Why does this animation exist?

At this point, I don't care about when it's going to be fixed. There is something that is bothering me more than that.

I use my Block. Push hard on Right Mouse Click. The Animation drops its arms, making it completely defenseless. My character gets knocked across the room.

I did nothing wrong. I defended properly. The response, about 70% of the time, is Wrong, and responds improperly. Sometimes the block works. Usually it does not.

But my question is - Why does this defenseless animation even exist? It has to be coded into the game to respond the way it does. Yet there is literally no reason that a player would want to activate this animation, especially during combat.

Why does this exist? It really takes a lot of fun out of the game, Very irritating.

  • ghastley
    I believe a block attempt can fail because of timing, or because of insufficient stamina. In either case, the lack of shield is being shown with an animation, so you get feedback. Doing nothing would imply that your input was ignored/lost.
  • robwolf666
    Is that the block bug people have been talking about since the update?
  • Soarora
    robwolf666 wrote: »
    Is that the block bug people have been talking about since the update?

    In my experience, the block bug is that you expect to be blocking and you look and you’re just not blocking. Block dropped when you weren’t looking or you rolled and blocked and it didn’t actually block. I don’t recall an animation.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 4/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 32/32 HMs - 24/26 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Crimsonwolf666
    Block is bugged currently and they discussed in the last (aka 2 days ago) that they were working on the block bug fix in the Twitch stream.
  • Kingsindarkness
    I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.

    Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.

    With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.

  • Soarora
    I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.

    Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.

    With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.


    Blocking is a necessity in most content. Not just the two you mentioned but dungeons, arenas, even soloing worldbosses. Supposedly it’ll be fixed in the next incremental but honestly, it’s something that should’ve been fixed ASAP. Oh well.

    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 4/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 32/32 HMs - 24/26 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Kingsindarkness
    Soarora wrote: »
    I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.

    Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.

    With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.


    Blocking is a necessity in most content. Not just the two you mentioned but dungeons, arenas, even soloing worldbosses. Supposedly it’ll be fixed in the next incremental but honestly, it’s something that should’ve been fixed ASAP. Oh well.

    Really...I'm far from an expert in the game (Far Far) I play Dungeons, do Arenas, and do some world Bosses...since the last two patches I really don't need it...it just seems that if a "Bad" like me doesn't need it.....

    Just thinking out loud of course. Hopefully, it gets fixed soon.
  • CrashTest
    Had that happen to me too. It looks like the idle animation. You just stand there, arms down, watching your impending doom come crashing down on your face, even though you're holding down right click.

    I just assumed it's part of the infamous block bug bc I never seen it before and it happened after I dodge rolled out of something.

    And before anyone tells me they don't have an issue with it so it's fine or JuSt DoN't DoDgE rOlL, try tanking vet DLC trials rn without dodge rolling and blocking then come back and tell me how it went.
  • jtm1018
    Soarora wrote: »
    I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.

    Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.

    With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.


    Blocking is a necessity in most content. Not just the two you mentioned but dungeons, arenas, even soloing worldbosses. Supposedly it’ll be fixed in the next incremental but honestly, it’s something that should’ve been fixed ASAP. Oh well.

    This exactly, wb heavyattack hurts a lot, I need to block them, doing my routine then bloking to negate heavy attack, but guess what my toon didnt block, end result my toon died. I just tank the wb aoe and light attacks, I know I can block the heavy attack so I dont die, but guess I cant block immediately after attacking and firing off my skills.

    And I also need to block to dodge roll, but I cant block, it just sucks.
  • Ardriel
    barney2525 wrote: »
    At this point, I don't care about when it's going to be fixed. There is something that is bothering me more than that.

    I use my Block. Push hard on Right Mouse Click. The Animation drops its arms, making it completely defenseless. My character gets knocked across the room.

    I did nothing wrong. I defended properly. The response, about 70% of the time, is Wrong, and responds improperly. Sometimes the block works. Usually it does not.

    But my question is - Why does this defenseless animation even exist? It has to be coded into the game to respond the way it does. Yet there is literally no reason that a player would want to activate this animation, especially during combat.

    Why does this exist? It really takes a lot of fun out of the game, Very irritating.


    I know exactly what you mean. I experience this with my tank again and again. Holding block long enough to be prepared for the heavy attack, almost full stamina bar. Just before the heavy hits from the boss, the animation goes up, so shield goes away and the character stands there defenseless, not blocking. Most of the time the millisecond is no longer enough to dodge. If it is a vet DLC boss, I am usually dead. Well, explain that to your fellow players. They think you're just an incompetent tank.

    The animation seems to be some expression of "I should be doing something now, but for some reason I can't".

    I've been experiencing this for over a year. Long before the current block bug. It's much more common on the NA server, where I have an average ping of 200+, than on the EU, where I play with an average of 66. I guess lags are responsible for not registering the block in time and showing it to the server.
    With the block bug it's even worse now and I've given up tanking for now. :/
  • SeaGtGruff
    CrashTest wrote: »
    Had that happen to me too. It looks like the idle animation. You just stand there, arms down, watching your impending doom come crashing down on your face, even though you're holding down right click.

    I just assumed it's part of the infamous block bug bc I never seen it before and it happened after I dodge rolled out of something.

    And before anyone tells me they don't have an issue with it so it's fine or JuSt DoN't DoDgE rOlL, try tanking vet DLC trials rn without dodge rolling and blocking then come back and tell me how it went.

    I've actually had it happen to me A LOT while soloing normal dungeons, trying to block a boss's impending attack WITHOUT dodge-rolling, just standing still-- and I'm talking about for a long time now, for at least a year if not longer. I'm pretty sure I'd mentioned it in passing months ago while commenting in threads about soloing dungeons, or about the combat changes in U35, but I think my assumption at the time was that maybe my right mouse button was wearing out. It's been going on since well before U35-- for me, anyway-- and I remember mentioning that I'd thought at first that it might be from not having enough Stamina, except it was also happening when my Stamina is at 3/4s full and above.

    I'm guessing that when the devs said they looked into it and discovered that it was a combination of things causing it-- or whatever they said; I'm paraphrasing the gist of it as I'd interpreted it-- that some of the bits and pieces of what's causing it have probably been in the code for a long time. That makes it more difficult to track down and fix, since they can't merely do a before-and-after code comparison of the changes made in U35 or U36.

    Anyway, let's hope it's going to be fixed by the next patch.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • SkaraMinoc
    Block is such an integral part of the game that the bug should have been hotfixed to PC NA within 24 hours.
    PC NA
  • Dragonredux
    CrashTest wrote: »
    And before anyone tells me they don't have an issue with it so it's fine or JuSt DoN't DoDgE rOlL, try tanking vet DLC trials rn without dodge rolling and blocking then come back and tell me how it went.

    Hell not even trials. Vet DLC dungeons and a few base game hm dungeons will put you down if you don't block. I'm convinced anyone who uses the "you don't need block" never done or tanked vet at all.
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