Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

No Proc List and Battleground Ranking

So my english is not very good im sorry for that. Normal im on German Forum, but the Problem there is, we dont rlly have enough mods and we dont become answer of our questions on german forum.

Our Question was simply, 1:

will Zos after 1-2 Year now, finally add a No Proc Official list, or do some in the Game that we can see on the Set if it works on this No Proc No CP campain or not? I mean seems like its realy hard to do, or whats the problem why we dont get that after year?

2: Will Zos ever be able to fix the Battleground ranking? I dont know if this is on every plattform but PC EU hase since 6+ Months a broken list. Every Player is place 1 or 2.

2 Simply Question, we never get answer on German Forum. Can i get a answer from a mod here and maybee i can translate it to German...

Or dit i miss actual Threads here? Dit English Player ever get infromation about this 2 Problems? Or is it same as German Forum, Zos is silent?
Edited by xMauiWaui on March 30, 2023 1:54PM
  • gariondavey
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • OBJnoob
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Icy @ZOS_Bill

    i apologize for the mass ping I don't think I've ever done this before and I don't know who amoung you is most appropriate for a word on this.

    Both of these problems are rather big and long lasting. Can someone just simply answer if either of these problems are being worked on?
  • CaperGuy
    I remember @ZOS_Kevin at one point had suggested on the forums that they would work on a list but I haven’t come across anything else after that.

    My attempt at keeping track of the No Proc sets has taken quite a bit of my time and transmute crystals, and where I’m now in culinary school I don’t have as much time to keep on top of it. Plus….. it should really not be on the ESO community members to have to reverse engineer / test the game code due to lack of information ….. I always feel bad for new players who would have no idea what a ‘process set’ is, and may not know where to go to find the unofficial list on the forums.

    Trivalaur - Breton Templar(Healer)
  • dinokstrunz
    Just remove no proc problem solved. Bring back the glorious noCP ravenwatch campaign we once had many years ago.
  • xMauiWaui
    Ok my Question was in the Holidays. Im sure il dont get an answer cause of that. Im sure a Mod gonna give me and Community finally an answer of this 2 question.

    Allright so we are in 2023. hello Mods, can i get an answer:)

    I mean an answer like "no we dont wanna invest time for that" is way better and i can deal with than what you do since Monts/Year about this 2 question, say nothing.

    I mean we dont talk about a little bug or a little problem. You cant do a Battlerground system and then dont fix since Months the Ranking Issue. Tell us whats the Problem? Why is everyone since month place 1? Why is Ui so bad?

    And same on No Proc list. YOU Dit a new campain with no Proc. Why you dont give as an option we can see what is working there or what is not? We know you zos dont wanna invest alot of money, or be fair money, for your PVP. We deal with it. Since 8 Year.

    BUT GIVE US ANSWER about your problems.

    Its so frustration to see all this question never get answer from zos but zos say after every year how good they talk with Community.

    MODS? @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Icy @ZOS_Bill , @ZOS_Kevin

    Edited by xMauiWaui on January 3, 2023 8:37AM
  • mandricus
    Sorry mate, you won't get an answer on these two issues. They are going on since years, and yet they are reserving us the usual treatment: deafening silence.

    For sure they are aware that there is not an official list of the sets that works in no-proc campaign (wich is both absurd and insulting at the same time for the player base). Lot of people over the time asked to just put an official list somewhere (i mean, not even in the game, a forum post would have been enough), yet as of today there is no such list, and I guess we won't have one ever. You may wonder, why? My speculation is that they changed something on the backend to disable procs, but they are not even sure about how this exactly works and wich sets are affected by this change. Moreover, since they keep adding sets to the game, this mean that at every release they would have to test the new sets in the no-proc campaign, to be sure that they adhere to the supposed standard (whatever that standard is, because as of today nobody really knows it). So they are afraid to write down a list because as soon as we will have one, people will start scrutinizing that list and will open bugs reports against sets that are working / not working in the no-proc environment, generating additional effort on their side on something they clearly don't want to allocate any additional single minute.

    As for the second issue: lot of people have asked for years some clarifications / insights about how battlegrounds MMR really works. They decided that is something that we don't have to know. Why? My speculation is that: a) they do not want people to try to exploit the system once they know how the system really works b) the system is far simpler / far more complex than what we suppose, and it would again be a nightmare having to answer to players complaints about why certain people were put together once the rules are clear to everyone.

    On that particular point i somewhat can understand their point of view, because matchmaking need to have some rules, but these rules needs to be stretched when there are fewer people queueing for a match, otherwise people would have endless queues waiting for the "perfect match". My guess is that there is some sort of matchmaking only as long there are enough people to be matched following the MMR rules. When a certain waiting threshold is reached on the player side, rules are overridden and you are put in a match randomly more or less, because a poorly balanced match is anyway better than having no match at all.
    Edited by mandricus on January 3, 2023 10:07AM
  • xMauiWaui
    mandricus wrote: »
    My speculation is that they changed something on the backend to disable procs, but they are not even sure about how this exactly works and wich sets are affected by this change.

