Parallaxium's Motto: "Help or be helped, you're never alone."
Parallaxium is a casual, social, family type Online Gaming Community.
Formed in May '13 on the Asia-Pacific server of Gav Daragon, Star Wars: The Old Republic, the two guilds were composed of only one Republic guild. Shortly after birth, the guild's founders dispersed, leaving Khryztofa with a few loyal members that became our leadership team at the time: Vodega, Oriannah, Lexxsis and Yuki. With a basic website to make it complete, the guild went on the hunt for new members.
With the combined effort of all leaders, the guild began to shape itself into a social guild with a big membership base. An Imperial version of the guild was created.
Parallaxium is a collection of loyal members; a tight-knit group focused on helping people who need it. We are a family - a handful of friendly people who enjoy good company and flexible gaming. We are group of genuine, kind-hearted and mature players who love hanging out and are happy to lend a hand. We like doing events and we love getting ideas from our members that are unique and interesting.
We are not a PvP specific or RP specific guild; we do not require or force our players to participate in our events or traditions. While we are open and willing to explore all these things, our only requirement is that you have a heart to help out others. Our focus is on socialising, entertainment and support. We are aim to create a family, rather then just a "guild" - we want people to feel at home, that they can relax and unwind and enjoy themselves. We like to help people progress through the game and provide laughs along the way.
We hope that no matter what game you're playing, you feel at home with us!
We are always happy to accept new members who have shown they can be supportive and loyal - we love having people from all around the world so that we can balance the time-zones within our guilds and ensure that there's at least a couple of people on both factions at all times. We accept people of all races, sexualities, religions, personalities, genders, beliefs and political views - the more diverse the members our guild, the happier we are!
We hope you enjoy you will join us!
Owner of Community
@Khryztofa (in-game)