www.gutterkings.enjin.comAvailable for hire for all your security and enforcement needs.Ebonheart Pact
PvE, PvP, RP light (mercenary)
No drama, no BS
Friendly, mature
TS3 available
Website focusedOfficers & ContactsCommander Lux Lucius (luxlucius)
The Gutter Kings major in all things PvE, PvP & RP for a little flavour.
We are no drama, no BS people always looking to have a good time.
Whether you're a casual drop-in, a farming maniac, or a hardcore locksmith
with a knack for swag, we'd love to have you aboard.
Feel free to visit our website and sign up @ www.gutterkings.enjin.com
we look forward to hearing from you. If you have any further questions,
you can shoot a message to an officer in-game or post below.The Long Story
The GK is a new guild made up of old friends from all over.
We come from all kinds of experience levels, all brought together by a mutual
love for MMOs and want for a good time, all the time. We're starting with a fresh face
this time around and look forward to growing into something great. Again.
GK's officer corps have experience leading multiple mega, multigame guilds, always
with an eye for quality over quantity. We look for players that make the game
better for everyone, regardless of experience level. Casual, hardcore,
somewhere in between, you name it, we have a place for you.
Our forums are our stronghold and we love to see people use them
and encourage people to get to know each other there. We utilize event
planning and awards and medals, and log in regularly to post news and
updates for our members. Anything we can do to make our people
happy, we work toward!
Heavy Lies the Crown.