These are not intended to take up developer time, unless some developer is bored on a Wednesday evening and wants to twiddle around with a bit of nonsense. They are just things that would be nice if a trivia genie popped out of a Tall Papa lamp.
Here are mine:
1. A very rare antiquity or drop that enables you to unbind one bound object. I have bound items that I will never use but cannot bear to destroy because of their value. If there were just the slimmest chance that one day I could sell, exchange, or even give the item to someone else, I would not be such an idiot for keeping them.
2. Each companion comes with 3 hairstyles. This would preserve the faces so lovingly created, and even the overall look, but would give a significant amount of difference so that you don’t have so many “Is that mine?” moments; costume changes just don’t have the same impact.
3. Houseguests (at least the companions) who could be made to sit down. I have mine standing looking at food; standing playing games; and standing by the fire. It would be nice to have them occasionally sitting at a table, having a meal and a chinwag.
What are yours?