Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

dear ZOS, could you please put the old Templar spear animation...

...in the Crown store, so i could play my Templar again? pretty please?

there are new "action animations" coming into the game in the next patch (or whenever) so it shouldn't be too hard. you can keep the damage as is, if you must, just give me the option to buy the old animation and spear model. i spent too much time developing my Templar (years) for him to just sit there, not to be used again until you either revert the animation and spear model back or give me the option to get it somehow. and seeing how this new spear is unpopular with Templar players you'd make a ton of money out of it. a lot of players would buy it. it's a win-win situation, really..

so, whaddaya say, ZOS? want to make some money and a lot of players happy?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 14, 2022 6:08PM
  • kargen27
    Except the old animation doesn't match the time of the skill any longer.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Skorro
    And then how long do you think it'll take them to "fix" other iconic animations, just to let you "buy back the old ones"?

    This should simply be an in-game option or earnable in some way (like lvling up a char or Skill-Line grants a new animation or something).

    I also miss my old jabs, but I won't pay a cent of real money for them back.
  • mzprx
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Except the old animation doesn't match the time of the skill any longer.

    i know, but it shouldn't be too hard to remove one jab from the old animation. anything goes, if you really want (money)..
  • mzprx
    Skorro wrote: »
    And then how long do you think it'll take them to "fix" other iconic animations, just to let you "buy back the old ones"?

    This should simply be an in-game option or earnable in some way (like lvling up a char or Skill-Line grants a new animation or something).

    I also miss my old jabs, but I won't pay a cent of real money for them back.

    agreed, but i have to consider that i spent years on that character. and i liked it. so all of a sudden i have a character that has all the quests done, all the crafting skills levelled up, only a handful of traits remain (like 4 or 5) to have them all researched, all my achievements were done first on that character, i used it to farm vMA and vVH, it has my highest Alliance War rank and so on. now every time i log into the game it just sits there just because the new spear model and animation make me sick. a waste of time and effort. so i'd gladly pay some Crowns to be able to use it again. i understand why you wouldn't, but from my point of view it's a no-brainer..
  • nickg420
    I just find it fascinating that this is such the issue it has become...I'm not even sure I noticed it that much until someone pointed out it was completely different. I'm usually staring at other things during gameplay I guess...

    I guess if ZOS wants to to put a little coin in their pocket to sell individuals "old" stuff who am I to protest free-market voluntary capitalism? Those that don't want it don't have to buy it...

    But I'm not sure how I would feel about them changing the current "new" animation just because some people on a forum said "I don't like that"...I don't know...It would depend on what percentage that vocal group represented and what their reasoning for changing it would be....Aside from "I don't like it..."

    Good luck! :)
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    I hope people keep this issue alive until something is done to revert the ridiculous nighthollow spear they decided to use for jabs animation. They could have adjusted the timing without changing the animation even easier than changing the animation. This is one of those "what were they thinking?" situations for sure.
  • Wolf_Eye
    I hope people keep this issue alive until something is done to revert the ridiculous nighthollow spear they decided to use for jabs animation. They could have adjusted the timing without changing the animation even easier than changing the animation. This is one of those "what were they thinking?" situations for sure.

    I do feel like it would have been easier to go in to the original animation, edit out one of the spear jabs (so it's now 3 strikes instead of 4), and quicken the animation a bit so that it fits into the new time frame.

    Making a completely new animation from scratch while taking an existing motif and having to put it in and making it see-through seems like it was more time/effort....
  • Skorro
    mzprx wrote: »
    Skorro wrote: »
    And then how long do you think it'll take them to "fix" other iconic animations, just to let you "buy back the old ones"?

    This should simply be an in-game option or earnable in some way (like lvling up a char or Skill-Line grants a new animation or something).

    I also miss my old jabs, but I won't pay a cent of real money for them back.

    agreed, but i have to consider that i spent years on that character. and i liked it. so all of a sudden i have a character that has all the quests done, all the crafting skills levelled up, only a handful of traits remain (like 4 or 5) to have them all researched, all my achievements were done first on that character, i used it to farm vMA and vVH, it has my highest Alliance War rank and so on. now every time i log into the game it just sits there just because the new spear model and animation make me sick. a waste of time and effort. so i'd gladly pay some Crowns to be able to use it again. i understand why you wouldn't, but from my point of view it's a no-brainer..

    I really feel you, we are in very similar boats :)
    Re-reading my post I didn't mean to come off as aggressive to you. I think I've just run out of patience and hope with ESO and am in need of a break.
    Let's hope for some kind of change in the future.
  • shadyjane62
    mzprx wrote: »
    Skorro wrote: »
    And then how long do you think it'll take them to "fix" other iconic animations, just to let you "buy back the old ones"?

    This should simply be an in-game option or earnable in some way (like lvling up a char or Skill-Line grants a new animation or something).

    I also miss my old jabs, but I won't pay a cent of real money for them back.

    agreed, but i have to consider that i spent years on that character. and i liked it. so all of a sudden i have a character that has all the quests done, all the crafting skills levelled up, only a handful of traits remain (like 4 or 5) to have them all researched, all my achievements were done first on that character, i used it to farm vMA and vVH, it has my highest Alliance War rank and so on. now every time i log into the game it just sits there just because the new spear model and animation make me sick. a waste of time and effort. so i'd gladly pay some Crowns to be able to use it again. i understand why you wouldn't, but from my point of view it's a no-brainer..

