Basically I've been using the True-Sworn Style off and on since it was released. I think by and large it looks great and you can tell they put a ton of work into it.
However, I wanted to briefly discuss a possible aesthetic change to the style, specifically for the Medium Armor, Heavy Armor and Bow styles respectfully. Recently the Ascendant Order Style was released and this is another good looking motif, however one thing that stood out for me was something that was specifically designed to be concealed.

What I'm referring to is how those neon green glass veils are nice and covered in like a cloth jacket on the Ascendant Order Light Styles and the Bow as well. Pivot back to True-Sworn, on the Medium Armor, Heavy Armor and the Bow, this style has something similar, where the small potion containers are a little larger, yet unconcealed and also not shadeable with the rest of the outfit.
My request is thusly, to have these kind of bright, neon green bottles concealed in a manner similar to how the Ascendant Order Light armor style conceal theirs OR please allow us to dye them. The reason being is frequently I dye True-Sworn a darker color which is really akward because there's these bright neon bottles almost putting out light like a Christmas Tree Ornament. With respect to the True-Sworn itself they look really tacky, immediately noticeable against a darker background and cannot be dyed so I could not adjust their shading even if I wanted to.
The bottles can stay, it would just be nice to dye them too along with the rest of the True-Sworn Medium and Heavy armor outfits so everything matches OR cover them in a dark cloth jacket, again like Ascendant Order Light Armor Styles and Bow has. (This way maybe the top of the bottle might show a little but not dominate the appearance)
Thank you for your time and consideration for this request.
Edited by Vulkunne on December 3, 2022 3:33AM Today Victory is mine. Long Live the Empire.