Why don't we have hybrid foods yet?
Basically the past few updates have forced everyone to play damage dealer hybrids if we want to have decent outputs, yet we're left to figure out how to match set pieces and what buff foods to eat without even getting close to what we actually need to be in a place of feasible sustain with these dramatic changes (most notably in the past year alone): hybrid foods.
Purple quality recipes would look like this:
Max health increased, max magicka increased, + stamina recovery
Max health increased, max stamina increased, + magicka recovery
Max stamina increased, max magicka increased, + health recovery
Max magicka increased, + stamina recovery + health recovery
Max stamina increased, + magicka recovery + health recovery
And so on.
It is imperative that hybrid buff food recipes are added to the base game as soon as possible, or this game will just continue to bleed players interested in filling the damage dealer role.
You can see the effects of these last few updates everywhere, but if you're interested in seeing it in its full "splendor" just go to Craglorn during prime time, outside of events. Groups are super slow to fill these days and it's more often than not the DD ("dps" for Americans) roles that are slow to fill. This is of course not healthful for the game, and the conclusion must be that since you've changed everything about how damage dealing works, you should also have a look at how buffing our damage dealers work, and currently there aren't any good options. There are only less bad options.
I've personally played more on my healers than on my DDs, who prior to this year were my main characters. It's been exhausting playing as a DPS, especially after U35, and getting these sort of buff foods would be a huge QoL improvement in that regards.