    My story is the same as your. 8 years a Templar and I am unhappy. But I would cut off my right foot before I would give ZOS another penny. Ever.
  • Cazador
    I guess if people wanted to pay for it (or just make it look different in general) sure. It doesn't really effect me since I'm apparently in the minority of people who goes on the forum and actually likes the new animation more than the old one.
    Edit: I reread this post and realized it makes me sound like I like the idea of charging money for this, I don't. However I'm not opposed to the idea of having additional animation options for class abilities.
    Edited by Cazador on October 13, 2022 9:05PM
  • Dr_Con
    the old animation was also 0.3 seconds longer

    they can't satisfy your request.
  • RaikaNA
    mzprx wrote: »
    ...in the Crown store, so i could play my Templar again? pretty please?

    there are new "action animations" coming into the game in the next patch (or whenever) so it shouldn't be too hard. you can keep the damage as is, if you must, just give me the option to buy the old animation and spear model. i spent too much time developing my Templar (years) for him to just sit there, not to be used again until you either revert the animation and spear model back or give me the option to get it somehow. and seeing how this new spear is unpopular with Templar players you'd make a ton of money out of it. a lot of players would buy it. it's a win-win situation, really..

    so, whaddaya say, ZOS? want to make some money and a lot of players happy?

    So you're encouraging ZOS to make bad decisions just so that you can pay for their bad decisions by reversing it through purchasing it in the crown store? That's enabling ZOS...
  • Gaebriel0410
    I will never understand how anyone can look at the old jabs and think it looks better than the new one, but then again taste is pretty subjectve. But the new look isn't as objectively horrible as some seem to think.

    I also don't understand how such a tiny thing can make someone completely turned off by his or her own character, at least to me a character is far more than just one skill. If such a small thing can make you hate the character, I kinda wonder if you even liked it in the first place? Like, if I hated a skill so much I'd just slot something else, there's a bunch of skills I don't like the look / feel of. The FG trap skill for example, I wouldn't use that even if I was paid to do so.

    But well, that's again subjective I guess.

    But one thing I do know, is that I would never ever spend crowns on "buying back" an old animation. I really don't think they would do something like that.

    However I do hope that we'll be able to customize skill animations in the future, that's something I would definitely consider purchasing, if priced reasonably.
  • Sarannah
    Personally I have no issues with the new jabs animation, at first it took some getting used to. But now, after playing through three full zones on my templar, I don't even remember the old jabs anymore.

    The new jabs works just as well. And I do not think ZOS will (nor should) release the old jabs animation, due to the different timings of the attacks. But such a small change is nothing to be this upset about, you just have to get used to it. The new jabs animation does actually work better in combination with other skills.

    PS: And I absolutely love the new flurry attack animation!!
  • NylAR
    What is everyone's problem with the new animation lol? I absolutely love it.
  • Wolf_Eye
    If some people like the current jabs animation, that's fine. But then they should not begrudge the ability to change it for those of us who DON'T like it.

    And in spite of my best attempts to "get used to it", I still very very VERY much do NOT like it.
  • Holycannoli
    It's Flurry I'm having a problem with. Doesn't look much different than a light attack and it's been so many years of that rapid stabbing I just can't get used to the weaving timing now.
  • Vulkunne
    Why can't there be a morph between the two?

    I had proposed this idea early on. IDC which one but that shouldn't be too hard. Especially when they did such a lousy job with what we got.
    "I know that someday that sun is bound to shine." -Ella Fitzgerald
  • Vulkunne
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    If some people like the current jabs animation, that's fine. But then they should not begrudge the ability to change it for those of us who DON'T like it.

    And in spite of my best attempts to "get used to it", I still very very VERY much do NOT like it.

    Me neither. Both Jabs and Flurry are now dead to me.

    Which is interesting because its like I'm playing a different game now without those abilities to choose from. Very interesting gameplay.
    "I know that someday that sun is bound to shine." -Ella Fitzgerald
  • Jaraal
    mzprx wrote: »
    Skorro wrote: »
    And then how long do you think it'll take them to "fix" other iconic animations, just to let you "buy back the old ones"?

    This should simply be an in-game option or earnable in some way (like lvling up a char or Skill-Line grants a new animation or something).

    I also miss my old jabs, but I won't pay a cent of real money for them back.

    agreed, but i have to consider that i spent years on that character. and i liked it. so all of a sudden i have a character that has all the quests done, all the crafting skills levelled up, only a handful of traits remain (like 4 or 5) to have them all researched, all my achievements were done first on that character, i used it to farm vMA and vVH, it has my highest Alliance War rank and so on. now every time i log into the game it just sits there just because the new spear model and animation make me sick. a waste of time and effort. so i'd gladly pay some Crowns to be able to use it again. i understand why you wouldn't, but from my point of view it's a no-brainer..

    It’s funny how they won’t touch cosmetics or outfits after they have been released for fear of upsetting players who paid for them, but they have no qualms about completely changing beloved animations players have associated with their characters for years. Not to mention using a vampiric motif that looks like a shovel in place of the old spear.

    However, it’s a bad idea to suggest how they could profit by simply taking something away and then charging you to get it back. We almost got to that point when they made Rapid Maneuvers harder to get and then started selling Alliance war skill scrolls and skill line in the Crown Store, but fortunately they walked that back and made it a passive. So, let’s not encourage such a precedent of being willing to buy whatever they take away from us.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • RaikaNA
    NylAR wrote: »
    What is everyone's problem with the new animation lol? I absolutely love it.

    I'm glad you're liking the new animation for jabs, but I don't. It's beyond ridiculous for me. Nobody that I know of asked for an animation change, and yet..they did without asking us first. The developers get an F for failure to communicate with their players prior to a change.
  • ZOS_Icy

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
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