Redguards_Revenge wrote: »I play stamplar.
I will admit, I did switch all of my weapon damage glyphs to spell damage.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I think the simplest explanation is something like this.
The intent was certainly that when you make everything scale off the highest stat, you in theory give players more options. The result however was that it become much easier for skilled players to look at two skills and say skill A is objectively better than skill B, so Skill B never gets used. The flipside is for players that have less knowledge, its just more confusing than ever.
Same logic can be applied to entire weapon lines. Now its basically DW/2H for DPS or GTFO. It used to be that magic users typically favored staffs, maybe DW front bar when possible to parse, and stamina really had several options, combinations of DW/2H/Bow. But now since everything scales, people figured out fairly quickly that you get the best stats using DW front bar, and Stampede is the strongest ST skill to proc your back bar enchant, so everyone runs DW/2H regardless of what stat they stack into.
IMO they should either revert the hybridization changes, or go all in. By all in I mean, remove the distinction completely between weapon and spell damage, and weapon and spell crit. Just call them damage and crit chance. Make skills all cost magic, make sprint, block, and dodge cost stamina. That would make everything much simpler. If you want to go all in on damage, you stack into magic. If you want more defense, you can spend more points into stamina. Very straight forward, go as glass cannon as you want (its what people do anyway at the extremes).
propertyOfUndefined wrote: »I'm somebody who's all about build diversity and variety. I think hybridization is awesome and is without question my favorite thing introduced in the past couple of patches.
Redguards_Revenge wrote: »I play stamplar.
I will admit, I did switch all of my weapon damage glyphs to spell damage.
I did add more magica to my pool to use the magica class abilities.
However, I am using 2h and dual wield.
Although I will admit I am not upgraded to the newest chapter of the game.
So how has diversity of builds died? I keep hearing streamers throw it around without any explanation. What caused it? What I use in BGs is far from what you all use. So I can't even fully grasp it. Yes, my build is probably inferior, but I do get 1 or 3 kills here and there. So long as my kills even my deaths, I that means I am doing something right.
Hybridization was the best thing to happen since 1 Tamriel.
I still need to keep winning BGs to see what the top people are doing there....but so far yes some people can wipe me clean. However, I can still get some people down. It may be because my BG rank is too low.
I mean for me Toothrow is BIS.
Well for pvp and PvE, at the highest levels, there's really "the best" setup and then there's everything else. And with the forums, test server, and streamers it doesn't take long for people to know what the best setup is and adopt it.
So people have complained about lack of build variety for a while. Meaning every stamsorc was the same and every magsorc was the same, as well as the other classes.
What hybridization changes is that now magsorcs are the same as stamsorcs... They're both just hybrid sorcs now, using the same gear and the same skills. So there were two builds per class now there's only one. Hybridization essentially cut build diversity in half.
At least that's what they say. I think the whole thing is a slight exaggeration told by people who really only where meta gear... But it's certainly true to a large extent.
From the PVP perspective, here is how hybridization killed build diversity/combat "replayability" for me.
It effectively halved the number of classes in the game. In the past, there was 12 classes in ESO post-summerset; a magicka and stamina version of every spec. The stamina versions often utilized weapon abilities mixed with stamina cost class abilities, while only using magicka cost abilities for utility or buffs (things like armor buffs, templar purge, necro mender, etc). The magicka versions almost always used entirely magicka cost abilities for everything, utilizing their stamina pools only for core combat functionalities (sprint, dodge, block, break free, bash).
The stamina and magicka specs of every class played distinctly differently to one another. The used different weapon combos, different heals and spammables, sets, etc. This added a ton of replayability for those of us that play multiple classes, as we could try our hand at 12 uniquely different specs. We could further theorycraft builds that used a wider variety of sets, as there was more applicable options when there was a clear magicka/stamina split in the game.
Hybridization made it so that almost every class performs much better as a full hybrid than it does as a stamina or magicka spec, because now you are simply going to use the best morph of every ability as well as whatever the strongest heals & spammables are. You can choose not to do this, but you are massively reducing your effectiveness by not using the best morphs.
The result of this forced decision making is that classes are using the same heals, the same weapon choices (the current meta is very frequently ice/dw on most classes), the same gear, etc.
Now you can make the argument that "oh, you're just choosing to do that, I can play just fine with my full stamina sorcerer or my full magicka templar!". I agree, when it comes to PVE (outside of vet trials and DLC dungeon trifectas)/questing/overland, you can get by just fine without building a hybrid. Even if you're going into cyrodiil to casually PVP in a large group or siege keeps, you can choose not to be a hybrid and be okay.
