Nameplate addon?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I'm having a really hard time getting into this game without nameplates, it just feels lifeless, like everyone is a npc. Does anyone know if there are any nameplate addons yet?
  • reagen_lionel
    I actually dont mind the absence of nameplates. There used to be an option for nameplates in the settings in beta. No longer the case.

    To me the players feel lifeless simply because communication is difficult. Can have people face to face talking and they not even know one is talking to another.

    In the proposed chat bubble addon request. It was said it was impossible for the current API to track a player let alone other functions to make that possible. So I suppose an addon for nameplates would also be out of the question since it needs track every player on screen?
  • Zargorius
    Chat Bubbles, not Nameplates, that's what would give life imho.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • Hencz
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Chat Bubbles, not Nameplates, that's what would give life imho.

    I agree. Not really "bubbles" though, more like a rectangle with text in it.
    Add me in-game @DrHencz. [EU]
  • jmido8
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Chat Bubbles, not Nameplates, that's what would give life imho.

    Differing opinions. Chat bubbles would be nice as well but nameplates make the difference for me.

    I actually dont mind the absence of nameplates. There used to be an option for nameplates in the settings in beta. No longer the case.

    To me the players feel lifeless simply because communication is difficult. Can have people face to face talking and they not even know one is talking to another.

    In the proposed chat bubble addon request. It was said it was impossible for the current API to track a player let alone other functions to make that possible. So I suppose an addon for nameplates would also be out of the question since it needs track every player on screen?

    I hope that's not true, it seems trivial but that's going to kill the game for me. I was struggling whether or not I should buy it in the first place because of this but everyone promised there would be nameplate addons/or atleast an option in game because it would be completely silly otherwise.
  • Hencz
    jmido8 wrote: »

    I hope that's not true, it seems trivial but that's going to kill the game for me. I was struggling whether or not I should buy it in the first place because of this but everyone promised there would be nameplate addons/or atleast an option in game because it would be completely silly otherwise.

    Even if there isn't an addon already for it, it's probably just a matter of time before someone creates one. If it can't be done, like @reagen_lionel said, how could the devs do it in beta then?
    Add me in-game @DrHencz. [EU]
  • reagen_lionel
    Hencz wrote: »

    Even if there isn't an addon already for it, it's probably just a matter of time before someone creates one. If it can't be done, like @reagen_lionel said, how could the devs do it in beta then?

    The limited API players are allowed to use now is much different than the core code the developers who created the game has access to.

    thats like comparing a few dropped apples to the whole apple tree.
  • elfindreams
    It is strange but I am warming to the lack of nameplates. Especially when regaled with such wonderful names as "Ipoopmypants" and "Daedric Prince" or any of the many names from lore that seem to have been taken... add to that the ubiqutous "xxPutSomethingHereBecauseIcouldn'tgetTheOriginalxx"... or extreme variants using unicode, I think I am quite happy without them... I guess it is a matter of personal taste. They could certainaly provide API to do it tho so people who do want to see random crazy names floating by can.

    I could definitely do with some guild symbols or tags and chat bubbles tho. I suspect the guild symbols/tags are complicated by the ability to be in multiple guilds... although they could give the player an option which they wish to display.

    Something to consider tho is that not having these available is having an interesting effect. I found myself pugging with what appeared to be a large guild group yesterday in Cyrrodil on the fly (no group invite or the like) just started following them and joining in doing dps and healing. Since there were no guild tags or name plates, I am pretty sure none of them even realized a non-guild member had been joining in as I was getting healed, etc just like one of the team. I just kind of got lost in the crowd.

    On the balance, I think what they are trying to do is rather interesting and i'm not sure what making the options available would do to it.
  • Zargorius
    It is strange but I am warming to the lack of nameplates. Especially when regaled with such wonderful names as "Ipoopmypants" and "Daedric Prince" or any of the many names from lore that seem to have been taken... add to that the ubiqutous "xxPutSomethingHereBecauseIcouldn'tgetTheOriginalxx"... or extreme variants using unicode, I think I am quite happy without them... I guess it is a matter of personal taste. They could certainaly provide API to do it tho so people who do want to see random crazy names floating by can.

