What are some of the best or worst player names you have come across in ESO?

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  • talasyn
    Areola McNipply :-)
  • delmuth
    Seen a couple "Alt 1" :Alt 2" Etc... I guess its too hard to put effort into.
  • elfindreams
    delmuth wrote: »
    Seen a couple "Alt 1" :Alt 2" Etc... I guess its too hard to put effort into.

    This is why I love games that include a random name generator... of course they need to automatically exclude already used names (which is the problem with the one in SWTOR).

  • zaria
    ElliottXO wrote: »

    Following your logic the thread about gold sellers should also be closed, because they are calling out on gold sellers.

    Those names are very often a violation of the terms of use everyone agreed on. Just like gold selling.
    Note that for an Argonian "Fart loudly" is pretty lore friendly.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok

    Only those who enjoy ruining others play experiences use names that need reporting.
    Which is entirely subjective, but in my experience what I said earlier is the usual case.
  • elfindreams
    Which is entirely subjective, but in my experience what I said earlier is the usual case.

    My point is everything involving an online game is subjective. Activity you might consider "no big deal" can disrupt the playability for another. That is why game designers put in limits in gameplay and why game publishers put out code of conducts and EULAs. Regrettably EULAs have become so... legalease... that ignoring them and not reading them has become habitual but ultimately parts of them are there to keep everyone happy or at least as many as can be.

    To your specific point, it has been my experience that people that report names do so out of frustration after seeing yet another expletive filled or lore breaking or just plain unreadable name after another. It has nothing to do with ruining anyone else's play because the worst that ever happens is they are forced to rename their character... it is about having their own play ruined.
  • Haxnschwammer
    I saw a couple of 'bigus dickus' (life of brian reference if you don't know this), a 'hairypussy' -khajit and dozens argonian godzillas.At least they were quite creativ with spelling...
    Once I was a healer. Then I took a Wrobel to the knee.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok

    My point is everything involving an online game is subjective. Activity you might consider "no big deal" can disrupt the playability for another. That is why game designers put in limits in gameplay and why game publishers put out code of conducts and EULAs. Regrettably EULAs have become so... legalease... that ignoring them and not reading them has become habitual but ultimately parts of them are there to keep everyone happy or at least as many as can be.

    To your specific point, it has been my experience that people that report names do so out of frustration after seeing yet another expletive filled or lore breaking or just plain unreadable name after another. It has nothing to do with ruining anyone else's play because the worst that ever happens is they are forced to rename their character... it is about having their own play ruined.

    But does it even matter? You cant see names unless you are actively looking at said person, and if a name you cant see somehow offends you because its another Legolas, just unclick the focus and voila no name to see.
  • elfindreams

    But does it even matter? You cant see names unless you are actively looking at said person, and if a name you cant see somehow offends you because its another Legolas, just unclick the focus and voila no name to see.

    Oh agreed, that is why not having nameplates is a good thing, it is also why I haven't bothered reporting any names in this game. I am only expanding on my opinions on the subject because there is still active discussion about enabling nameplates and setting the boundaries and expectations now will save a lot of people a lot of problems if they do.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok

    Oh agreed, that is why not having nameplates is a good thing, it is also why I haven't bothered reporting any names in this game. I am only expanding on my opinions on the subject because there is still active discussion about enabling nameplates and setting the boundaries and expectations now will save a lot of people a lot of problems if they do.

