NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Or what about, you just use a different companion or temporary unsummon him when you plan to go murdering harmless animals? He has a perfectly normal reaction to see someone killing an innocent animal like some beginning serial killer.
Part of this playerbase and their thoughts of Bastian is honestly disturbing.
SammyKhajit wrote: »This one finds the companions’ commentaries to be hilariously inappropriate, or just plain weird sometimes.
Bastian: complains about stealing, then points out a heavy sack and that “someone’s loss is our gain”. Huh? Shouldn’t Sammy lodge the heavy sack at Tamerial’s Lost & Found according to your morals, Mr Sanctimonious?
Isobel: “what do they do for fun around here?” Sammy: “Dame Isobel, we are at Cold Harbour. There is only suffering, misery and sad mood lighting.”
Ember: “Are we doing something magicky?” Sammy: “This one will enroll you into Elswyr Grammar, so you can learn to speak properly!”
Mirri: “can we stop at a tavern? I’m famished.” Sammy: “This one has stopped at the taverns many a times upon request, but you never eat a thing, not even one roasted squib!”
SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Treselegant wrote: »SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Ugh, don't remind me, talk about dialogue that makes no sense. A Knight who literally wont even use a lockpick during her quest to rescue a lady but is totally fine and dandy being friends with a known assassin and thief. Great writing there.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »Treselegant wrote: »SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Ugh, don't remind me, talk about dialogue that makes no sense. A Knight who literally wont even use a lockpick during her quest to rescue a lady but is totally fine and dandy being friends with a known assassin and thief. Great writing there.
It echoes here!
Treselegant wrote: »SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Ugh, don't remind me, talk about dialogue that makes no sense. A Knight who literally wont even use a lockpick during her quest to rescue a lady but is totally fine and dandy being friends with a known assassin and thief. Great writing there.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Yet can't handle you lockpicking a door even though it would be to great help for something very important. but no, it's against the law and not very knightly! Murdering people for a sadistic death cult which too is very much against the law and worse? Sure, just don't let me see it.
SammyKhajit wrote: »Treselegant wrote: »SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Ugh, don't remind me, talk about dialogue that makes no sense. A Knight who literally wont even use a lockpick during her quest to rescue a lady but is totally fine and dandy being friends with a known assassin and thief. Great writing there.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »SammyKhajit wrote: »@Treselegant indeed and you will find that with Isobel as well, who comments that she will try to look the other way with the Vestige’s affiliation with DB and Thieves Guild
Yet can't handle you lockpicking a door even though it would be to great help for something very important. but no, it's against the law and not very knightly! Murdering people for a sadistic death cult which too is very much against the law and worse? Sure, just don't let me see it.
Bastian Cultists sighted 🙀 Sammy will tiptoe out of this thread and fetch some amulets, fashioned from cheese….
AcadianPaladin wrote: »Hunting rabbits is important for my elf to make the food that feed her and any companion. It is not wasteful. When a squirrel gets killed from an AoE that helps keep my elf and her companion alive, it is extremely justified collateral damage. She won't travel with any companion too dumb to understand that.
Treselegant wrote: »Sammy, my friend. Its not normal to call some who has different opinion to you 'a cultist'. Because the truth is, you are not actually a Khajitt, but a person on a public forum. We were literally just taking about the differences in characters. Are you an Isobel cultist for liking her?
Eric_Prince wrote: »Treselegant wrote: »Sammy, my friend. Its not normal to call some who has different opinion to you 'a cultist'. Because the truth is, you are not actually a Khajitt, but a person on a public forum. We were literally just taking about the differences in characters. Are you an Isobel cultist for liking her?
Hey, stop insulting cultists! We, doomsday necromancers, have every right to make blood sacrifices and worship otherworldly tyrannical beings as the next guy!
MasterSpatula wrote: »I would have much less of a problem with Bastian's issues about killing innocent creatures if the targeting in this game weren't such a disaster.
spartaxoxo wrote: »MasterSpatula wrote: »I would have much less of a problem with Bastian's issues about killing innocent creatures if the targeting in this game weren't such a disaster.
Yeah. This is one of those things where it's an idea that makes sense but the limits of gameplay kinda ruins it. I feel the same about their reactions to food. It's heavily implied by dialogue that you're at least offering them the food anytime you cook in front of them. Mirri writes you a letter remembering the good times you had when drinking and Bastian gets annoyed you tried to feed him cheese because he's lactose intolerant. But, we the player don't actually experience that. Just as we're often not purposefully targeting critters. So the dialogue on those two things can be understandably irritating to people.
ETA: Actually Mirri's aversion to butterflies and torch bugs being harvested is similar. The irritation comes sometimes from it being a misclick. At least they now let us disable stealing placed objects.
Meanwhile Ember admires my technique with the Blade of Woe, and giggles when I behead goats at Goat's Head Oasis.
SammyKhajit wrote: »
What we need, before adding new companions, is more side stories and quests for the existing companions.
This one is still waiting for that dinner at Mirri’s family home; ditto Isobel; Ember needs a gathering with her old friends and Bastian needs to visit his sister’s home. A lot of reunions and adventures that can happen along the way.