    You say the same as Player say on German Forum. But trust me its not true. They know it. il think we all know why they not spend time into doing progress in PVP. But im not here to say that again, cause i dont wanna get another 72 ban : D im here for a simply answer.

    And again an answer like "We never going do that" is enough. but il wanna have an answer and gonna push this Thread on both Forum as long il have an answer : P
    mandricus wrote: »
    As for the second issue: lot of people have asked for years some clarifications / insights about how battlegrounds MMR really works..

    Il think it works about how many games you played on that Char. Rlly easy to see that. But again same on here, i only need an answer why the ranking is still bugged and why they cant fix this issue. I mean its a ui, dont think its hard to fix : D

    Normally il give a fu about all, i mean i only need a good performance and i can have fun with all the problems. But after i never get a good performance after 8 year playing PVP and Zos lying and since years, il hope i can maybee get answer on little problems....

    And be fair fix an issue on ranking or place something into game for know which sets works into a specific campain cant be hard to do^^ We dont talk about new server/Code, i mean come on^^
    Edited by xMauiWaui on January 3, 2023 10:19AM
  • xMauiWaui
    Hey, i still here, waiting for a answer after Days, weeks, Months Years....

    What about finnaly spend some Ressources for PVP? I mean its a part of your game. And it get wors ever day every week^^
    No shame at all?

    Ok No Proc list will be way harder for you than fixing ranking system. Cause you dont even now what is proc or? : D
    Im rlly wonder if you have problem cause

    -Zos Combat Team rlly didnt know what is a Proc and how they dit it into the system : If its true rlly funny : D
    - Or is it rlly the Money and Ressources?

    Maybee an answer now? Or do i need to push it every day now:D?
  • hrothbern
    mandricus wrote: »
    Sorry mate, you won't get an answer on these two issues. They are going on since years, and yet they are reserving us the usual treatment: deafening silence.

    For sure they are aware that there is not an official list of the sets that works in no-proc campaign (wich is both absurd and insulting at the same time for the player base). Lot of people over the time asked to just put an official list somewhere (i mean, not even in the game, a forum post would have been enough), yet as of today there is no such list, and I guess we won't have one ever. You may wonder, why? My speculation is that they changed something on the backend to disable procs, but they are not even sure about how this exactly works and wich sets are affected by this change. Moreover, since they keep adding sets to the game, this mean that at every release they would have to test the new sets in the no-proc campaign, to be sure that they adhere to the supposed standard (whatever that standard is, because as of today nobody really knows it). So they are afraid to write down a list because as soon as we will have one, people will start scrutinizing that list and will open bugs reports against sets that are working / not working in the no-proc environment, generating additional effort on their side on something they clearly don't want to allocate any additional single minute.

    As for the second issue: lot of people have asked for years some clarifications / insights about how battlegrounds MMR really works. They decided that is something that we don't have to know. Why? My speculation is that: a) they do not want people to try to exploit the system once they know how the system really works b) the system is far simpler / far more complex than what we suppose, and it would again be a nightmare having to answer to players complaints about why certain people were put together once the rules are clear to everyone.

    On that particular point i somewhat can understand their point of view, because matchmaking need to have some rules, but these rules needs to be stretched when there are fewer people queueing for a match, otherwise people would have endless queues waiting for the "perfect match". My guess is that there is some sort of matchmaking only as long there are enough people to be matched following the MMR rules. When a certain waiting threshold is reached on the player side, rules are overridden and you are put in a match randomly more or less, because a poorly balanced match is anyway better than having no match at all.

    When it is about matching
    Chess has over time developed the ELO system which enables to rank all, ALL, chess players in the world based on results against each other individual chess player in formal tournaments, starting with the lowest local chess competition, up to world champions.
    The system was introduced and maintained in antediluvial era before the computer became common to do the calculations and is widely accepted as the rating tool, securing that you can use it without discussion for example to match opponents with similar rating level.

    With many players queueing you can choose the bandwidth smaller, with fewer players you can increase bandwidth.
    A bit of "math" understanding rating diffs vs win chance is needed to "add up" the ELO rating for a group (enough math nerds among chess players).
    Besides solving the matching it would also directly deliver a BG ranking.


    EDIT 2
    Ohh, I added the last link to show that ELO also delivers the "alltime" ranking of players
    (like with chess players not living anymore)

    Edited by hrothbern on January 24, 2023 4:12PM
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • xMauiWaui
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Icy @ZOS_Bill , @ZOS_Kevin

    1 Year and 3 Months Later, the Ranking List still Buggy.
    Still everyone is Place 1 or 2.


    We talk about a List. A LIST. What is so complex for Zos to make a simpel list that works?

    Whats the Plan? Say nothing to Community, ignore them like in a kindergarden and maybee in 1-2 Year you fix it still in a patch (Maybee)?

    Ok i mean can understand if you are not able to fix a LIST, you not wanna tell that to community, cause thats crzay funny^^
    Edited by xMauiWaui on March 30, 2023 1:53PM
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