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New Multi-Rider Mount- Duo Dynamo Dwarven Spider



cost is 5k crowns. Is that finger clipping on all passenger races as well?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on January 6, 2023 7:19PM
  • mattaeus01b16_ESO
    I refuse to pay 50 bucks for a digital mount. Not unless the passenger gets the use of the brakes.
    Edited by mattaeus01b16_ESO on January 5, 2023 10:31PM
  • sharquez
    Would have been great to have when I still had friends who played.
  • Saint-Ange
    One really have to hate this game world and its community to create or use such horrible mount.
  • Treeshka
    It removes Khajiit tail on preview.
  • Clyde_BlueSnake
    Treeshka wrote: »
    It removes Khajiit tail on preview.

    It also removes Argonian tails as well, if the passenger is a Beastfolk (tested with Ember) it happens to them as well. :(
    Main is Blue-Thuxis, a Argonian stamSorc, whose also is a werewolf! 2nd main, Cobalt-Thuxis, a Argonian stamArc, an identical twin sister to Blue-Thuxis, even is a werewolf as well! some alts:
    Nirn-Scale Rajthux (Argonian, Templar), Ros-Ei Nature-Thuxis (Argonian, Warden), Crimson-Thuxis (Argonian, DK), Bone-Thuxis Tharn (Argonian, Necro) Why Bone-Thuxis has Tharn as a last name:
    The siblings were separated at a young age due to a Dres slaver raid, Blue, Cobalt, Ros-Ei & their mother were able to escape, Crimson & Bone weren't that lucky. Crimson was later "rescued" by some Orcs that later ambushed the House Dres Dunmers, unfortunately one Dunmer remained & sadly successfully brought the young Bone-Thuxis to the Dres plantation. Later an Imperial, a Tharn, bought Bone at a auction & later told he was free, the young Argonian sadly had no idea where to go & doesn't know if his family was still alive, so the Tharn adopted him into House Tharn. This family of Argonians finally reunited years later.
    , Kenneth Clyde (Nord, Sorc), Selene Gray-Thuxis (Argonian, Nightblade), Urmanda (Orc, Warden)
    Some ESO history: I originally started from PS4 NA during June 10, 2015, I did reached CP 810+ on there. I eventually kinda got tired of paying PS+, so during February 4, 2019 I started moving to PC NA. Also CP: 810+. Nowadays I play ESO PC mostly, while PS4 is dust.
  • Araneae6537
    So many people wanted multi-rider mounts but I don’t think I’ve seen one in-game…

    I thought the spider might have been cool, but not at that price and not if it removes tails! :(
  • spartaxoxo
    I have the spider and love it. Wish they'd fix the tails issue. I wish it had a better animation when you hold down x. Best 500k I've spent in a while.

    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 5, 2023 6:16PM
  • Troodon80
    A couple obviously cosmetic problems:
    • The driver character actually doesn't hold the levers (they hover just above them) 9auxde83hry5.png
    • The clipping of the hands for the passanger is... something else
    • The hands are not "attached" to the object they're holding, so the" vibration" effect they're going for looks janky and silly
    • The tail of both driver and passenger is removed if they are beast-race
    Considering the pricing is within what some other MMOs charge for mounts on the "unique" side, I don't really object too much. For example, it's roughly the same in price as Lunar Whale in FFXIV. However, I would also like to point out that the Lunar Whale is an 8-person mount and is their most expensive mount to date. So there's no real comparison to be made. I really do think the crown store prices for mounts (and most items) needs to be re-evaluated. I expect better quality for these given the price. Consider, too, that these were delayed for a long time, specifically the Duo Dynamo Dwarven Spider.

    What did they use the extra time for, because it wasn't quality control? I would guess they were working on the back end to ensure people didn't get banned for using it and being seen as botting.

    @Troodon80 PC | EU
    Guild: N&S
    Hand of Alkosh | Dawnbringer | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Gryphon Heart
    Deep Dive into Dreadsail Reef Mechanics
  • Lonestryder
    This mount is embarrassing.
  • Dojohoda
    In Cyrodiil, while standing next to a player who was using the mount, I complimented the mount; I think it looks nice. The player offered to give me a ride and I accepted. Oh my, being a passenger was different. My character's point of view stayed the same so I needed to 'fake steer' to look ahead and to stop that funny feeling that was growing in my stomach. :D

    Anyway, I didn't notice my fingers.

