Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

PVP community please respond

Is this the end of PVP….?

This is a genuine post and poll about the current issues within PVP but mainly across all 3 campaigns and it effects all three alliances , ZOS this isn’t a hate post but a genuine concerns and feedback post and I hope the manager , developers and the main people at ESO please listen to what your players are saying and the feedback we are giving you !

I’ve played eso for 6 years now mainly PVP and whitest I love the game and spend my spare time daily paying ESO it’s now the worst it’s even been for me , the majority of time chat has now gone from the standard PVP keep callouts to “ nothing works , just got killed to lag, can’t even put siege up , can’t break free etc etc , it’s become a pit fall for frustrated PVP players and despite all the promises from ZOS the situation just keeps getting worse , yes you’ve given us some updates with regards to hardware updates and the whole re architecture of the main game servers but this in itself will take another 2 years maybe and I don’t think people have much more patience for it , there has always been some lag in PVP but since the proc sets and antiquity’s came into play the lag got so much worse and I know that ZOS said that proc sets don’t make much difference to lag but it does but then again as a player that’s my own experience of this !

I want to know what other PVP players are experiencing with this as I know I’m definitely not the only one , I know this would probably be a no from the management and from the development team but come and spend an evening in cryodil and experience what we are saying first hand and in live play , and I can assure you it’s extremely difficult to play any kind of PVP

Feel free to to post your own experiences so that maybe just maybe the management teams and developers might just see and take on feedback of how it is currently
Edited by esogamer2021 on December 3, 2022 12:06AM

PVP community please respond 127 votes

Jsmallsmartinhpb16_ESOOminerjcasini222ub17_ESORagnaroek93Pabstongamma71MayraelmaxjapankxMauiWauiwazzz56ReactfakingfocusedSyiccalKatheriahcasparianStamickaBenTSGJierdanitMiyukiShiba 51 votes
Difficult to play
acastanza_ESOSimen.askeland89b16_ESOPsychopoteSorakammtaniacRhaegar75marlonbrandoReverbXarcAces-High-82CelestiallyMEBengalsFan2001CadburyLaidlawRaEDeStridigWeylandLabsLumenngeonsocalRalamil 53 votes
gameswithaspoonbiminirwb17_ESOHiImRexSkoomahKartalindeleted221205-002626PinjaValarMorghulis1896LarianaTheSpunkyLobsterUnfadingsilenceWildRaptorXworralljMarcus684N3CR01katorgaYandereGirlfriendGetAgrippaOBJnoobSkaraMinoc 23 votes
  • xylena_lazarow
    It's not just the performance driving players away, the tank meta U35 nerfs ruined the combat system for many.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    Got excited to PVP tonight. 10 minutes of skills not working. Press button 6 times, by the time it finally goes off person in attacking has moved to other side of keep due to lag. 6th night in a row. Just turned off xbox mid fight.
    2015 launch console player. Game is dead for PVP.
  • xMauiWaui
    It's not just the performance driving players away, the tank meta U35 nerfs ruined the combat system for many.

    For me and my friends, for all in my Guild, all randoms i played with, it was 95% performance. [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 3, 2022 12:26PM
  • Dorkener
    Unsubbed and quit this year (been around since 2016, primarily PvPing), no plans to come back. Finally put down the copium and accepted the performance is NOT gonna get better, and the seesaw balancing coupled with grindy items (mythics and overtuned sets that get nerfed 6 months later) is here to stay.
  • Rhaegar75
    Difficult to play
    It's not just the performance driving players away, the tank meta U35 nerfs ruined the combat system for many.

    Exactly: this is the reason that forced me to unsub.
    deffo unplayable
    PS EU
  • xylena_lazarow
    xMauiWaui wrote: »
    For me and my friends, for all in my Guild, all randoms i played with, it was 95% performance.
    I've never doubted that performance was the biggest priority for many players, but there's no lag in BGs...
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • OBJnoob
    I feel like a jerk ruining your poll results because I hear the horror stories all the time and I do hope this post gets lots of attention so that your experience can be better. Xbox NA may be in the best state... I play ravenwatch, duel in cities, bg, and blackreach and all of these work fine. Blackreach does get laggy and "difficult" to play at a certain threshold of population/zerg. And I went to grey host once a long time ago and will never go back.

