Half the posts on forums are modded

Everything is filtered, no authenticity is left.

Half the threads closed don’t even contain vulgar language.
Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on October 25, 2022 8:41PM
  • Ascarl
    This thread will be closed as you are not allowed to even discuss moderation, reddit remaines so mildly moderated alternative.
  • Mithgil
    I just want to say that given this, half of the forum posts aren't modded.
    PC NA Yes, I use add-ons.
  • jaws343
    Of the 28 posts visible in the Recent section of the forum, only 8 have a mod symbol on them. So around a quarter of the posts. But even then, most of those 8 aren't even actual moderation, they are just moving the threads to a proper sub forum or they are answering questions.

    Y'all are really overblowing the moderation impact on the forums.
  • WiseSky
    Everything is filtered, no authenticity is left.

    Half the threads closed don’t even contain vulgar language.

    no authenticity is left

    challenge accepted
  • SammyKhajit
    Eh, this one is more baffled about the threads that get shunted to other sub forums without the issues in the threads being recognised/addressed by the moderators.
  • rpa
    There are few unmodeated forums left. Even murkiest corners of web mod at least spam, loony politics and illegal material because it will spill over and drown any "free speech" if unchecked. ESO forums are pretty readable compared to less moderated places. One can discuss everything relevant to gaem here if one minds how to express it and alternative (but still moderated) forums exist.
    Edited by rpa on October 25, 2022 7:34PM
  • Four_Fingers
    Never mind, they control the vertical.
    Edited by Four_Fingers on October 25, 2022 7:28PM
  • Lebkuchen
    jaws343 wrote: »
    [...] only 8 have a mod symbol on them. [...]

    They also delete posts and suspend accounts without announcing it with the "mod symbol".
  • Cazador
    I mean, if you don't want your threads closed or your posts moderated there is a code of conduct you can read at any point. Also, most of the threads that get closed are duplicates of another or have devolved into back and forths.
  • Agenericname
    Cazador wrote: »
    I mean, if you don't want your threads closed or your posts moderated there is a code of conduct you can read at any point. Also, most of the threads that get closed are duplicates of another or have devolved into back and forths.

    Im pretty certain that the OP has had a thread "moderated" and the title changed that did not violate the ToS or CoC.

    Changing something that someone said into something that you wanted them to say without their consent is effectively removing their voice. Its orwellian.
  • NeuroticPixels
    Eh, this one is more baffled about the threads that get shunted to other sub forums without the issues in the threads being recognised/addressed by the moderators.

    I think a lot of the sub-forums/categories need to be done away with. The forum doesn’t have enough interaction to merit so many different places for posting.
    Check out the ReShade I made: Crispy Sharpness
  • jaws343
    Cazador wrote: »
    I mean, if you don't want your threads closed or your posts moderated there is a code of conduct you can read at any point. Also, most of the threads that get closed are duplicates of another or have devolved into back and forths.

    Im pretty certain that the OP has had a thread "moderated" and the title changed that did not violate the ToS or CoC.

    Changing something that someone said into something that you wanted them to say without their consent is effectively removing their voice. Its orwellian.


    This isn't the government. It is a private forum. There is nothing Orwellian about it at all.
  • NeuroticPixels
    Eh, this one is more baffled about the threads that get shunted to other sub forums without the issues in the threads being recognised/addressed by the moderators.

    I think a lot of the sub-forums/categories need to be done away with. The forum doesn’t have enough interaction to merit so many different places for posting.

    And to continue with that thought…
    I used to always sort by “recent” for the ease of seeing the most recent posts.
    Now, I feel obligated to always sort by “recent” to stay up to date on what’s happening on the forums because threads get closed and moved around so much.

    Close some of the categories instead! Still allow posting on those topics or whatnot, but there shouldn’t be so much separation.
    Check out the ReShade I made: Crispy Sharpness
  • Cazador
    Cazador wrote: »
    I mean, if you don't want your threads closed or your posts moderated there is a code of conduct you can read at any point. Also, most of the threads that get closed are duplicates of another or have devolved into back and forths.

    Im pretty certain that the OP has had a thread "moderated" and the title changed that did not violate the ToS or CoC.

    Changing something that someone said into something that you wanted them to say without their consent is effectively removing their voice. Its orwellian.

    A forum being moderated is Orwellian? It is zos's forum, they get to pick the rules and we voluntarily agree to them to be here.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Cazador wrote: »
    I mean, if you don't want your threads closed or your posts moderated there is a code of conduct you can read at any point. Also, most of the threads that get closed are duplicates of another or have devolved into back and forths.

    Im pretty certain that the OP has had a thread "moderated" and the title changed that did not violate the ToS or CoC.

    Changing something that someone said into something that you wanted them to say without their consent is effectively removing their voice. Its orwellian.


    This isn't the government. It is a private forum. There is nothing Orwellian about it at all.

    Next they will be making first amendment arguments, which again, are completely irrelevant to a private entity controlling their forum.

    This will be shut down in 3...2...
  • Veinblood1965
    This issue has caused me to lose half a nights sleep over half the time over the last half of the last year. I've slept like a baby skeever the other half of the time so it's all good.
  • ZOS_GregoryV

    This thread has been closed due to Discussing Disciplinary Actions. Discussing Disciplinary Actions is a violation of the Community Rules, and is stated as follows:
    • Discussing Disciplinary Actions: If you ever have questions or concerns about a disciplinary action or decision we have made on the ESO forums, or wish to appeal a forum warning or infraction you’ve received, we ask that you please contact https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/ to do so (please specify that you are contacting about a forum-related inquiry or appeal). We are happy to discuss and review specific moderation-related actions with you, but we do not allow discussion of any moderation actions or decisions on our forums. If you have questions or concerns about an in-game disciplinary action, please contact https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/ to ask about a suspension or ban, and any other support-related feedback. We cannot assist with in-game violations on the forums.
    If there may be any questions in regards to the rules, please take a few moment to review them here.

    Thank you for your understanding,
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