I think its a quirk of the dungeon finder rather than a lack of dd. I've sat waiting 20 mins plus for a random normal while people are probably half way through a dungeon with 3 people because 1 dropped
It's a bug, sorry, I mean a feature. Sometimes you need to pass the lead around and let the other group members start the queue. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been in a group of 3 waiting for a dps for minutes on end, only to get an instant queue pop when someone else in the group tried it. It didn't work 100% of the time though and on those occasions I had to resort to begging people to join the group. Didn't make sense then and makes even less sense now.
FeedbackOnly wrote: »I think its a quirk of the dungeon finder rather than a lack of dd. I've sat waiting 20 mins plus for a random normal while people are probably half way through a dungeon with 3 people because 1 dropped
Doesn't make sense though with dps already having long queues? Does it make sense to you?
The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Glad you mentioned this too, by the way.
The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Yeah, it’s strange how we go from some patches Groupfinder works flawlessly, throwing us in groups instantly, to having difficulty finding the most common role.
Really gives the player experiencing it a, “is ESO dead?” Kind of vibe.
The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Yeah, it’s strange how we go from some patches Groupfinder works flawlessly, throwing us in groups instantly, to having difficulty finding the most common role.
Really gives the player experiencing it a, “is ESO dead?” Kind of vibe.
Ragnarok0130 wrote: »The_Titan_Tim wrote: »Yeah, it’s strange how we go from some patches Groupfinder works flawlessly, throwing us in groups instantly, to having difficulty finding the most common role.
Really gives the player experiencing it a, “is ESO dead?” Kind of vibe.
Then there's the group finder bug variant that if you have a pre made group that only needs one DD if the tank or healer has lead and queues it won't match, but if you give the DD lead and have him queue it immediately fills the group. The Group finder need an exorcist at this point not just a hot fix.