Here are some rush of agony CMX reports from a couple hours of duo nightblade PVP. Imagine how much higher that proc goes in larger groups with more buffs & debuffs. This is just wearing rallying/rushing/balorgh/markyn.
Again, I honestly don't have an issue with the damage itself. But that damage on top of the AOE pull that doesn't grant CC immunity? It is simply too strong. The pull needs to grant immunity. They could even compensate by making the damage happen after 1 second rather than 2 for more consistent AOE bursts, but the broken mechanic of pulling without applying immunity needs to go.
Here is the set proccing on a 12 man coordinated ball group without anyone else hitting/sieging them or buffing me.
Here are some rush of agony CMX reports from a couple hours of duo nightblade PVP. Imagine how much higher that proc goes in larger groups with more buffs & debuffs. This is just wearing rallying/rushing/balorgh/markyn.
Again, I honestly don't have an issue with the damage itself. But that damage on top of the AOE pull that doesn't grant CC immunity? It is simply too strong. The pull needs to grant immunity. They could even compensate by making the damage happen after 1 second rather than 2 for more consistent AOE bursts, but the broken mechanic of pulling without applying immunity needs to go.
Here is the set proccing on a 12 man coordinated ball group without anyone else hitting/sieging them or buffing me.
So what you’re saying is that your duo nightblades couldn’t defeat a well coordinated large group of players that layer heals and time damage to all hit at the same time?
I mean, sounds about right to me. Cyrodiil is meant for large group play and coordinated damage, heals, set and skill selection.
I respectfully disagree with the recommendation.
1. I think it’s a learn to play issue.
2. All the fun sets and aspects in the game keep getting random people bitching and complaining until everything is “balanced”. Then you guys turn around and *** and complain about how everything is so bland and boring.
3. How about spending time recommending something else other than nerfs?
Again, the set should apply cc immunity just like convergence, chains, leash, beckoning armor, etc.
Again, the set should apply cc immunity just like convergence, chains, leash, beckoning armor, etc.
Convergence applies a 1 second stun on pull, that's why it provides cc immunity. Rushing agony does not, it pulls you and you can keep on keeping on. Some groups use multiple sets of this so that you ping pong around a bit, but it does not stun you.
The larger question I think you should be trying to attack is whether the act of being relocated is a cc in and of itself, because it is not currently.
I'm not sure how relocation being considered a cc would change things but I suspect dark convergence would lose its stun which I would take as a victory although solo bombers would hate it. Not sure how rushing agony would be affected beyond that.
That's a lot of thread(s?) to push the agenda gut a set that was specifically and purposefully designed to do this one specific thing, which is gather up players and not apply CC for the best possible bombs at high risk to the user.
Can we leave this one alone? Just this one. The powers that be have ripped every fun and interesting playstyle out of the game because people tilt when they die in PVP instead of accepting it as part of the process.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »No, this set is not OP. It's broken because it breaks the rule that was out in place to keep the game fun. ~etc.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »No, this set is not OP. It's broken because it breaks the rule that was out in place to keep the game fun. ~etc.
How can a mechanic that is in many of the most popular arguably balanced (because this is subjective) and competitive games be broken?
Most fantasy/scifi oriented competitive multiplayer games have some version of this ability.
And its usually vastly more punishing. with stacking respawn timers and lack of cc break or counterplay beyond don't be there when it goes off.
Overwatch has a couple characters that do a pull
No cc break or immunity.
DOTA 2 has many many characters with an AOE pull
very limited cc break or immunity.
New World has the Great Axe Gravity Well
No CC immunity that I recall.
Smite has a bunch of pulls
very limited CC break and immunity
Certainly LOL and HOTS, and a dozen other games I cant even think of have some,
But for ESO it's broken?
Not having block work for two months THAT's Broken
It's fine for the game it's just not good for you.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »No, this set is not OP. It's broken because it breaks the rule that was out in place to keep the game fun. DC really is only better because it does the stun to then cause CC immunity after used so you can't just chain another right after
Who benefits besides ball groups? It's a useless set in pve, useless for solo pvp, useless for small scale pvp and useless for ganking. Did they really need more buffs? Granted it seems inevitable if the years have shown.
Why add a set that is an exception to the basic rules of the game?
The 8 second cooldown on the set’s proc is a cooldown for the set already. What’s the point of adding CC immunity to it when CC immunity lasts just as long?
Who benefits besides ball groups? It's a useless set in pve, useless for solo pvp, useless for small scale pvp and useless for ganking. Did they really need more buffs? Granted it seems inevitable if the years have shown.
Why add a set that is an exception to the basic rules of the game?
I rarely come across Rush of Agony in daily PvP, and when I do, I simply walk away from the pull like how I walk away from dark convergence or any other CC. The 8 second cooldown on the set’s proc is a cooldown for the set already. What’s the point of adding CC immunity to it when CC immunity lasts just as long?
If the set’s damage is what you’re worried about then I’m not sure you’re building your character right… I mean, have you seen how tanky this meta is? It’s overly tanky in no CP environments. With CPs, Rush of Agony’s damage doesn’t make a dent, especially with players that build for mobility and can tank 5 players and still turn around hit hard.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »You lack an argument when you go outside the game. They are irrelevant and not even MMOs
TechMaybeHic wrote: »You lack an argument when you go outside the game. They are irrelevant and not even MMOs
Being an MMO is irrelevant, The game genre is not the argument here the mechanics are. The fact is better PVP games than ESO do things better than it and one thing they have in common is high impact crowd control to decisively end battles, instead of having super stacking heals for never ending slog fests.
ofcourse81 wrote: »Werewolves have a gap closer by default and have no access to minor resolve or a cleanse or a hot or several other things that ANY of the other classes have by default, for those complaining about rush in pvp you need to open your eyes that set is used by the ball groups but that set also helps to kill the ball groups. It's also a very good set in pve and just like void bash which also doesnt apply immunity they can both be cycled to repull mobs back. Lycan Syndicate uses rush and helps to kill ball groups on all factions. I know they have 30 werewolves and at least 20 healers with 40 rush of agony sets but the set itself is more then balanced for what it is and is anyone is on cc immunity the set doesnt work which is very often.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »TechMaybeHic wrote: »You lack an argument when you go outside the game. They are irrelevant and not even MMOs
Being an MMO is irrelevant, The game genre is not the argument here the mechanics are. The fact is better PVP games than ESO do things better than it and one thing they have in common is high impact crowd control to decisively end battles, instead of having super stacking heals for never ending slog fests.
GTA has cars. Should ESO have cars? Cars are fun. That's your argument or lack of one
Being an MMO is irrelevant, The game genre is not the argument here the mechanics are. The fact is better PVP games than ESO do things better than it and one thing they have in common is high impact crowd control to decisively end battles, instead of having super stacking heals for never ending slog fests.
Being an MMO is irrelevant, The game genre is not the argument here the mechanics are. The fact is better PVP games than ESO do things better than it and one thing they have in common is high impact crowd control to decisively end battles, instead of having super stacking heals for never ending slog fests.
Why fix what isn't broken?
Being an MMO is irrelevant, The game genre is not the argument here the mechanics are. The fact is better PVP games than ESO do things better than it and one thing they have in common is high impact crowd control to decisively end battles, instead of having super stacking heals for never ending slog fests.
Why fix what isn't broken?
This set is broken. There's a gameplay loop and dynamic. That being crowd control leads to CC immunity so you can't be continually crowd controlled. This set breaks that dynamic because it ignores the fundamental rules, that being that a crowd control leads to CC immunity. Therefore the set is broken. Breaking the gameplay loop is by definition a broken set.