I'm not sure wardens are OP but I agree with the rest.
I suppose I'm biased because I'm playing warden... But uh, don't take the stun off arctic the stun is needed. And honestly I wouldn't nerf the heal either. Nerf polar winds instead. It isn't the arctic blasters who are OP it is the health stacking undeathdens profiting from HP based heals.
Waylander07 wrote: »As far as I am concerned concerning the Warden, a heal should not have a stun. As for the rest I am tired with the constant cycle of op broken gear and skills and the following nerfs in the name of balance. this should not be rocket science just stop releasing OP broken crap. its tiring farming and upgrading gear and changing your playstyle every few months.
Elendir2am wrote: »
Wardens had superior sustainability, very good self-heal and decent mobility. It let only one weakness and it was high burst combo.
Wardens can easily delay burst combo with practically "free" stun and immobilization now. When all other class have their weaknesses, wardens have get tools to defend their own. It make this disbalance.
Yes most of the other stun heals are ultimates. But not all. And that list was off the top of my head in about 3 minutes so... Perhaps incomplete.
People aren't complaining about getting stunned every time they're about to kill a Warden though, are they? They're complaining about getting stunned so the beetles can land.
So what does it really matter if it's a heal?? Warden needed a stun because they didn't have one. They were, I believe, alone in that sad fact. Now they have one and they don't suck anymore.
Take the stun off Arctic, give it to them somewhere else (you'll have to or you just re-destroyed the class,) and now you have a REAL problem. Wardens with a stun using Polar Wind. God help you all if they put the stun on a damaging ability.
That reason is they are grossly OP and it's largely because of one skill that is so OP it's apt to describe it as broken.
Elendir2am wrote: »Arctic Blast is broken, because it doesn't need any active input from player. Any other stun need targeting and using skill with stun, limited by range.
Arctic Blast stuns anybody around without taking action from warden so he can do anything else. It will stun you again moment your CC immunity end so with lag and necessarily to break free repeatedly to get out of stun, you are more time stunned, then you can fight warden.
Any other stun can by delayed by lag same way as break free is, because they need to be used actively. So it is some how fair.
Quest "kill 20 wardens" is as much hard to fulfil as "kill 20 NB". For example I can do "kill 20 DK" very fast, because how much DKs are in Cyrodiil. Yet many wardens don't lead to same result.
As last think to add, I made frost mage build myself and with class I did only PvE healer until now, I wrecked many opponents, lifted sieges and has other power projection in Cyro higher than I should have, controling class I am not good with.
Tbh, I'm just bored of the current "I'm a warden tank tower runner that doesn't put out any damage but good luck killing me" meta right now, lol. Granted, I just leave them because all they want to do is troll and get you to chase them but it would be nice to see these guys take a little damage or something here and there.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
I'm with you on that but doesn't have to be a warden. Can be any class, or group, even ball groups just run into towers and start circling around.
Even if you hit one by yourself. I unloaded a combo on one and dropped him right into execute range and he ran missed the door, just pinned up against the wall instead, yet whirling blades could not hit him with me right there.
Something's wrong with collision and/or positioning. All MMOs I can remember has a little bit of a problem with it but this is getting egregious
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
I'm with you on that but doesn't have to be a warden. Can be any class, or group, even ball groups just run into towers and start circling around.
Even if you hit one by yourself. I unloaded a combo on one and dropped him right into execute range and he ran missed the door, just pinned up against the wall instead, yet whirling blades could not hit him with me right there.
Something's wrong with collision and/or positioning. All MMOs I can remember has a little bit of a problem with it but this is getting egregious
Thecompton73 wrote: »
The position tracking in this game is absolutely horrible, I run Whirling Blades on my NB and it feels like half the time when I have someone in execute and spin it just completely misses them even if I am practically standing on their toes.