Interior Decorators?

Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Any interior decorators? I might need to hire one?

I bought a few home ...well...just because. They are mostly just places I can easily port to instead of paying the Wayshrine fee if it is too high

I bought some storage boxes and have 3 attuned crafting stations (blacksmith, wood working, clothing)

A few pieces of furniture I have picked up along the way.

I would like to get all the regular crafting station in one place so I could just do my dailies fast.
Eventually a transmute device....but that is many writs away.

But making it look nice would be a well....

ColdHarbour is my main home but such a mess....

Layout home templates would be great!


  • Marcusorion1
    I am sure there are many decorators out there with a keen eye for style and fashion :) It is possible to share the decorating permissions but realize that it is a trust system - they have the same power over items as you do in terms of placing ( disregard the last part, see below, ty : and removing them.)

    If you don't have a talented, trusted friend available I would suggest taking a tour and getting inspired. There are numerous video tours available from here, Reddit and Youtube that can give you some ideas on what looks good to you. Also, some add-ons will let you visit houses in game that are not the player's primary home ( also easier now with the link update ). Ask around in guild chats - some one usually wants to show off their stuff :)

    There may be a set up existing in the game that pleases you as well. Inspiration is all around you and can be found in the unlikeliest places - good luck !

    Edited by Marcusorion1 on January 17, 2023 5:02PM
  • Araneae6537
    I don’t think decorators have the ability to remove items, so I don’t think there is any risk, beyond the fee for services that may or may not be satisfactory, but hopefully communication and viewing examples before hand can mitigate that. :)
  • Marcusorion1
    ^^ thanks for the clarification - I'll fix that above.
  • SilverBride
    Decorators also can't bring items into the house. The homeowner needs to place all the items in the house and the Decorator then arranges them.
  • AnduinTryggva
    I am sure there are many decorators out there with a keen eye for style and fashion :) It is possible to share the decorating permissions but realize that it is a trust system - they have the same power over items as you do in terms of placing ( disregard the last part, see below, ty : and removing them.)

    If you don't have a talented, trusted friend available I would suggest taking a tour and getting inspired. There are numerous video tours available from here, Reddit and Youtube that can give you some ideas on what looks good to you. Also, some add-ons will let you visit houses in game that are not the player's primary home ( also easier now with the link update ). Ask around in guild chats - some one usually wants to show off their stuff :)

    There may be a set up existing in the game that pleases you as well. Inspiration is all around you and can be found in the unlikeliest places - good luck !

    Actually the issue with "trust" could be solved if there would be an intermediate option between "visitor" and "decorator" that allows that person to manipulate place and orientation of any furniture available, to mark furniture as "to be removed" but not to take away stuff from inside. Obviously chests should always be inaccessible to anybody except the owner.
  • Zama666

    That's what I would do - have them let me know what they need or think.

    I want functional and pleasant.

    I look at where I live in RL...and I need help.
    I also don't have the patience!

    Virtually is just as bad!

    If anyone is a decorator - contact me!

  • Marcusorion1
    Which server are you on?
  • Araneae6537

    Actually the issue with "trust" could be solved if there would be an intermediate option between "visitor" and "decorator" that allows that person to manipulate place and orientation of any furniture available, to mark furniture as "to be removed" but not to take away stuff from inside. Obviously chests should always be inaccessible to anybody except the owner.

    Decorator permission allows another player to move items only — not add or remove.
  • Thee_Cheshire_Cat
    There was in the past, not sure if there are anymore, actual decorators.

    Here is another thread on the subject. Decorators have been a hot topic in the past.

    Lady Kat, from the Cheshire Cats.Interested in HEAVY RP? IC at -all- times?
  • Zypheran
    Feel free to checkout my YouTube channel for ideas. I save all my designs on EHT so if you are on PC it's straight forward to just upload the build as once you have the items in the house. If you don't have EHT, it's still easy, you collect the items and I upload the file and you can watch the house build itself almost by magic.
    As for risk, I just want to clarify 100% that there is no risk. A decorator CANNOT remove items. They can only move them.
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Ayalockheart
    I vouch for @Zypheran . Id like to add as well that ESO Housing Network discord server we have a space where you can request a decorator, a space where listed decorators can reach out to potentially hire and a feedback system that I wish more ppl used.

    There have been a case here and there outside of the discord. I wouldn’t recommend to trust anyone that doesn’t have “work to show” AKA portfolio being that either youtube channel, website or feedback from other people. The community is big but there are already people doing this for a while and we know mostly whom is doing decorations for hire whom is serious about it. Nothing hurt to ask around about someone claiming that or ask for references.

    I am myself a decorator for hire. For more check below:

    ESOHN discord:
    Edited by Ayalockheart on January 26, 2023 2:59PM
    PC-EU @ayalockheart Open House List
    • Hall of Lunar Champion - Crystal Palace
    • Moon Sugar Meadow - Nordic Cabin ( Hytta )
    • Sleek Creek - Ivory Oasis
    • Earthtear Cavern - Welkynd Ruins
    • Dawnshadow - Château Blanc
    • The Gorinir Estate - Homestead
    • Thieve's Oasis - (WIP - on hold)
    • Black Vine Villa - TSS Rumare
    • Pariah Pinnacle - Frostguard Fortress
    • Forgemaster Falls - Fogimasuta Ryokan
    • Alinor Crest House - Halloween Party House ~ Will be open on 31/10/23
    • Cyrodilic Jungle House - Golden Mug Caffe
    • Stay Moist Mansion - Emberfall
    • Hunter's Glade - Lost Cult
    • Coldharbour Surreal State - The Pridwen
    • Velothi Reverie - The Perl among corals
    • Exorcised Coven Cottage - The Ground's Keeper Hut
    • Ravenhurst - The Drowsy Stag
    • Captain Margaux- Hallix's Elixirs
    • Flaming Nix - Hare Pines Cottage
    • Stillwaters Retreat - Hogsmeade
    • Panterfang Chapel - Seacrest Fort
    • Domus Phrasticus - Mielikki
    • Hammerdeath Bungalow - The Cottage
    • Mornouth Keep - Ivybury Estate
    • Serenity Falls - [WIP ]
    Comissions done
    Housing Guilds: Ars Gratia
  • Zama666
    @Marcusorion1 PC/NA
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