SandroLordOfDarkness wrote: »Good day everyone!
I really liked the presentation of the new class "Arcanist", the concept and theme are wonderful, BUT
Please do not make the same mistakes that were made with the "Necromancer" and "Warden" classes, namely that when using class skills, the animation makes your weapon disappear from your hands, it looks very cheap, and spoils the impression of the class.
Please pay attention to this.
Believe me, many are dissatisfied with such a thing in the necromancer and varden, they simply do not raise this topic on the forum.
Thank you, I hope they hear me.
For my part, I promise to buy the most expensive pack, if at least 2/3 of skills Arcanist do not have this drawback)))
fleetingyouth_ESO wrote: »Have you played any other classes? I'm pretty sure every class has abilities that make your weapon disappear.
Its not a lapse in design its an animation timing issue. Look at all the problems with templar jabs over the years. The animations have to look good while fitting into a complex combat system based on timing/cooldowns.
Its simply more efficient to make the weapon disappear rather than add in an animation of the weapon going from hands to stowed and back to hands.
This is actually a big issue I and many people I know have with animations in this game haha I was not surprised to see that the new class also suffers from disappearing weapons, but it still hit me with disappointment to see.
BulletMagnetX wrote: »I play a Nightblade and I'd much rather the Nightblade moves used the held weapons if compatible with the move than be replaced by red shadows. But there it is.
It's particularly egregious with the Dawnguard Crossbow. When you use that your weapons disappear. But when you use the grapple crossbow exactly the same animations and crossbow models are employed, except that you can clearly see your weapon (and in the case of dual wielding and sword and shield, both weapons) transferred to the offhand for the duration. That looks great! But we can only see that in really specific locations. I notice that the same transfer to weapons to the same hand does occur in the Dual Wield skill line move Hidden Blade when you throw a dagger at a target. So it's been in the game forever and is just irregularly employed!
I think it would also be cool if we could get away with using Blade of Woe assassinations and personality animations with our equipped dagger style. There is already a glitch in the game that occasionally tosses your equipped weapon around when idling in the assassin personality. Which looks wild with a full sword.
SandroLordOfDarkness wrote: »
To solve this problem, programmers need to register only 1 tag for each skill.
If it was that easy, Templars would already have a better jabs animation.
SandroLordOfDarkness wrote: »
For the Templars and NB, everything is a little more complicated, I agree, in them the skills have the animation of a certain weapon (Spear - for the Templar and duals in the NB) but you can get out of this, for the NB you can rework these skills, for those in which the NB inflicts equip a weapon with a red enchantment, and the Templar can rename the skill branch to "holy weapon" and make an animation with a light enchantment when hit.
You've already lost ZOS by stating they have to rename a skill branch and make new animations. They aren't going to do it. Players are free to play or leave, but ZOS isn't going to invest limited resources to appease a tiny fraction of players who find this aspect of the game annoying. It's probably the easiest way to design and therefore the most cost effective.
I would LOVE for this change to happen. One thing I love about templars is alot of the skills animations don't remove the weapons. The animations themselves could be reworked but the fact that the weapons don't disappear is awesome.
SandroLordOfDarkness wrote: »Good day everyone!
I really liked the presentation of the new class "Arcanist", the concept and theme are wonderful, BUT
Please do not make the same mistakes that were made with the "Necromancer" and "Warden" classes, namely that when using class skills, the animation makes your weapon disappear from your hands, it looks very cheap, and spoils the impression of the class.
Please pay attention to this.
Believe me, many are dissatisfied with such a thing in the necromancer and varden, they simply do not raise this topic on the forum.
Thank you, I hope they hear me.
For my part, I promise to buy the most expensive pack, if at least 2/3 of skills Arcanist do not have this drawback)))
As a SW:TOR-Caster who waved his Lightsaber through his face for years while casting Spells I can safely say, you dont want that. How would that animation even look like. Our chars slicing their arms off with their Swords while Casting?
As a SW:TOR-Caster who waved his Lightsaber through his face for years while casting Spells I can safely say, you dont want that. How would that animation even look like. Our chars slicing their arms off with their Swords while Casting?
SandroLordOfDarkness wrote: »1) There was a great comment above, create this option setting, ie a button in the settings (like "memories of Helen's wilds".
Regarding the Animations from other games, firstly, the animation of half of the abilities of the same necromancer is the same as the Dragon Knight, but his weapon does not disappear and it looks cool, secondly, I prefer the weapon to hit the head than disappears
I actually prefer weapons disappearing. I like the look/aesthetic of hand magic more than magic coming out of weapons. Staves have a time and place, but nothing can beat Skyrim's magic where you just cast everything with your hands.
I look forward to the day when they let us outright hide our staves so we can just look like we're using hand magic.