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Splitting damage and healing stats could fix so much.

Currently all damage and healing done in this game scales off the same stats: weapon/spell damage and to a lesser extent, max stats. This is incredibly problematic!

Because of this, building for high damage ALSO makes you a strong healer which, at least for pvp, means you really lose nothing for leaning into weapon or spell damage. Zero downsides or choices to be made.

I would suggest the following for a fix to this: Make all damage scale of weapon/spell damage and make all healing scale off max Stamina/Magicka. This already exists in some form in the game! Most proc sets that deal damage scale off weapon/spell damage while most sets that provide a heal scale off max stats (if they scale at all).

Just extrapolate this to abilities and it fixes so much. The high damage, super healers would have to choose between the two, meaning they'd either have excellent damage but weak heals that eat up a lot of resources to get the same effect, or they'd have great heals but kinda hit like a wet noodle. It would actually require people to specialize instead of being jack of all trades, master of all.

Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • Sparxlost
    i personally think healing should scale partly with max stats and mainly with sources of healing power..

    and to offset a lack of options when looking for healp buffs they could add it to a light armor passive..
  • gariondavey
    No thanks, this ruins anyone's build who is solo
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Baconlad
    Absolutely disagree. Healing already has healing recieved and healing done that most damage builds don't use.

    This would absolutely kill damage dealers in cyrodiil, and make the situation with tanks far worse than it is now. Too many players would already rather kill nothing and survive multiple enemies, this would benefit them. I think the healing should stay as is.

    You can't fix the players mindsets. You need to convince players that killing is more important than survival, embrace the death! But take one or more with you damnit!
  • YandereGirlfriend
    This is where you start.

    Then you substantially buff things such as the +% Healing Done bonuses (which are comically weak, TBH) found across various sets, classes, and abilities and finally make players double-down on discrete choices if they want to be proficient at healing.

    Stacking damage should never have been a pathway to high healing.
  • React
    Mostly disagree.

    As a mainly solo player, I've always appreciated how this scaling allows me to increase my healing by increasing my damage. It allows me to be self sufficient while retaining the ability to kill people by myself.

    I do think there are problems with healing and mitigation right now, but I do not think that splitting the scaling is the way to solve them. There are numerous other factors that are far more problematic and should be addressed beforehand.

    I'll link the post I wrote detailing a set of changes that I think would more or less solve the tank meta that we're in now, but the tl;dr is: sustain is infinite for most people and there are sources of sustain that need adjusting, there are several broken passives (undeath and combat medic) that absolutely need to be nerfed, and max health needs to be reduced. Amongst some other things.
    Edited by React on December 9, 2022 10:48PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • AdamLAD
    I don't think changing the core functionality of the game this late into its life is good for the game. Just like recent patches. We need to alter the game in different ways AROUND the core functionality of the game. Healing is absolutely way overtuned and seriously needs a huge tone down. Blocking needs addressing, roll dodge needs addressing. So many things, however I'd never change its core functionality. Just nerf it's power to balance it.
  • Foxtrot39
    2 words

    Solo arenas
  • Jarl_Ironheart
    I used to think this but since I'm a solo player including dungeons and stuff I need a good healing. Granted I can just use pale order with resolving vigor and I won't die.
    Push Posh Applesauce, Pocket Full of Marmalade.
  • haelgaan
    Oh lord no please. It’s already a pain in the arse that they have separate cp for damage and healing, do not also mess with other stats. Healers are expected to contribute to group dps, do not force them to the trash pile of neutered healers that can’t dps
  • YandereGirlfriend
    haelgaan wrote: »
    Oh lord no please. It’s already a pain in the arse that they have separate cp for damage and healing, do not also mess with other stats. Healers are expected to contribute to group dps, do not force them to the trash pile of neutered healers that can’t dps

    Healers are only expected to contribute to DPS because of how over-tuned healing is generally and because healing double-drips with damage stats anyway.

    And both of those issues stem from the same poor design choices that the OP is proposing a solution to.
  • Silversmith
    Healing scaling with Damage is poor design that everyone hates and makes new people not want to play.
  • Izar_Berning
    Soul Shriven
    The title should be reworded to..