But if you seriously want to perform well in PVP, or learn how to do things like solo/group PVP or coordinated battlegrounds, the first step is to make sure you are using an optimized hybrid build. You simply sacrifice too much effectiveness by not being a hybrid, to seriously compete in any high level PVP environment. This kills the diversity for me personally, because now I effectively have half the classes to enjoy.
From my limited endgame PVE experience, the same exact concept applies there now.
@Necrotech_MasterNecrotech_Master wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I think the simplest explanation is something like this.
The intent was certainly that when you make everything scale off the highest stat, you in theory give players more options. The result however was that it become much easier for skilled players to look at two skills and say skill A is objectively better than skill B, so Skill B never gets used. The flipside is for players that have less knowledge, its just more confusing than ever.
Same logic can be applied to entire weapon lines. Now its basically DW/2H for DPS or GTFO. It used to be that magic users typically favored staffs, maybe DW front bar when possible to parse, and stamina really had several options, combinations of DW/2H/Bow. But now since everything scales, people figured out fairly quickly that you get the best stats using DW front bar, and Stampede is the strongest ST skill to proc your back bar enchant, so everyone runs DW/2H regardless of what stat they stack into.
IMO they should either revert the hybridization changes, or go all in. By all in I mean, remove the distinction completely between weapon and spell damage, and weapon and spell crit. Just call them damage and crit chance. Make skills all cost magic, make sprint, block, and dodge cost stamina. That would make everything much simpler. If you want to go all in on damage, you stack into magic. If you want more defense, you can spend more points into stamina. Very straight forward, go as glass cannon as you want (its what people do anyway at the extremes).
it makes absolutely no sense though from the perspective of spending magic to say slash someone with a physical weapon
i would hate doing that, if say cleave from 2h cost magicka, or flurry from DW cost magicka, that would make absolutely no sense from an RP/general elder scrolls perspective
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »@Necrotech_MasterNecrotech_Master wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I think the simplest explanation is something like this.
The intent was certainly that when you make everything scale off the highest stat, you in theory give players more options. The result however was that it become much easier for skilled players to look at two skills and say skill A is objectively better than skill B, so Skill B never gets used. The flipside is for players that have less knowledge, its just more confusing than ever.
Same logic can be applied to entire weapon lines. Now its basically DW/2H for DPS or GTFO. It used to be that magic users typically favored staffs, maybe DW front bar when possible to parse, and stamina really had several options, combinations of DW/2H/Bow. But now since everything scales, people figured out fairly quickly that you get the best stats using DW front bar, and Stampede is the strongest ST skill to proc your back bar enchant, so everyone runs DW/2H regardless of what stat they stack into.
IMO they should either revert the hybridization changes, or go all in. By all in I mean, remove the distinction completely between weapon and spell damage, and weapon and spell crit. Just call them damage and crit chance. Make skills all cost magic, make sprint, block, and dodge cost stamina. That would make everything much simpler. If you want to go all in on damage, you stack into magic. If you want more defense, you can spend more points into stamina. Very straight forward, go as glass cannon as you want (its what people do anyway at the extremes).
it makes absolutely no sense though from the perspective of spending magic to say slash someone with a physical weapon
i would hate doing that, if say cleave from 2h cost magicka, or flurry from DW cost magicka, that would make absolutely no sense from an RP/general elder scrolls perspective
You mean like my stampede that leaves behind a ground aoe? My Brawler that somehow gives me a huge shield? or maybe my daggers that I can somehow throw infinite amount of times and watch them bounce to other targets? Or heck, even my flurry that somehow damages an enemy but also heals me? All of it screams some sort of mystic power. Call it magic, call it mana, call it whatever you want. It sure would be a lot more straight forward if skills cost one resource pool and defense mechancis cost another. What we have now is a mess. I think Hybridzation was ultimately not good for the game, but if they are going to do it, they should finish the job.
If weapon LA/HA cost resources, I could certainly see the physical weapons requiring stamina, but its a moot point because they dont. Once you go beyond simply swinging your weapon (LA/HA) it doesnt take much of a leap to realize you are using some sort of mystical power to make your weapon do something else. I dont think magic is necessarily the wrong term for that.
I get the argument in theory and I do agree that lore should always be considered when implementing changes, but when you actually see what we have in game right now, I am not sure it holds up.
If hybridization has killed anyhing then it's the ability of people to think for themself and try own things while being nothing but copy cats.
So many possibilities have opened up and almost no one even tries new builds. Go out, think on your own, create something new and maybe you'll find something even better than the so called "meta".