    In general, I like the spider mounts. I have plenty of crowns from subbing and I might get this one. I have not yet decided.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • tomofhyrule
    I will say that one of the fun things about taking a duo mount in Cyrodiil is that it allows new characters (low level or mount not fully trained) to keep up with the group. We've done that a few times where someone would Uber me around since I was on a baby.

    Which was also effective, because that meant I could spend the ride looking at my map to see if anything flagged while the driver kept their eyes on the road.
    ...or didn't and then drove us both off a cliff, but I don't think that was a problem with the mount itself :D
  • Carcamongus
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    In Cyrodiil, while standing next to a player who was using the mount, I complimented the mount; I think it looks nice. The player offered to give me a ride and I accepted. Oh my, being a passenger was different. My character's point of view stayed the same so I needed to 'fake steer' to look ahead and to stop that funny feeling that was growing in my stomach. :D

    Anyway, I didn't notice my fingers.

    In general, I like the spider mounts. I have plenty of crowns from subbing and I might get this one. I have not yet decided.

    My mount's fully trained, but I had the opportunity to ride as a passenger on that deformed horse in Cyrodiil and was surprised at how fun it was. It was nice to be able to sit back, enjoy the (long) ride and not worry about choosing a non-suicidal path through the unfriendly topography.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • zaria
    So many people wanted multi-rider mounts but I don’t think I’ve seen one in-game…

    I thought the spider might have been cool, but not at that price and not if it removes tails! :(
    Couple in a guild has it, nice if you have leveling alts in Cyrodil.
    Tested this as an passenger, it clips Khajiit tails as passenger to.
    Makes no sense, make a gap between seat and backrest and it would not even clip Argonians.
    Would probably bought this if it did not remove tails mostly for Ember.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Carcamongus
    zaria wrote: »
    So many people wanted multi-rider mounts but I don’t think I’ve seen one in-game…

    I thought the spider might have been cool, but not at that price and not if it removes tails! :(
    Couple in a guild has it, nice if you have leveling alts in Cyrodil.
    Tested this as an passenger, it clips Khajiit tails as passenger to.
    Makes no sense, make a gap between seat and backrest and it would not even clip Argonians.
    Would probably bought this if it did not remove tails mostly for Ember.

    Think of it from a safety perspective: appendages dangling from the seat could get stuck in the spider's engine, with disastrous results. So Argonians and Khajiit just unplug their tails and store them in their packs while riding. I'm sure that's what the devs were thinking.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • rpa
    Just wondering, I assume Shadow Rider passive does work with multi rider? But not if only passanger has it?
  • zaria
    zaria wrote: »
    So many people wanted multi-rider mounts but I don’t think I’ve seen one in-game…

    I thought the spider might have been cool, but not at that price and not if it removes tails! :(
    Couple in a guild has it, nice if you have leveling alts in Cyrodil.
    Tested this as an passenger, it clips Khajiit tails as passenger to.
    Makes no sense, make a gap between seat and backrest and it would not even clip Argonians.
    Would probably bought this if it did not remove tails mostly for Ember.

    Think of it from a safety perspective: appendages dangling from the seat could get stuck in the spider's engine, with disastrous results. So Argonians and Khajiit just unplug their tails and store them in their packs while riding. I'm sure that's what the devs were thinking.
    Well, this is an Argonian chair.
    Its an decent looking chair I say but not something any Argonian would use for obvious reasons.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Clyde_BlueSnake
    It also removes Argonian tails as well, if the passenger is a Beastfolk (tested with Ember) it happens to them as well. :(

    To add what I said earlier, from what I read tails also disappear with the horse mount as well. For this happens with both I presume either:
    a. In coding for the multi-rider mounts, for the passenger slot to work the devs probably code it into the tail mesh/model slot.
    b. A coding conflicting issue with the tail mesh slot.
    c. The dev in control of mount coding probably straight up screwed up.

