest most experienced toon is a DK lvl 980 which alternates between dual wield axe/sword and staff in battle tactics. He wears heavy armor crafted sets (for PvE immersive purposes) Which is probably the worst strategic and tactical gear to wear when tanking end dungeon bosses solo. Especially in group PvE situations where most of the newer public/group dungeons are designed to test player survivability.
Anyways, as a result of my gear & build setup, I'm unable to beat Bal in the MQ (even if you strategically die several times to drop Bal's HP to about 50% his max HP). This is because my toon constantly dies when fighting magicka based NPC bosses over 1M+ HP. Regardless whether they're base game or DLC/dungeon DLC. And especially the more recent DLC bosses which ZoS made more challenging like any of the ones since the Blackwood DLC release
As a result of that, I can't fully experience or complete the game content that was intended for the solo player.
I've been researching the best heavy armor sets and toon builds to achieve this. Just in time for ZoS to nerf/update/re-level an OP advantages in all the game's PvE/PvP fighting mechanics as soon as I finally settle on the best build. And especially class mechanics which obsoletes all the time I put into researching said class/character/armor/weapon build.
I'd really like to be able to tank at least the base game bosses (both overland & dungeon) solo to get some experience before facing Bal in the MQ. However, this was an ever increasing challenge given my toon's complete incompetence and gear setup when trying to beat a single, immobile, non sentient target dummy at 1M+ HP
It seems the best and OP sets are either light or medium armor sets. And 99% of these are not craftable and/or need to be acquired from final vet dungeon and/or trial Boss drops. Which aren't possible for my toon given their gear & build deficiency. So could someone elaborate
if any OP heavy overland/dungeon armor sets survived ZoS last nerf:
- which character class on average, is still the best to solo tank an end of dungeon final boss like Bal?
- which craftable heavy armor sets (comparable to trial/vet dungeon heavy sets) would be best in solo fighting 3M HP bosses (Bal being my ultimate objective)
- if said craftable sets don't exist, then which dungeon/trial sets would accomplish same objective?
With every DLC/Chapter content update, it increasingly seems that ESO was designed for magicka wielding class builds if you're a solo PvE player. My DK toon simply cannot tank a 1M+ HP boss solo while having to rely on his DK melee based skill tactics. It's child's play for magicka based bosses and other non boss NPC mods to drop him from range with their magicka based attacks.
And given the overhaul increase in HP that ZoS has given end dungeon/chapter/DLC bosses since base game release, it's become increasingly impossible to beat these high level bosses if you're not magicka class based. Or wearing light/med/monster gear combo. Which you can only acquire through beating said high end level bosses in the first place.....
You don't need to be able to solo world or dungeon bosses (as opposed to delve bosses), or come even close to doing so, in order to complete the main quest.
KyleTheYounger wrote: »You don't need to be able to solo world or dungeon bosses (as opposed to delve bosses), or come even close to doing so, in order to complete the main quest.
You don't understand. My toon always needs to take his obligatory dirt nap after a min or so into combat of a typical overland/dungeon (NOT delve) boss. Basically any boss that is 1M+ in HP is a struggle with his present skill line/combat readiness and armor sets.
So yes, he needs to be able to beat a 3M HP boss consistently on his own before facing Bal.
KyleTheYounger wrote: »You don't need to be able to solo world or dungeon bosses (as opposed to delve bosses), or come even close to doing so, in order to complete the main quest.
