robwolf666 wrote: »An always have skill for my Sorc... Heals!
FeedbackOnly wrote: »
That's false, all those bugs have been long since fixed
I love how they help out the tanks in trials and dungeons by pulling when no one is ready.
False! It is actually someone else who pulls, and the pets respond to the aggro. Most non-pet people just assume the pets pulls, as they are hyper-acutely aware to the first moment of combat and no one is willing to admit they were the baddie that pulled, so blame unfairly gets shifted to pets and lesser blame is shifted to the pet user as a result. Usually someone throws the fighter guild trap at the ground to pull faster mid-explanation, or someone just gets too close to a mob and aggros. Lingering ground AOEs will also pull for multi-phase fights (think: cloud rest side minis, but i think they'll aggro on their own sometimes anyways). Pets never pull, any warden/sorc main will tell you this.
To prove this ask a sorc or warden vampire with stage 4 vampirism to sprint invis near mobs with their pet out, or simply give them an invis potion and ask them to sneak by a group of mobs that can be snuck past... aggro will not be pulled unless the mob is able to see invis people up to a certain range (like spiders and most bosses, then aggro will be pulled by the player). Same applies for companions
Credit to where credit is due, but our amazing winged Twilight friend is not responsible for this aggro'ing of the bosses/mobs phenomina, but they do get the blame!
Necro pets, however, are a different story altogether.
However, despite your love of them being misplaced- we can all love how they take the blame for people who preemptively aggro trash and bosses in dungeons and trials, so the people who really pulled don't get embarrassed or learn from their mistakes!
I have a Sorc and a Warden and currently run dungeons and trials - a lot. I have seen with my own eyes that unless the pet owner uses the control pet command, the pets will attack even if the owner doesn't attack.
When we do add skips, I have seen the pet stay behind and attack while the owner isn't even there and hasn't engaged in combat anywhere.
Check your logs and record! There are people who love chaos and hate skipping, even in well-established trial guilds.