"The Elder Coven" Vampire RP guild with PvE, Crafting specialists, PvP and fan fiction contests [EU]



6th April 2014: News flash: The Elder Coven holds a fan fiction contest among our guild members. If you are into RP and still searching for a friendly RP guild with strong affinity to pve, pvp, etc.. Join us!

Price you can win is 2 months play time worth of 25,98 euro. Only europeans can enter as we are a EU guild.
Seek us out at: The Elder Coven


Edit 1: Check The Elder Coven for our background story and more.

Edit 2: We are looking for more Templar healers, Nighblades.

Edit 3: We are sitting at 18 members atm. We are looking for cross faction guild possibilities if there is enough applications for it. So if you are not Daggerfall Covenant but Aldmeri Dominion or Ebonheart Pact and you want to join. Please give me a shout out here or on our own website!

Edit4: Added Coven roles and Coven duties / quests

Edit5: Added Coven purpose and reasoning begind our actions

The Elder Coven is looking for new members. The guild will focus on all aspects of ESO: RP as main focus and pvx and all other possibilities given by ESO.

The guild is new meaning we have not 50 members and counting, but those who join are willing to put effort in the coven and have fun. Atm, we have 8 23 members as of launch. We need more. We want you!

At this moment we are discussing the following roles and duties (coven quests):
1. Elder Council, consists of the officers and the guild leader of the coven
2. Personal Elder Guards, consists of those who protects the Elders at all costs, 2 per Elder. Always one healer and one other battle hardend soldier.
3. Coven Crafters, consists of blacksmiths, alchemists, woodworkers, enchanters, etc..
4. Coven Death Seekers, consists of an army lead by one of the officers
5. Coven Shades, consists of those who scout ahead of the main group, be it in PvE or PvP
6. Coven Scribe and Historian, consits of one member noting down the Coven Chronicles and adds Lore knowledge to the Coven.
7. to be discussed ingame.

We are also thinking of Coven Quests that needs to be taken care off:
1. Clearing dungeons for the coven
2. Gathering material for our crafters
3. PvP strikes on supply routes of the enemie to disrupt them
4. Scout far behind enemy line in Cyrodill for intel gathering to strike at dawn
5. etc...

We still need to create a guildwebsite, maybe you are good at it? Our website is up and running. Go Check it out here: The Elder Coven

The Coven decided that werewolves are allowed in the guild, be it under strict RP ruleset.

We are looking for mature English speaking players, hardend mmo veterans but also mmo rookies.

So do you have what it takes for the long run? Are you leading by example? Do you want to experiance all aspects of the game and have fun? Let me know and reply here or ingame.

Edited by PSDB on April 15, 2014 4:24PM
  • Ryzo
    Could be interested...hit me up a message ingame ..

  • PSDB
    will do, there are three more who are interested. The beginning of something cool for coming months? We shall see. I'll drop a message.

  • Ryzo
    Fingers crossed
  • PSDB
    whats your ingame name Ryzo.
  • Faaria
    If one wish to join the guild, do one -have- to become a vampire right away, or is it possible to RP it where one are unknowing, uintill it is too late?
  • PSDB
    Hi Faaria,

    absolutely, you are free to become a vampire the way you seem fit. Its your character and your story. But in the end of time you need to choose.

    We have three members now, fourth is due. with you we have 5
    We are aiming for 10 to 20 members. Not everyone must be RP players, also pve, pvp crafting specialist are welcome. But they need to accept the RP in our guild.


    Give me a whisper ingame: Rhomark
    Edited by PSDB on April 1, 2014 5:23PM
  • Laplace
    Ahh... I was looking for a vampire-themed guild, but I plan on playing in the Dominion, not the Covenant. Sorry. :( I wish you guys luck!
  • Rimfrost
    The issue is; how does one become a vampire?
  • Ryzo
    Yes mate I am Ryzo ingame also.
  • Nikazuki
    I want to join.
    My nickname is Nikazuki in game too.
    I want to be a vampire *-*
    And help the guild in everything
  • skumgummi
    Hey! This sounds really good, would like to join for sure. Been leading pvp and high end pve in mmo's for years.