Because I'm fairly certain you can't quit/drop the endgame MQ quest once you finally enter & face Bal, Right before I rage quit my keyboard across the room. O.x So rather not venture down the final MQ rabbit hole before gaining this sustainability ability. But pls correct me if my assumption you can only face Bal once is the case, as I'd love to do multiple test runs through Heart's Grief. I don't want my toon end up being stuck in this conclusion to the MQ until he can beat Bal.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »2. There is not a straight forward answer. Almost every enemy in PVP has 18.2k resist, so you want to get to 18.2k penetration to do max damage. Any more is wasted. Its pretty hard to get there on your own, so usually penetration is a stronger choice when solo if it comes to tradeoffs. As a tank, you dont really care about either for yourself, but one of the main jobs of a tank is to give their group penetration. Major/Minor breach are the two most obvious ways. If buildling for damage in a group setting, you typically favor crit over penetratoin, because your group is giving you the penetration you need. When solo, Noxious breath will give you major breach, I would worry too much about pen after that.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »2. There is not a straight forward answer. Almost every enemy in PVP has 18.2k resist, so you want to get to 18.2k penetration to do max damage. Any more is wasted. Its pretty hard to get there on your own, so usually penetration is a stronger choice when solo if it comes to tradeoffs. As a tank, you dont really care about either for yourself, but one of the main jobs of a tank is to give their group penetration. Major/Minor breach are the two most obvious ways. If buildling for damage in a group setting, you typically favor crit over penetratoin, because your group is giving you the penetration you need. When solo, Noxious breath will give you major breach, I would worry too much about pen after that.
I'm sure you meant PvE but just wanted to add that overland/quest mobs have 9,1k resists, 4-person dungeons and trials have 18,2k resists.
OP you wrote that you upgraded your weapons when you were CP 50 and it makes me wonder about the levels of your gear. When you look at the tooltip, are they all level 50 and CP 160?
KyleTheYounger wrote: »What sets are you using? What skills? CP? Food? Race? Etc. Give us that info so we can better help you
Weapons set: all generic but legendary level:
---sword 1h frost damage; using infused enchant
---axe 1h fire damage (strong hand); using charged enchant
---fire staff 2h fire damage; using charged enchantment
Staff tactically used to compliment DK skills for dealing fire damage if staff equipped. Utterly useless for some enemies who're fire based and/or immune.
KyleTheYounger wrote: »Any Point Playing DK With All The Nerfs/Updates Leveling Classes & Now New Class Coming Out?
Charon_on_Vacation wrote: »op, tell us what server you are on.
i'm not playing the game anymore but i'm sure someone here would be willing to take you under his wing and you'll be able to do all that stuff in no time.
it's really not hard once someone explains to you, how things work and what you have to keep in mind.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am not aware of any enemy in ESO that is immune to fire damage. Fire staff is the best element for damage if running a staff, especially on a DK. Double fire staffs is a very strong option for damage. Will you technically do max damage with DW front, 2 hand back, yes, but to be very candid, if you can't kill molag bal, min maxing like that is not something you should be doing. Fire staffs are safe and very effective against every PVE enemy in the game.
Ill shut up now, happy to answer any questions you have.
Yes I've used the first DK skill line quite a bit. The last 2 are permanently slotted on my 1h axe/sword bar. All dual wield and DK associated skills are level IV maxed out. Still no major difference in how soon it takes my toon to die. And that's him cycling through all his abilities on a frequent basis, moving around to avoid NPC area damage, maxed out DoT/AoE skills slotted etc. etc.Do you use any of the self healing options available to you? Like Burning Embers, Bloodthirst and Blood Craze?
KyleTheYounger wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am not aware of any enemy in ESO that is immune to fire damage. Fire staff is the best element for damage if running a staff, especially on a DK. Double fire staffs is a very strong option for damage. Will you technically do max damage with DW front, 2 hand back, yes, but to be very candid, if you can't kill molag bal, min maxing like that is not something you should be doing. Fire staffs are safe and very effective against every PVE enemy in the game.
Ill shut up now, happy to answer any questions you have.
Whenever you attack some NPCs (regardless whether in dungeons/delves/overland or even on missions) you sometimes get a "Target is Immune" message at top right corner of screen. So spamming any fire based weapon (staff axe etc) does absolutely zero damage to these boss/mini boss or otherwise hostile NPCs. Think first time I encountered this was in one of the public dungeons in Blackwood. Most mini boss and final bosses there use some form of fire. And so this immunity made sense. Switching to another weapon type frost/shock etc does create damage however
OP, you state that you're unable to beat Molag Ball, but have you actually tried? There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to, especially if you're telling us that you have 980 CPs.