There must be a reason but can anyone tell me why XP boosts don't work in Cyrodiil?
It is a right pain keep porting out to boost XP.
The_Titan_Tim wrote: »
Yeah, perhaps due to the fact that momentos don’t work in Cyrodiil and the Breda Mug follows the same cooldown, best way to see what I’m talking about is if you use Almalexia’s Enchanted Lantern then try to use the Mug, it will be on cooldown until the Lantern expires.
I never understood why momentos weren’t allowed for PvP regions as it’s been that way since the beginning and to my knowledge, none give you an advantage. If anything, a lot of them trap you in their animations until the momento is finished, putting you in danger.
I'm guessing there was some concern that mementos might become a way to taunt the fallen?
LadyLavina wrote: »
I think it's more of a performance issue thing. If you have 100 people spamming mementos, FPS and Latency would tank harder than a panzer battalion.
I'm guessing there was some concern that mementos might become a way to taunt the fallen?
There should be a way of using event xp boosts and other boosts just in the home bases.
That way no need to port out every 50 minutes.