robwolf666 wrote: »Is that the block bug people have been talking about since the update?
Kingsindarkness wrote: »I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.
Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.
With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.
Kingsindarkness wrote: »I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.
Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.
With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.
Blocking is a necessity in most content. Not just the two you mentioned but dungeons, arenas, even soloing worldbosses. Supposedly it’ll be fixed in the next incremental but honestly, it’s something that should’ve been fixed ASAP. Oh well.
Kingsindarkness wrote: »I'm not trying to be contrary, but I have basically stopped using Block since the last two patches, I can throw out a stun to do pretty much the same thing, and I stay alive.
Now I don't compete in Vet Trials or PVP so if those are the two areas Block is needed apologies, but if so it is affecting a small number of people...but it will probably be addressed eventually.
With the last two patches though Blocking and Weaving aren't an issue for most people at least those people, I play with.
Blocking is a necessity in most content. Not just the two you mentioned but dungeons, arenas, even soloing worldbosses. Supposedly it’ll be fixed in the next incremental but honestly, it’s something that should’ve been fixed ASAP. Oh well.
barney2525 wrote: »At this point, I don't care about when it's going to be fixed. There is something that is bothering me more than that.
I use my Block. Push hard on Right Mouse Click. The Animation drops its arms, making it completely defenseless. My character gets knocked across the room.
I did nothing wrong. I defended properly. The response, about 70% of the time, is Wrong, and responds improperly. Sometimes the block works. Usually it does not.
But my question is - Why does this defenseless animation even exist? It has to be coded into the game to respond the way it does. Yet there is literally no reason that a player would want to activate this animation, especially during combat.
Why does this exist? It really takes a lot of fun out of the game, Very irritating.
Had that happen to me too. It looks like the idle animation. You just stand there, arms down, watching your impending doom come crashing down on your face, even though you're holding down right click.
I just assumed it's part of the infamous block bug bc I never seen it before and it happened after I dodge rolled out of something.
And before anyone tells me they don't have an issue with it so it's fine or JuSt DoN't DoDgE rOlL, try tanking vet DLC trials rn without dodge rolling and blocking then come back and tell me how it went.
And before anyone tells me they don't have an issue with it so it's fine or JuSt DoN't DoDgE rOlL, try tanking vet DLC trials rn without dodge rolling and blocking then come back and tell me how it went.