Dirt_Rooster wrote: »
So is the community enjoying the no-proc campaign? I wonder what would happen to Ravenwatch if they let us "play how we want".
Ravenwatch was dead on my platform long before the no proc thing. I don't think the actual change did anything super harmful... Though the fact that their system for what is or isn't a proc seems flawed and their attempts to make a list of what works for us is non-existent. The implementation is much worse than the actual idea.
I don't think there's a shortage of people who think procs are cheesey. And the way things are now you have a choice between playing CP+proc (other campaigns,) nocp+proc (bgs,) or no proc no cp. I think having those choices available is... At least worth talking about.
What they really need to do I think is double down on their decision. Finish it.
But the sad truth from my perspective is people would rather deal with constant lag and dark convergences than play anywhere else. And I don't know what can be done about that. Incentives are already in place... 3/4 of the problems people talk about don't exist in RW. Very few if any ballgroups, very little if any lag, people actually die, no DC, no VD, no plaguebreak.
Honestly if they're going to revert the change they might as well just make it CP as well. THAT is what people seem to want... Bull crap and all... And it might actually spread the populations out a little.
You can't judge the game based solely on your platform. The above appears to be a screenshot from PC NA. I was there last night. Yes, that's how it looked. On PC EU, on the other hand, the two campaigns that regularly fill up are Gray Host and Ravenwatch. It's Blackreach that languishes on PC EU.
Also CP Imperial City, though rarely above 1 bar, feels quite populated on PC EU, probably more so than NA (haven't played in the latter at NA prime time though).
A further thing I've noticed is that the competition on PC NA Gray Host and PC EU Ravenwatch feels soft relative to what I'm used to. I mostly play in PC EU CP IC, sometimes PC EU Gray Host before the lag sets in. You got to take this with a pinch of salt, because I don't PvP often anymore, but I see quite a few low CP players in PC EU Ravenwatch, e.g. in the 200 to 600 range, who make obvious mistakes such as not healing quickly enough. That campaign may have become the haven for beginning players on PC EU, which would make sense when you think about it. I am thus not convinced PC EU Ravenwatch is exclusively the place for veterans who don't like procs. Veterans who like shooting fish in a barrel more like.
On a more serious note, I don't think Ravenwatch is quite the place anyone wanted. It arguably fell victim to ZOS' lack of follow through. They created a very restrictive list of no proc armor sets, based on technical limitations. They claimed they were working on the game engine, so they could revise the list later, allowing more sets. They never really did.
That said, the truth may be a whole lot simpler. There are only that many players who want to PvP open world, or who want to PvP under the laggy conditions on PC EU. You'd think they would spread out evenly between Gray Host and Blackreach on PC EU, but they don't. You gotta go where the action is. When the player pool is limited and the map so big, that's really the only thing that matters. Somewhere in the annals of time, players randomly gravitated towards Gray Host and Ravenwatch on PC EU, but Gray Host and Blackreach on PC NA. Once that happened, people stuck to those campaigns, because their friends were playing in them. It could be as simple as that.
There's another factor that may make you stick to a campaign. You either build for CP or no CP and for no CP with procs (BGs) or no CP without procs (Ravenwatch). Who's got the time and resources to cover all the bases? Not everyone.
Finally I've noticed, while playing on PC NA Gray Host this week, that zone chat is alive with players talking about campaign objectives. It's a constant stream of updates. Very palpable compared to EU, where zone chat is kind of dead. This might explain my perception of softer competition on PC NA. EU may be full of tryhards that don't give a crap about the campaign. Perhaps lag on PC EU is seriously hampering gameplay. Big battles happen less, because those are the most lag-inducing, thus leaving a population of small-scalers. It's still laggy, though, so I don't know that this theory holds up.
Despite what I have said in older posts about transatlantic lag, by the way, I have found fully-populated PC NA Gray Host far less laggy than PC EU Gray Host this week, and I was in some big battles. Perhaps the player cap is even slightly higher on NA too. Perhaps the relative absence of lag is leading to healthier gameplay. I don't know. As an EU player, I'm waiting for the new servers before drawing any conclusions.
So you are a PC EU player? I agree that PC EU Ravenwatch doesn't have the population of Gray Host, but it does fill up from time to time, or sits at 3 bars, whereas Blackreach remains dead almost all the time. Clearly this is different from PC NA. You'd never get the above screenshot on PC EU. If those two campaigns were full on PC EU, Ravenwatch would also be full. Ravenwatch fills up before Blackreach.dinokstrunz wrote: »Nah Ravenwatch is a literal ghost town 99% of the time, there's like maybe a hour or so on certain days where you see some population sure but outside those hours it's mostly empty. Most of the people who played their regularly prior to no proc have either resorted to playing in BGs or straight up quit the game. It's the same with noCP Imperial City which is even more desolate.
dinokstrunz wrote: »
^This 100%
Ravenswatch is dead now even at weekends, the only time it gets remotely busy is at around 7pm gmt when the ball groups login and ruin any fun that people might have been having.
I haven't played for 2 weeks or so now because its mind numbingly boring, it's either AD vs purple or the same old die hard tower monkeys.
May I ask what platform you are on also?^This 100%
Ravenswatch is dead now even at weekends, the only time it gets remotely busy is at around 7pm gmt when the ball groups login and ruin any fun that people might have been having.
I haven't played for 2 weeks or so now because its mind numbingly boring, it's either AD vs purple or the same old die hard tower monkeys.
May I ask what platform you are on also?
where did you get this info? you really think the campaign would be balanced around the cp? then why are there BGs exclusively without CP?
gariondavey wrote: »Cp makes fights last way way way longer
You get absurd levels of damage mitigation, healing, and damage from cp
When they tried bgs with cp nobody died (which also happens in premade high mmr matches, but that is a consequence of cross healing and healers being extremely strong)
So they went back to no cp for bgs and things improved a lot
Edit: also @Dirt_Rooster , the "play how you want" thing refers to weapon + armor weight choices, not using procs or no procs, so your opening argument is fallacious in that regard. But please see my first point if you wish to read what my thoughts were on this matter in general
where did you get this info? you really think the campaign would be balanced around the cp? then why are there BGs exclusively without CP?
IMO I think each campaign should be locked.
interestingIf the devs won't do that, than I recommend significantly reducing AP earned in none locked campaigns.