Suggestion: Add the ability to EDIT NOTE for guildmembers

You know how you can write a little note for the people on your friends list ? Well it would be great if we could do the same for guildmembers.
  • whitecrow
    You can, depending on the ranks and privileges your guild has set.
  • CountonMe
    Oh ok. I just went to the ranks section and I see the "Edit Member Notes" checkbox. Well, seeing that's the case, then it would make sense to remove that as a privilege granted by your rank. It should be pretty standard that someone be able to edit notes and put reminders. Imagine if "porting" to guildmembers was also a permission that had to be granted by rank. would be kinda sucky
  • PeacefulAnarchy
    The problem with guild notes at the moment is that there's only one set, and they are publicly (within the rank permissions) visible.
    There should be 3 types of notes.
    1. Guild notes, only visible to designated ranks (generally officers). For managing the roster.
    2. self notes, notes each member can give themselves and visible to all in the guild.
    3. personal notes, working like the friends list notes do which each player can write about any other player but are only visible to the writer

    Right now guild notes are a mix of 1 and 2 and which they are depends on the permissions set, but they can't meaningfully be both at the same time.
  • virtus753
    CountonMe wrote: »
    Oh ok. I just went to the ranks section and I see the "Edit Member Notes" checkbox. Well, seeing that's the case, then it would make sense to remove that as a privilege granted by your rank. It should be pretty standard that someone be able to edit notes and put reminders. Imagine if "porting" to guildmembers was also a permission that had to be granted by rank. would be kinda sucky

    The problem is this can be and has been abused, since there is only the option to allow members to edit everyone’s notes or none at all. There is no option to edit only your own guild note. GMs cannot track who edited notes, nor can ZOS, so nothing can be done if someone writes abusive things on another person’s note, other than taking away the ability to edit from a whole rank.
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