    I think the game would operate better if those people playing in grey host saying it's completely unplayable would go to blackreach or ravenwatch instead. And I'm aware that it isn't right for players to have to resort to this... But I don't see the benefit of standing on that moral high ground being miserable.
  • xylena_lazarow
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    I think the game would operate better if those people playing in grey host saying it's completely unplayable would go to blackreach or ravenwatch instead.
    The playerbase is simply too small to support even 1 server for 24 hours a day, let alone 3-4 of them all with different rulesets. You can't successfully tell players "just play on the empty server where you get 1 fight per hour" and if a lot of players do move there, now it's just as laggy as GH was. You can maybe make this argument for prime time players when the main server gets overfilled, but then there's still the ruleset issue which is a major deal breaker to many.

    One main server, one overflow server, one ruleset. That's what we need. Dividing a small playerbase is failure.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Jaimeh
    Difficult to play
    I don't play on primetime, but even in the less busy hours it's difficult to play. During bigger fights it's downright impossible, not just the casting of skills, the unresponsiveness, the freezes, the breaking free, etc., but also getting booted from the server, and thus quite literally being unable to play.
  • esogamer2021
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    I feel like a jerk ruining your poll results because I hear the horror stories all the time and I do hope this post gets lots of attention so that your experience can be better. Xbox NA may be in the best state... I play ravenwatch, duel in cities, bg, and blackreach and all of these work fine. Blackreach does get laggy and "difficult" to play at a certain threshold of population/zerg. And I went to grey host once a long time ago and will never go back.

    I think the game would operate better if those people playing in grey host saying it's completely unplayable would go to blackreach or ravenwatch instead. And I'm aware that it isn't right for players to have to resort to this... But I don't see the benefit of standing on that moral high ground being miserable.

    I now play in BR because GH is too laggy and now BR in the same
  • axi
    xMauiWaui wrote: »
    For me and my friends, for all in my Guild, all randoms i played with, it was 95% performance.
    I've never doubted that performance was the biggest priority for many players, but there's no lag in BGs...

    In prime time, there is lag in BGs. And sometimes even outside of prime time. It started couple of weeks ago and just getting worse with every week.

    As for tank meta it is nothing new that happened suddenly and caused exodus of people. We had multiple periods of time when tank meta was a thing and there was never a visible connection between new tank metas and players leaving PvP. I would say that some offensive changes (wheter to itemization or to abilities) were casuing more people to pause their presence in ESO than tank metas. For example when ZoS introduced dark convergence in its first version many people stopped to visit BGs.
    Edited by axi on December 3, 2022 10:16PM
  • xylena_lazarow
    axi wrote: »
    As for tank meta it is nothing new that happened suddenly and caused exodus of people.
    It depends who you play with, some players were hit harder than others. Back in the U34 Oakensoul update 6mo ago, performance was good and players did damage, can we just roll back to that?
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • blktauna
    Difficult to play
    PCEU on Ravenwatch at Friday evenings is mostly unplayable but is sometimes just difficult. Skills don't fire, pots don't take unless you hit Q 5 times or so, you can never break free and if a ball group shows up, well just leave because the game will grind to a halt.

    You know ZOS still hasn't given us a list of what does and doesn't work in no-proc... just sayin.

    PCNA is only marginally better in Blackreach and Grey Host.

    The meta is tedious and everyone just heals from near death in one go. I don't feel like I'm actually doing anything in a fight, I can't escape, The lag grinds me to a halt... It's just not fun.
  • axi
    axi wrote: »
    As for tank meta it is nothing new that happened suddenly and caused exodus of people.
    It depends who you play with, some players were hit harder than others. Back in the U34 Oakensoul update 6mo ago, performance was good and players did damage, can we just roll back to that?