    Splitting PvE and PvP could fix so much.
  • axi
    Healing scaling with Damage is poor design that everyone hates and makes new people not want to play.

    Any data supporting that or it's just a subjective claim?
  • axi
    The real issue is crosshealing. Too much of that and too easy to use.
  • SkaraMinoc
    ESO is overwhelmingly a solo player experience and scaling damage and healing together enables players to play solo.

    I don't see this ever changing.
    PC NA
  • OBJnoob
    I would disagree ESO is primarily a solo experience. Cyrodiil, battlegrounds, dungeons, and trials are all clearly designed with groups in mind. While there are tons of things to do solo, I think it's wrong to say any MMO is meant to be solo focused. And I think the 4 things I listed are the "meat and potatoes" of what there is to do and accomplish.

    In PvE, even though plenty of people 4-dps or even solo dungeons, the 3 roles enforced by the que system make the intended design obvious.

    In PvP, where it is a competition and better players enjoy playing solo for the challenge of it, it still seems to me that grouping is intended. You literally can't play battlegrounds without grouping. There is a solo que... But then it groups you, lol. No choice. And in cyrodiil, even though I have captured castles solo before, I think the time it takes to do so (if not the difficulty,) makes it clear that this also is a group activity by design.

    Now if that can be accepted as intended design then we have to wonder why the game operates differently now. Why are some solo players so good at Xing? Why do some dungeon teams not need healers? While there are perhaps many reasons for this-- healing scaling off damage stats is certainly a big contributor. And yes, skill level is also a big contributor.

    The problem I think some of us want to solve is where these skilled people-- who solo dungeons and kill 3 people at once-- can't kill each other. It doesn't matter how good player A is. Even if he is slightly more skilled and better built than player B, player B will not die if he has a decent build keeps his buffs up and has a solid defensive rotation.

    Splitting the stats needed for healing and damage (which are opposite things might I remind you,) would solve this. And I'm aware that this would make Xing harder, but not as much harder as some people may think.

    First off let's all agree that you're not going to X a ballgroup or even a smaller comp group. So the fact that they will have an advantage is kinda inconsequential-- it's the exact same advantage they already have. You'd still be able to X disorganized and/or worse players as they were subjected to the same change and also now either do less damage or less healing. And for small scale or battlegrounds having at least 1 healer instead of 4 tanky dps would become more important. Healers need to become more important in pvp and PvE.

    Build diversity will soar.

    Now I don't know the exact formula for damage/healing, so please bare with me on this next part as the numbers may be wrong but it won't effect my point. I don't want them to be completely detached from each other just separated slightly more. If damage done is 1 for 1 with spell damage and 10 for 1 with max stat (and healing is the same,) then I would like healing to become something more like .5 to 1 from damage and 20 to 1 for max stat.

  • SkaraMinoc
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    I would disagree ESO is primarily a solo experience.

    That's not what I meant. The majority of ESO players do, in fact, play solo. The combat system must provide a way for players to heal and do damage simultaneously to facilitate the solo experience. Otherwise ESO would have a serious problem. For this reason, I don't think ZOS will ever separate weapon and spell damage from healing.
    PC NA
  • endgamesmug
    All i remember from those days when big resource pools mattered was Hulking Draugr and Necropotence(before nerfs/modifications), and everybody using the race with the optimum resource pools.
  • The_Titan_Tim
    All i remember from those days when big resource pools mattered was Hulking Draugr and Necropotence(before nerfs/modifications), and everybody using the race with the optimum resource pools.

    Right, which wasn’t a problem at all. As is currently, those sets have become useless, maximum stats as the determining value for healing would have no negative impact on PvE, and help to lower maximum health in PvP allowing those unkillable healer tanks that have infinite sustain to finally have reactive gameplay like the rest of the community, instead of joining a Battleground and just rotating their heals while blocking.

    This would make solo play in Cyrodiil easier as you can now finally burst the healers in a group while outnumbered.
    Edited by The_Titan_Tim on December 16, 2022 6:05AM
  • Araneae6537
    All i remember from those days when big resource pools mattered was Hulking Draugr and Necropotence(before nerfs/modifications), and everybody using the race with the optimum resource pools.

