A couple of days ago I switched back to Mirri after not seeing her for a long time.
I use her as a healer and after levelling every other companion I noticed I had not finished her resto skill line.
I have to say, I got a bit of a shock... after spending so much time with Isobel and Ember (they are both terrific), I was taken aback by how brusque Mirri actually is. Even when you talk to her in your home and she just responds: What!!
I was never a mega Mirri fan but I did enjoy some of her comments, such as: all right, but don't cry for mummy (I love this!).
She is so passive agressive... even Bastian is better to spend time with than Mirri!!
P.S. - I have nothing else to do but make this pretty pointless post while waiting for Firesong
I was never a mega Mirri fan but I did enjoy some of her comments, such as: all right, but don't cry for mummy
I like Mirri, but I really wish they would add better companions, ones that don't mind you getting up to not-so-good things haha (The whole killing/Dark Brotherhood) Maybe a Vampire companion or an assassin would be amazing ♥
Another cool thing they could do is let you companion Npc's from the game, Nayru/Razum-Dar/Gwendis/Evili Sharp Arrow
ect that would be amazing! ♥
I only added Isobel for the extra bonus during the high isle event, plus I am a Crit Role fan so I was interested in hearing Laura Bailey's voice acting.
But its Mirri only for me so far .. enjoy her attitude and responses and the loot bag every so often.
Yes, that is a bit better than "You mess with the swordsman, you get the point!".AcadianPaladin wrote: »How can you not love a companion who - after fighting a strangler - says, "Would it kill them to run away? Well, no, I guess it wouldn't. Maybe they should try that."
Yup, she really did this.
Yes, that is a bit better than "You mess with the swordsman, you get the point!".
Yes, that is a bit better than "You mess with the swordsman, you get the point!".
Mirri's attitude can be abrupt, but for some reason I find her more genuine than Isobel. Both Isobel and Ember are nice to the Vestige, though a bit immature--at least Ember has more depth to her personality compared to Isobel. Bastian is nice as well, but I'd like him a lot more if he wasn't so cheesy all the time.
AgmarTheUnrestful wrote: »or when the player makes certain foods (looking at you, Bastian Hallix, and your inane and insane hatred of cheese). I thought Isobel might be a good fit for me, but you guys make it sound like she has strange objections, too.
SilverBride wrote: »I can't stand Mirri. She is rude and smug and passive aggressive and I fired her a long time ago. She went to live with @SammyKhajit, but I suspect he has since booted her out too.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »How can you not love a companion who - after fighting a strangler - says, "Would it kill them to run away? Well, no, I guess it wouldn't. Maybe they should try that."
Yup, she really did this.
AgmarTheUnrestful wrote: »(Why in the world would Ember, a literal CAT-WOMAN, object to fishing?! I thought cats loved fish...)
TooWeak2Live wrote: »As a necro, I do illegal things 10,000 times a day. Mirri never rats me out. She even helps sometimes.
IDK about her little thing for torchbugs and butterflies, but it doesn't come up much.
AgmarTheUnrestful wrote: »(Why in the world would Ember, a literal CAT-WOMAN, object to fishing?! I thought cats loved fish...)