Lineage of tooth and claw broken

Hello TESO support.

I'm having issues with the mission:

Lineage of tooth and claw. I was able to capture the werewolf, i took it to the cave, then i reached the ritual area and the npc told me to wait because the werewolf was going to speak.

So the werewolf stats speaking and when he finish the mission got broken and nothing else happens. The pointer is still pointing to the werewolf and i cant proceed with the mission. How can you help me solve this issue?

My char name is: the pain u feel

Thanks for your help, regards
  • SmithNL
    Try relogging.

    Works for me
    I live for science!
  • Brisbanoch
    Broken for me as well. Relogging is doing nothing.
  • Kiritsumi
    Same problem here, and relogging, /reloadui and everything else I can think of doesn't work.
  • Xnemesis
    I had this happen to me too. I got stuck at the listen to the werewolf part. I just abandoned the quest and redid it and it worked fine.
  • elguayo
    Ok i was able to solve this issue not by loggin in again, shutting down the PC, and a lot of other stuff, but what i did was to leave the mission and start all over again.

    Anyway thanks to everyone who gave and idea.
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