    I could definitely do with some guild symbols or tags and chat bubbles tho. I suspect the guild symbols/tags are complicated by the ability to be in multiple guilds... although they could give the player an option which they wish to display.

    Something to consider tho is that not having these available is having an interesting effect. I found myself pugging with what appeared to be a large guild group yesterday in Cyrrodil on the fly (no group invite or the like) just started following them and joining in doing dps and healing. Since there were no guild tags or name plates, I am pretty sure none of them even realized a non-guild member had been joining in as I was getting healed, etc just like one of the team. I just kind of got lost in the crowd.

    On the balance, I think what they are trying to do is rather interesting and i'm not sure what making the options available would do to it.

    Zenimax already stated that there will be guild emblems/tabards for Cyrodiil which makes me think of knightly medieval awesomeness :)
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • Tahoenvy
    I am LOVING the no nameplates and no chat bubbles. The whole experience is so much more immersive. PLEASE DO NOT ADD THEM!!!
  • elfindreams
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Zenimax already stated that there will be guild emblems/tabards for Cyrodiil which makes me think of knightly medieval awesomeness :)

    I think wearable tabards with guild emblems on them (as a disguise for example) are exactly the right way to do it... you get to choose which tabard to wear and it is there incorporated into the world not a floating UI element.
  • Sivetar
    jmido8 wrote: »
    I'm having a really hard time getting into this game without nameplates, it just feels lifeless, like everyone is a npc. Does anyone know if there are any nameplate addons yet?

    Personally I hate the idea of nameplates. BUT if you feel lonely why not turn on health bars for all players? That way you can see all the players that are there in the world with you.
  • jmido8
    I have had hp bars on since the start and it helps to differentiate people from npcs but the game still feels pretty lifeless to me. I don't care about immersion, I like mmo's because of the vast number of people and community feeling to it but I just don't feel any connections with other players when there isn't an easily visible name for me to attach to them.

  • starstruck
    Its not only about knowing players are around, but recognizing familiar names and players when you are out adventuring. Like in RL, when you always take the same train and start to recognize the familiar faces. In MMO, as its hard to differentiate faces, the name gives an identity to the players around you. As you level, there will be familiar names who has the same levelling speed as you, or players who you had enjoy grouping with before and seeing them again in the open world, it builds an overall sense of community.

    Now players just feel like faceless, nameless drones. Most people won't even realise when guildies or people on your friend list are standing and fighting just next to you, which is rather saddening .
  • Alkutraz
    Soul Shriven
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you see a persons name pop up when I mouse over them? I personally like how clean the UI is, though features like this should be optional for those that want it. As for chatting with others, why not implement some sort of notification chime with customization options for each type you want to monitor in the chat window. In the same way as you could customize the colors of each chat type.
  • Feroc
    Yeah, optional nameplates are really missing. Especially annoying you have to find the one NPC in the group of players. Usually I just enable nameplates for NPCs.
  • Tusnelda
    starstruck wrote: »
    Its not only about knowing players are around, but recognizing familiar names and players when you are out adventuring. Like in RL, when you always take the same train and start to recognize the familiar faces. In MMO, as its hard to differentiate faces, the name gives an identity to the players around you. As you level, there will be familiar names who has the same levelling speed as you, or players who you had enjoy grouping with before and seeing them again in the open world, it builds an overall sense of community.

    Now players just feel like faceless, nameless drones. Most people won't even realise when guildies or people on your friend list are standing and fighting just next to you, which is rather saddening .

    Thank you, Starstruck! This is soooo true!

    The game is wonderful, but it feels like a single player game. Additionally, the chat is incredibly quiet - I guess most of the normal discussions from the world or region chats now spread over the trading guilds. So the global server community is split and won't merge, if there is no change.
    Please remove @userid from Tamriel and replace it with our charnames
  • fordfx2b14a_ESO
    We should all support the chat bubbles thread!
  • Methanos
    Tahoenvy wrote: »
    I am LOVING the no nameplates and no chat bubbles. The whole experience is so much more immersive. PLEASE DO NOT ADD THEM!!!

