Cadwell’s Enclave

Just want to game and hang out with a chill group of players, stop by the Enclave, we have cookies. Some of the members here have been playing ESO for over 5 years and we get into all aspects of the game. You need some help, just need to ask, you like to run solo but need help on occasions, that’s not problem here.

We all have lives outside of the game and being off line for a time is no issue here. We don’t have strict rules here at the Enclave, it’s a game and it’s meant to be fun, not a job.

- We are a No-Dues Guild but donations are always welcomed, We'll start bidding on traders once we have the funds to do so.

- Complete Guild Hall with all Mundus Stones attunable crafting stations

- We’re looking for new, experienced players, returning players who enjoy playing all levels of ESO. We like to see players take the lead on runs and events but if you’re just into participating with activities, that’s fine too.

If interested, please send an invite to the GM and we’ll get you set up.

Discord page is under construction and we’ll have that up shortly.

Guild Master: PSN: PrimusNephilim
Everyone is going in one direction, I'm going the other direction
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