First of all I really enjoy ToT. That said I hate going second in play order. I believe you are at a huge strategic disadvantage to go second. One coin extra means that more than likely you're going to be sitting on five coin which is freaking worthless.
You either going to get four coin and two power or five coin and one power. Five coins are just shy of worthless.
And since you're going second odds are any good card worth coin that was turned up in the tavern has been taken or will be sabotaged by the person going first.
If you go first you have a strategic advantage allowing you to not only have first crack at whatever is turned over in the tavern but also sabotage the player after. This in itself is kind of the heart of tot strategy. But at the beginning of the game it your ability to completely handicap your opponent is unbalanced.
Here is an example and the reason I'm freaking here writing this post.
The other player gets to go first the patrons are: green, black, red and purple.
The person going first has two power The versatile green card and two coin cards
I'm sitting on a red and four coins. So, 5 coin and one power.
There's a one four coin Duke card, an armory, a shield bearer, the treasury car that allows you to get rid of a card and I forget what else.
The person going first taps Green, uses the tavern card to get rid of the Duke of crows card and into turn.
All I can with my five coins and one power is tap Treasury. But see the person going first knows that all his power cards are in the cooldown which means all five of his next cards will be coin. So on his next round he gets armory.... Overcoming an armory that early in the game is unlikely. Before I even will see six coin will be around four or five.. by that time he will have a power lead of probably in the range of 15 points or so.
This is one time out of many that this sort of thing happens I have done it other players and other players do it to me but it is very frustrating going second.
For going second you need to either get one extra coin and one power which will allow you to tap a patron or maybe give us a free reshuffle of the tavern cards.
I enjoy this game but it's about 40% or so RNG sometimes you can be screwed right out of the gate and you usually know it by about round three.
I said I like this game but it's really starting to grate on me.
Edited by Disappearingone on January 21, 2023 9:08AM