Like how we are getting season of the dragon, or have had dark heart of skyrim, where 2 areas have events in them.
I personally really want an event that focuses on portals in blackwood and deadlands as well as the deadlands havocrels.
I am late to the party of these DLCs as I stopped playing for years, only playing them first time in late autumn last years. It is nigh on impossible to get a team together to kill havocrels, simply because there is nothing worth killing them for, no loot involved for killing them.
Similar with portals, minus a mythic lead and the motif but nobody wants to do it.
An event that not only involves destroying portals and havocrels for good loot, but that also drops deadlands treasure maps (for the motif antiquity leads) would be really helpful for the entire games population.
As it is now (PSN EU) the deadric motifs are anything up to millions. Most expensive motif in the game I think.
As too are deadlands maps very expensive.
( I unfortunately used my chest motif instead of selling it)
On a different note I think every year there should always be a wrothgar event, it is pretty much the best DLC created for ESO, orsinium itself is a beautiful city and IMO no other DLC has that much effort put into it, so much it is a shame to see that the place is normally a ghost town all year round.
Also a yearly event that gives double maelstrom drops is always helpful, especially seeing now they added perfected versions so we all have to grind it over again, as well as it has crap loads of sets that we will all have to farm for sticker book.
Edited by Stinkyremy on January 25, 2023 8:14PM