    called Anya Moorwing ingame!
  • PSDB
    Hi Nikazuki and Anya, contact me ingame tomorrow or send me an email. @ithilenia is my ingame account.
  • skumgummi
    I can't seem to send mails ingame, but I'm on atm!
  • PSDB
    ey Goodmorning, sorry I was not on my laptop, and with the ipad its really hard to get online :)
  • PSDB
    Hi Nikazuki,

    I tried to add you ingame. Did not succeed. Can you go to our website and register there or try to add me ingame? >> Rhomark is my character name.
  • PSDB
    The Elder Coven, a Vampire RP guild is looking for more members. Vampire and Werewolves are welcome, as we have a use for werewolves in our guild. Take a look at our website and send a guild application: The Elder Coven website
    Hope to see you there.
    Edited by PSDB on April 4, 2014 2:33PM
  • Hellsgrim
    I have submitted an application via the link you provided however my character is on the Ebonheart Pact and I wonder if this will negatively affect my application for obvious reasons. I believe it is possible to have cross faction guilds however I'm not 100% sure how easy it is to execute.
  • PSDB
    Hi I will look into it and how we can explore this option in our Guild lore.
  • PSDB
    The Elder Coven holds a fan fiction contest among its members. Look at the first post under news flash, than check our website for more info.

  • Zenok
    Finally found a guild to my liking as a Nightblade and I want to join straight away but there is 1 little problem.......

    I missed the moon phase appointment with the willing bloodfiends who definately were impatient to wait for me to give me a bite.

    I can roam through the nights hoping to catching up to the fiends...or I receive some bloody help I appreciate it.

    I will visit your website tonight and try to contact you in game. The name is @Zenok
    Keep up the good work!
  • svenewosb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Im interested too pleas contact me
  • PSDB
    Hi Nevsikus,

    will do tonight.

  • Zarovich
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, is this up and running? I'd definitely like to join. 30yo mature Canadian. Is there any way to do so without registering Enjin? I have too many logins for sites.
  • Drachdhar
    Im in Ebonheart and have two characters that seek the blessings, 1 Vamp and 1 Wolf. Sadly both are to low lvl to get it themselves atm.
    I am very interested in RP oppertunities and have already started a guild of my own toward seeking lore friendly vampire RP, has been holding off on seeking members due to my main char not being a vamp yet.
  • Sarenia
    "Only europeans can enter as we are a EU guild"

    What a shame.

    Good luck, my friends.
  • PSDB
    Sarenia wrote: »
    "Only europeans can enter as we are a EU guild"

    What a shame.

    Good luck, my friends.

    There is a global guild for vampires I believe. House of Nessairi or something like that. Don't know how well they are organized etc, but I suggest if you are USA based to peek also overthere.

    Cheers and good luck.

  • PSDB
    Zarovich wrote: »
    Hi, is this up and running? I'd definitely like to join. 30yo mature Canadian. Is there any way to do so without registering Enjin? I have too many logins for sites.

    Yes we are up and running. But we are an eu server based guild. Still interested give me a shout out ingame. Rhomark is my ingame name.
  • PSDB
    Drachdhar wrote: »
    Im in Ebonheart and have two characters that seek the blessings, 1 Vamp and 1 Wolf. Sadly both are to low lvl to get it themselves atm.
    I am very interested in RP oppertunities and have already started a guild of my own toward seeking lore friendly vampire RP, has been holding off on seeking members due to my main char not being a vamp yet.

    Well at this moment I am not a vampire yet, will be this week. Some of my guild members are already and at maximum phase. Some are now seeking lycanthropy. Fun times these first months of a MMO.

    So why not start recruiting for your guild?

    There are some asking us to go inter alliance so they can join also with aldmeri dominion and ebonheart pact.

    Good luck!

  • PSDB
    At this moment we are looking for more RP players. Please contact Sonja ingame or @srele for recruitment details. We accept recruits only in character. So make up a cause and reason why you would want to join us.

    We have 23 members at this moment and soon we will ride out in Scourge to seek some victories.

    Edited by PSDB on April 11, 2014 9:51AM
  • PSDB
    Sarenia wrote: »
    "Only europeans can enter as we are a EU guild"

    What a shame.

    Good luck, my friends.

    Thank you, there are certainly some US based Vampire RP guilds outthere for you to enjoy.

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