    Edit: Despite of tails get sent to the void (that they should fix), personally I like this spider one, of preference for some of my toons when I have a companion out I prefer them in this than on a individual mount.
    Edited by Clyde_BlueSnake on January 6, 2023 2:15AM
    Main is Blue-Thuxis, a Argonian stamSorc, whose also is a werewolf! 2nd main, Cobalt-Thuxis, a Argonian stamArc, an identical twin sister to Blue-Thuxis, even is a werewolf as well! some alts:
    Nirn-Scale Rajthux (Argonian, Templar), Ros-Ei Nature-Thuxis (Argonian, Warden), Crimson-Thuxis (Argonian, DK), Bone-Thuxis Tharn (Argonian, Necro) Why Bone-Thuxis has Tharn as a last name:
    The siblings were separated at a young age due to a Dres slaver raid, Blue, Cobalt, Ros-Ei & their mother were able to escape, Crimson & Bone weren't that lucky. Crimson was later "rescued" by some Orcs that later ambushed the House Dres Dunmers, unfortunately one Dunmer remained & sadly successfully brought the young Bone-Thuxis to the Dres plantation. Later an Imperial, a Tharn, bought Bone at a auction & later told he was free, the young Argonian sadly had no idea where to go & doesn't know if his family was still alive, so the Tharn adopted him into House Tharn. This family of Argonians finally reunited years later.
    , Kenneth Clyde (Nord, Sorc), Selene Gray-Thuxis (Argonian, Nightblade), Urmanda (Orc, Warden)
    Some ESO history: I originally started from PS4 NA during June 10, 2015, I did reached CP 810+ on there. I eventually kinda got tired of paying PS+, so during February 4, 2019 I started moving to PC NA. Also CP: 810+. Nowadays I play ESO PC mostly, while PS4 is dust.
  • Molydeus
    I love this mount. My wife and I use it to go pretty much everywhere together, and it's a lot nicer-looking than the bulky, plain horse one from earlier in the year.
    Edited by Molydeus on January 6, 2023 9:29AM
  • ElvenOverlord
    sharquez wrote: »
    Would have been great to have when I still had friends who played.

    You got your companions who can ride with you as you tackle the trials of Tamriel together!
  • Alphawolf01A
    zaria wrote: »
    Well, this is an Argonian chair.
    Its an decent looking chair I say but not something any Argonian would use for obvious reasons.
    I noticed this some time ago as well. Clearly some Dev dropped the ball and didn't think it through, that a race with a tail the size of your leg wouldn't design a chair they couldn't sit in. I think, "realistically" a stool, bench or a chair with an open lower back to accommodate the tail, would be more likely.
  • Charon_on_Vacation
    i wouldn't want a passenger that looks over my shoulder while i'm using my mobile toilet.
  • Diebesgut

    ... the mount cuts of the tails?!?!? 🙀

    no, no way, my Khajiit stay and travel safe with their beloved Senche-rath and their little brothers the senche mounts
    Khajiit Sicherheitsdienst ~ Überprüfung von Schlössern aller Art ~ Khajiit Security ~ Inspection of any kind of locks
    Khajiit Gebrauchtwaren ~ Handel mit Waren aller Art ~ Khajiit Store ~ Trading of any kind of goods
  • ZOS_Icy

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Gargath
    zaria wrote: »
    Well, this is an Argonian chair.
    Its an decent looking chair I say but not something any Argonian would use for obvious reasons.

    Can't see a problem, if Argonians can use an Argonian stool, they can also use the chair :).

    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Alphawolf01A
    Gargath wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    Well, this is an Argonian chair.
    Its an decent looking chair I say but not something any Argonian would use for obvious reasons.

    Can't see a problem, if Argonians can use an Argonian stool, they can also use the chair :).


    They can't use the chair because of the back. There is no place for their tail.
    If the top half were solid where their shoulder blades would rest, but the bottom half were open to allow the tail to pass through, then it would be fine.. As I stated earlier, If you had a tail the size of your leg, sticking out of your lower back, you could not sit "properly" in this Argonian chair. They would have to sit sideways or even backwards in the chair. Your picture even proves the error in design, as the tail is clearly clipping through the seat, and yet there is no tail hole in the stool. The ergonomics just aren't there. Although, to be fair, one could argue that the chair was built BY an Argonian crafter for the tailless races, but not FOR Argonian use.

    This is one of the main complaints about this (and a few other) mounts is that it removes the tail to make it "useable"
    Edited by Alphawolf01A on January 12, 2023 7:42AM
  • Syldras
    I'd prefer this thing over the hordes of glowy lore-breaking animal mounts anytime. But the pricing...?!
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
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