    You do realise that tank meta is usually an outcome of increase in overall dmg? If everyone starts to do more dmg than simpliest solution to that is just getting more tanky. Also setups that get dmg buffs are very often ending up being more tanky in the procces like a DK few patches ago. Increasing overall dmg will always result with tank meta. That is a tricky part about balancing the game. People do more dmg --> everyone (except maybe setups with build in high mobility and evasivness) builds more defense, everyone starts to be too tanky --> people starts to build even more dmg and the circle continues while also being regularly influenced by new sets and combat changes. Despite current tank meta damage outputs of some of the setups are very high. There is plenty of free dmg and free control added to the game as of late so it's obvious to counter that people will build more tanky because if they don't they will simply die in overabundance of some passively applied dmg and control effects.
    Edited by axi on December 4, 2022 11:19AM
  • Rhaegar75
    Difficult to play
    The current meta is 🤮 and it definitely caused me to unsubscribe….if this is the case for others…that I don’t know.

    I’m levelling up in New World: I’m level 44 and the last time I bothered I waited 98 minutes for an arena to start. Yesterday open PvP was Zero so I jumped back in ESO.

    Sadly, in a way, ESO has still the best PvP.
    Yesterday in Grey Host EU-PC I had one the best fights and most epic fights I had in a while. Reds were trying to take Ale and, well, they didn’t!!
    The server was working ok, you could actually kill and be killed. Awesome.
  • Katheriah
    The amount of times my group logs off when they want to play, but it's just not responsive...
  • Turtle_Bot
    As soon as a ball group logs on, the game just dies. Ping spikes to 999+ (it spikes to over 30k ms according to my ping tracker) and the game becomes a power point slide show before it just stops working all together and crashes to desktop or boots me from the server.

    Even outside of primetime ball groups still have this effect on the game, especially on PC EU where we don't even have the new hardware to help us.

    As for when ball groups are not online, it depends on when you are playing. During prime time is horrible for me (borderline unplayable), but outside of primetime it depends on population and fluctuates between difficult to play and borderline playable, but during the times it is playable, there's almost no-one online to actually get a fight.

    I don't know what happened between U36 launch and now (it's only gotten worse after the fixes to the initial U36 issues), but something went horribly wrong with the implementation of U36 and the fixes for this update and it definitely needs to be urgently looked into and fixed because performance is currently among the worst I have ever seen it get.
  • nuttytom
    pvp is literally unplayable due to lag for more than half the day every day, id even say its unplayable for 90% of the day at weekends. grayhost is a joke, other campaigns are empty and there is literally no reason to go to imperial city despite it being an actual good zone lmao
  • xylena_lazarow
    axi wrote: »
    You do realise that tank meta is usually an outcome of increase in overall dmg? If everyone starts to do more dmg than simpliest solution to that is just getting more tanky.
    There's a lot more nuance than that. I was gonna explain beyond "meta defense is more op than meta offense" but decided it would be a waste of time and better to agree to disagree. Enjoy your playstyle and carry on.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • axi
    axi wrote: »
    You do realise that tank meta is usually an outcome of increase in overall dmg? If everyone starts to do more dmg than simpliest solution to that is just getting more tanky.
    There's a lot more nuance than that. I was gonna explain beyond "meta defense is more op than meta offense" but decided it would be a waste of time and better to agree to disagree. Enjoy your playstyle and carry on.

    I know there is more factors affecting meta shifts but general rule of the tumb goes as simple as I wrote it. The more dmg ZoS will bring into the game the more people will try to build tanky to counter those damage. I've seen You saying in one of the other threads that nb dmg currently is fine because it helps to counter tank meta but the thing is many people build as tanky as they do to avoid nukes and ganks from nightblades in particular after the class got many dmg buffs so You can say current nb dmg is not countering tank meta it's one of the reasons tank meta exists atm.
    Edited by axi on December 4, 2022 6:51PM
  • Aggrovious
    The whole point of wanting to duel (or pvp all the zergs) someone is to be able to do damage and kill them. Even with 20k penetration and 7500 spell damage, you still can't kill the tank meta. There is no good anti-heal. Modify enough buffs within buffs and it will kill the fun.

    Healing = OP
    Tank = (900) (crit950) (1050!) damage
    Damage = doesn't exist

    Oh, and not introducing a new class or skill line only makes PVP builds copy/paste just like PVE
  • Stridig
    Difficult to play
    Difficult to play but mainly because of the way people are forced to play these days. Either a tank or a ballgroup or a bomber. Very few good players anymore and it's just boring as hell.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • acastanza_ESO
    Difficult to play
    For PCNA: Ravenwatch is great (when there's population), Blackreach is good, until a ballgroup dips out of Grey Host and wreaks havoc (on server performance, and with their overpowered healstacking making them invincible), Grey Host swings back and forth between pretty bad but basically playable...ish and "I tried to use that ability five minutes ago, thanks for nothing".