    Right, which wasn’t a problem at all. As is currently, those sets have become useless, maximum stats as the determining value for healing would have no negative impact on PvE, and help to lower maximum health in PvP allowing those unkillable healer tanks that have infinite sustain to finally have reactive gameplay like the rest of the community, instead of joining a Battleground and just rotating their heals while blocking.

    This would make solo play in Cyrodiil easier as you can now finally burst the healers in a group while outnumbered.

    It would be VERY negative in PvE. Why should I not be able to use magicka power for damage or healing? Just because other games break these and everything else into multiple separate stats? I enjoy making a damage/healer hybrid. In many dungeons, healing is only rarely/situationally necessary so it’s more fun and better for the whole group if you can also do some damage.
  • The_Titan_Tim
    It would be VERY negative in PvE. Why should I not be able to use magicka power for damage or healing? Just because other games break these and everything else into multiple separate stats? I enjoy making a damage/healer hybrid. In many dungeons, healing is only rarely/situationally necessary so it’s more fun and better for the whole group if you can also do some damage.

    It wouldn’t be negative at all because in PvE, damage dealers build into high stat pools and healers do too. You don’t put points into Health on a PvE build, look at the consumables people run, it’s all food, no drinks.
    Edited by The_Titan_Tim on December 16, 2022 8:00AM
  • Panderbander
    I would like to add that other MMOs have much more difficult overland content that is perfectly soloable with specialized builds (meaning, damage/healing/tank, not all three) being core to the game design. A max stats approach to healing with max damage for, well, damage, would still leave the overland content doable while incentivizing people to group for more difficult content - including PVP.

    I love me some 1vX, but when the only thing killing me or my opponents is an unlucky proc/lag/other people joining in... there's a problem and it's really not fun.
    Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • Nihilr

    If one chooses to be tanky or heals instead of all damage, there should be an even loss in both. Solo players shouldn't have it easier to be all dps and heals just because they choose a crit build. Tanky healers can make it through most content solo, except when they have to do enough damage at a DPS-gate type boss/mechanic.

    The game shouldn't revolve around 1 play-style, rather, the play styles should all be neck-and-neck in strengths and weaknesses, if all played by the same player with the same skill level. If we don't do this, then we should disband roles entirely for dungeons (sarcastic, to make a point).
  • The_Titan_Tim
    Nihilr wrote: »
    …If we don't do this, then we should disband roles entirely for dungeons (sarcastic, to make a point).

    I know you’re being sarcastic but you might be onto something… a great example of where this is done very well is if you look at the raiding scene of Destiny, you can build to help in healing or shielding within that game slightly, but each player shares the risk as there are no tanks, I think a PvE where each player focuses on finding their balance of healing, damage, and mitigation to optimize their character, would be incredibly interesting, instead of the traditional roles being locked-in.

    Very unlikely change, but one I would definitely be willing to try.
  • Baconlad
    I agree with disbanding roles. But the bosses are balanced with tanks in mind...
  • OBJnoob
    Disbanding roles is a bad idea because without someone taunting it's the highest damage that gets aggro. Meaning the very least durable becomes the tank.

    Nor do you want 4 specs showing up capable of tanking because without any rubric for group building nobody knew what'd be asked of them.

    Pugging anything beyond soloable content would be an exercise in futility.
  • Nihilr
    I think it got off topic, sorry for making a snide remark about disbanding roles--

    Look, the point is that tying critical damage and critical healing via critical chance (both magicka & stamina), and weapon/spell damage to damage and healing, is the reason why we get broken builds and always having to rebalance everything.

    Instead of making "crit is king", the devs need to keep moving the direction they have been and make players decide between:

    • critical damage ("Critical damage" chance and "critical damage" bonus)
    • critical healing ("Critical healing" chance and "critical healing" bonus added and replaced on healer sets)
    • raw damage (Weapon and Spell Power stays same)
    • raw healing (Healing power, separate and replaced trait on healer sets)
    • defense and buffs (self explanatory, these stay same)

    --so splitting any of that focus to other options should make your role weaker, but will help survivability as the game should be balanced around "well-rounded" builds.
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