Weapon Skill Lines

Its 2023 and we still have no Illusion staff skill line
Its 2023 and we still have no Alteration staff skill line
Its 2023 and we still have no Conjuration staff skill line
Its 2023 and we still have no Crossbow skill line
Its 2023 and we still have no Flails skill line
Its 2023 and we still have no Spears skill line
Its 2023 and we still have no Throwing Weapons skill line

All these weapons and staves have been in previous Elder Scrolls games.. these are more exciting and add more to existing classes and systems than a new class. Since the game has been getting expansions, we have seen 3 new classes and only ONE new world skill line (Psijic). After the Necromancer just being released, I can't believe ANOTHER new class was the most requested feature. New weapons with new skill lines should absolutely be the goal for new systems.
  • Nihilr
    If we added some of those weapons, would could just add 2-3 skills, transfer some skills from other skill trees (dual wield's throwing knife, restoration's ward to alteration staff, etc). And all passives could just become stars in the Champion system... Some would have to slotted, some you could always have.

    The way skills have always been set up are just cookie cutter MMO, and should be more like TES, while still being balanced/capped.
  • Faulgor
    If people constantly freak out about the "impossible balance nightmare" of adding new skills, something other MMOs have done since forever, adding new weapon skill lines should alleviate some of those fears, as those new weapon skills would just displace your current ones.

    Spears and new staffs would have been great. They are just different kinds of sticks and can use the current staff models, more or less.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
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