I've been playing ESO for almost two years now; and the one house that really caught my fancy is Potentates Retreat.
It was last on sale in June 2021, unfortunately I was moving house in RL at that time and missed it >:(.
Since then I've been patiently waiting for it's return. It's been 16 months now, and it's still not for sale.
Too bad ZOS also changed their policy some time ago, and you can no longer get a missed item from the crown store through support anymore.
As an ESO+ subscriber, I've accumulated 23.000+ crowns but can't spend them on the item I want.
While the other items like skins or motifs make a return 1 to 2 times a year in the store, you seriously have to wait 2 years for a house to be available again for a short time frame of 14 days?
These predatory marketing tactics are alienating your player base! Come one!