    The tank meta, and ballgroup healstacking are out of control though. ZOS desperately needs to address it.
    Maybe nerf earthgore so being affected by it makes you unable to be affected by it again for its full 20 second cooldown, in addition to the 20 second cooldown on the set to make it so everyone and their cousin aren't running it. I imagine that would take some load off the server.
  • ketsparrowhawk
    Difficult to play
    I mostly play BG's so no real performance problems. It's just the constant frost spam and outrageous CC that makes me want to alt-f4.
  • Hesperax79
    Difficult to play
    Main problem with PvP:
    - BG que not working many times. Pop-up and you can not enter into the arena. THis *** me off especially when we are in group and we waiting till 30 min.
    - Laggy
    - Unbalance everywhere, especially in
    • cast unbalance
      fraction unbalance
    - IC is dead
    - tankmeta
  • xFocused
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    As soon as a ball group logs on, the game just dies. Ping spikes to 999+ (it spikes to over 30k ms according to my ping tracker) and the game becomes a power point slide show before it just stops working all together and crashes to desktop or boots me from the server.

    Even outside of primetime ball groups still have this effect on the game, especially on PC EU where we don't even have the new hardware to help us.

    As for when ball groups are not online, it depends on when you are playing. During prime time is horrible for me (borderline unplayable), but outside of primetime it depends on population and fluctuates between difficult to play and borderline playable, but during the times it is playable, there's almost no-one online to actually get a fight.

    I don't know what happened between U36 launch and now (it's only gotten worse after the fixes to the initial U36 issues), but something went horribly wrong with the implementation of U36 and the fixes for this update and it definitely needs to be urgently looked into and fixed because performance is currently among the worst I have ever seen it get.

    Can't agree with this one. I've said this in many many posts before but ball groups aren't causing the entire server to lag. If I'm running solo in a field and can't bar swap, get stuck in combat, bluescreen or just disconnect then how would that be the fault of a ball group? Sure, they do cause SOME lag but they absolutely aren't the sole reason there's all these glitches, lag, etc...
  • xylena_lazarow
    xFocused wrote: »
    Can't agree with this one. I've said this in many many posts before but ball groups aren't causing the entire server to lag.
    Not inherently, but when they do certain things with the explicit intent of drawing as many casual randoms as possible to a single objective for the purpose of trolling them "indefinitely" ...guess what happens. Ironically, if ball groups did enough damage to actually nuke whole zergs, this would be much less of an issue, because they'd be immediately winning and moving on instead of dragging out laggy stalemates until they themselves get bored.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Starlight_Knight
    PVP is unplayable, its so fustrating to have so many issues still persistante year after year, and patch after patch the lag gets worse.

    Ive just started logging in again to play pvp after a few months off and only an hour into pvp i had to alt and f4 - just such a stressfull experience not being able to cast skills, screaming at the pc screen for stuff to work, breaking free 2 times in a row and stuck in combat for 10 min.

    On top of the fact that ESO has had no new pvp updates in what is it now like 5 years ? Not even had a bg map? whats going on?

    Not to mention all my pvp guilds are now grave yards.
  • xFocused
    PVP is unplayable, its so fustrating to have so many issues still persistante year after year, and patch after patch the lag gets worse.

    Ive just started logging in again to play pvp after a few months off and only an hour into pvp i had to alt and f4 - just such a stressfull experience not being able to cast skills, screaming at the pc screen for stuff to work, breaking free 2 times in a row and stuck in combat for 10 min.

    On top of the fact that ESO has had no new pvp updates in what is it now like 5 years ? Not even had a bg map? whats going on?

    Not to mention all my pvp guilds are now grave yards.

    They just don't seem to care. The only real updates we get are new sets here & there, nerfs/buffs to certain skills, and a tree removed here and there. It's a general thought that they don't look at PvP as the money making side of the game as they do with PvE but we still buy crowns/crates, we still subscribe to ESO+ so I don't get why they neglect this side of the game so badly
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