Fish for our Pods - Koi Carp - Coloured anything - Goldfish - FLYING fish - SOMETHING. :-(

Its a shame my Garden, @The Chinese Garden Of A Thousand Lanterns@ (OK, so only about 320 lanterns... :p But I tried...) has a wonderful pond but utterly nothing inside it alive.
Im not asking for Desmidia, Chloroplankton, Microbial green algae... no... jus' a few fishies.
Not Scary fish. Beautiful fish.
AND and..... Lotus flowers? For the water surface? I man we have SO MUCH ELSE.... but these two elements are missing unless we go to Summerset. And their ponds are alive with Lotus and Koi Carp. (sniffle!)
"All young girls think they are Princesses. Life teaches that we have to also be warriors."
Menelaus, king of Sparta and his wife, Helen of Troy.
  • DivineKitty
    I would very much enjoy some sort of koi pond or just the fish themselves, whether as a furnishing or as a pet. Kyne's breath, even some sort of fish target dummy would be cool, we already have a giant crab dummy, and it's amazing.

    Alternately, maybe a flying fish pet? Most of the Aquatic pets we've had so far are just turtles, crabs and jelly fish. I mean, those are cool and I love the lil' Swamp Jelly that follows my Argonian around, but it'd be cool to have some variety.

    So hopefully we get a flying fish at some point, or even better: a regular fish, suspended in a magic water bubble.
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