One of my characters is built with defensive, blocking and is pretty good but I will never join a queue as tank because of "fake tank" shunning.
What is a good tank?
Myrddin1357 wrote: »
A tank is supposed to do the following:
- keep taunt on boss and dangerous adds
- group adds if they can
- debuff enemies and buff group if they can
A fake tank is someone who is not even trying to do any of the above.
spartaxoxo wrote: »A real tank uses cc on adds, keeps taunt on bosses and dangerous adds, interrupts boss attacks, debuffs enemies and buffs the group. The bare minimum required to be a tank is to taunt the boss and hold it as still as the mechanics allow.
A fake tank is someone not trying to do the job of tanking. If you have slotted a taunt and stay alive without needing to run around all over the place like speed racer, then you're already going to be praised and do better than most "tanks" in normal queue.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Until there's an official definition of a Tank and the design is updated to enforce those requirements, then fake tanks do not exist. Players are allowed to queue as a Tank regardless of their playstyle and are considered tanks for the duration of the dungeon. Groups are allowed to vote kick tanks that don't meet their expectations. But that doesn't mean the player is a fake tank.
Its players that define the roles and the roles have been defined in many games previously. If your curious what a tank is google it to get some rough idea even!
To me, a fake tank is simply someone who doesn't taunt. A tank that doesn't chain and/or dies a lot is a bad tank. A bad tank, if they are trying their best, I will have patience for... there is no safety net in tanking you just have to take the plunge and I admire their attempt. A fake tank I will never have patience for.