    Isn't the OP just asking for a nameplate add-on? :P I'd personally like one for it, and those who don't want it, wouldn't have to use it...
  • jmido8
    Methanos wrote: »

    Isn't the OP just asking for a nameplate add-on? :P I'd personally like one for it, and those who don't want it, wouldn't have to use it...

    Exactly, I just want the option to use them. I don't care if others don't.
  • starstruck
    An option to turn it on and off would imho be the best. This would satisfy both group of players.
  • Corithna
    Having just come from a long extended beta pts where these issues were discussed, debated, fought over, argued about, ranted over, raged at, laughed at, cried over, and lectured ad nausium about. I can confirm per developer statements on this that there will be no nameplate functionality added to the game nor will there be chat bubbles added at any time to this title. I am absolutely certain that any deviation from this stance will be made in a very public manner for all to see should such ever come about.

    That is all, please move along, nothing to see here....
    For all the millions of pages of codified law we have enacted in this nation alone, all of it, every word, sentence, paragraph and nuance, is steeped in the singular idea of this:

    "Be good to one another."
  • Shubuta
    Take a hint from Day Z and add a mumble style voice integration where we can just run up and say hello.
  • Mazic92
    I too really would like to have nameplates, but keep it as an option like in the beta.
    I am having a really hard time seeing who are players and who are NPCs.
    I really think this should be implemented in the game.
    There are alot of people wanting this but some who doesnt so keep it just and option and dont force people to use it!
  • Tajin
    Shubuta wrote: »
    Take a hint from Day Z and add a mumble style voice integration where we can just run up and say hello.
    That sounds cool in theory but in practice it would probably be a huuuuuugge immersion killer.

    Imagine an armorclad nord warrior walking up to you, talking with the voice of a 10 year old. *yuck*
    It's not likely to happen anyway.

    I'd love to have an option to enable chatbubbles!
  • Badh0rse
    I personally am starting to like having no nameplates but ..... yes there is a but ... nameplates and chat bubble should be in the options menu so the player can decide if he wants them or not. I would turn just party and guild nameplates on myself.
  • chris9546_ESO
    I am ok with no nameplates, especially when i get close to some of these people and see their names.
  • raymo666
    Soul Shriven
    I like nameplates. I want to know who someone is without having to mouse over them. Making them optional for those who want them seems like a no brainer. Those who like the way things are now just don't have to turn them on. It seems silly to me that they are choosing to alienate a relatively large segment of players for no reason.
  • Tajin
    Ok, so since this thread was my original motivation to do this, I'll mention it here.:

    I've made a small addon that at least partially helps to cope with the missing chatbubbles.

    As the name suggests: It plays emotes, automatically.
    It does so by checking for certain keywords in your local chat and tries to select emotes that are suitable. So while this won't help you to see other players talking (unless they use it to), it will atleast make it easier for others to tell when you are talking near them.
  • Cmdrofblue
    Nameplates ARE a MUST for me to pay for this game monthly; way too much confusion without them, and the paying customer should decide if they would like this option. THE REASON THIS IS EVEN AN ISSUE is due to the CROSS-PLATFORM portability for Xbox system where nameplates create clutter and lessen the feel of an XBox style game. This does make sense considering the single-player games XBox mainly focuses on. However, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE for PC USERS in my opinion. That's my two cents. Other games have started out with the XBox concept and ended up caving to PC users or suffer the financial consequences. DEVELOPERS: need to learn from prior lessons learned.
    Edited by Cmdrofblue on April 3, 2014 3:51PM
  • drakkenm555
    Oh stop , nameplates aren't required to enjoy the game at all. I've played every MMO under the sun. Name plates are not and never have been needed. Learn how to keep up with it. Personally I like not having name plates , and why should there not be an option for it? Because I don't want someone else seeing my name everywhere. This lets you stealth and sneak better. Hide behind tree's. If the enemy see's my name sticking out he sides. Really defeats the purpose doesn't it? Theres a lot of reasons NOT to add them. That out weight your need for an ability to run around with a silly name to gain attention. You get confused between an NPC and a player? GOOD YOU SHOULD BE. That's the point. To not be able to identify one or the other. As if pointing your mosue over it and seeing (banker , leather worker , armorer ) isn't enough.
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