    Personally I like the no nameplates, thats more immersion breaking than XXXLegolasXXX
  • Stonebreath
    But does it even matter? You cant see names unless you are actively looking at said person, and if a name you cant see somehow offends you because its another Legolas, just unclick the focus and voila no name to see.
    I was thinking more along the lines of offensive names in the chat not in the game world.
  • thenumbersix
    Soul Shriven
    thenumberSIX...so glad i could reserve it on beta...had it for my account name, but some one had a toon with that name, so I made sure to grab it right away on early access. been using it on a few games for quite a while...tho those games are not important to name, for you will only see me on eso here on.
    I >:) AM >:) THE >:) NUMBER >:)SIX
  • Valen75
    I saw a Fippy Darkpaw but that was me. It may ring a bell to some of the oldest here ;)
  • Stormcrow
    Soul Shriven
    This is a funny thread ... "The ***" "Booty Raider" "Scooma Addict" Truth be told anyone with an inappropriate name of handle i have reported, I cant stomach bad languages in what should otherwise be a mature game
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!" - Sheogorath
  • JJDrakken
    Valen75 wrote: »
    I saw a Fippy Darkpaw but that was me. It may ring a bell to some of the oldest here ;)


    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • Valen75
    JJDrakken wrote: »


    Being ganked by queynos guards every 10 min since 1999 i had to find take a revenge in a new game where gnolls (aka khajit) can ruins your homelands ;)

    (and forget to turn my teeth to N queynos to lvl faster)

  • gstewart0413b14_ESO
    DrPopkorne wrote: »
    I saw a Khajit in the typical style of naming called.. Dies-very-often. Although I believe without dashes. Brought a smirk to my face anyway.

    Love the name but, that is the Argonian<sp> naming style. Khajit would be DiesVery'often
  • gstewart0413b14_ESO
    Only those the enjoy ruining others play experiences report names.
    Only those who don't care about the game would use those names in the first place.

  • PurpleDrank
    I've actually been shocked at the number of lore friendly names I've been seeing. Really did expect a lot more crass or ripped off names (or the completely random string of words names).

    On a related note, does anyone know if we have a limit on how many people we can have on ignore? Between the gold sellers and the morons in chat I'm getting a decent collection going.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Only those the enjoy ruining others play experiences report names.

    Only people Ive reported so far are gold sellers. If someone annoys me in game. I simply block them.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Vilified
    I giggled last night when I saw a female Argonian near the stables named "A-Lusty-Maid", if IIRC in the betas there was an Argonian named "Desirable-Housekeeper" too.. wonder if it's the same player.
    Ayita of the Dominion
  • teonimesic
    Im pretty sure that when the game releases for Xbox, Xbox Go Home is gonna be on the list of most hated :D
  • JKorr
    Something with kitty and four letters starting with fu and ending ck. Unfortunately they ran past and used the wayshrine before I could report the full name. There were a few other names that caught my attention, but none as bad as that first one.
  • ImNewHere
    I got the following names and have no intention on using them so you will not be seeing then in game:

    Legolas Greenleaf
    Albus Dumbledor
  • Pygmalion
    Raxabo wrote: »
    I saw an Argonian earlier named Skips-Quest-Dialogue

    Whoever that is wins teh interwebs.

  • Blackhorne

    Love the name but, that is the Argonian<sp> naming style. Khajit would be DiesVery'often

    Or perhaps J'aque the Dier?
  • MistryssNite
    Vilified wrote: »
    I giggled last night when I saw a female Argonian near the stables named "A-Lusty-Maid", if IIRC in the betas there was an Argonian named "Desirable-Housekeeper" too.. wonder if it's the same player.
    I am assuming you know of the book? Many argonian players seem to like to use The Lusty Argonian Maid as a reference for their name.

    Edited by MistryssNite on March 31, 2014 10:56PM
    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • stjobe
    I saw an Argonian named Sleeps-with-the-fishes, which I thought was rather creative.

    BlackDeathMurderer1 was also interesting, I wonder why he felt the need to put the "1" at the end there; was BlackDeathMurderer already taken?

    Generally though, I haven't seen all that many cringe-worthy names (BDM1 there was probably the worst offender), but I've seen a lot of lore-friendly and good names.

    Ah well, it'll all change come Friday...
  • WyeVxndzz
    I'd like to see Hodor. =3
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • Shamusangus_24
    I am Edward Van Healen and I run with Tank Sinatra and Elf Stewart
    Edited by Shamusangus_24 on March 31, 2014 10:56PM
    Edward Van Healen
    Aldmeri Dominion - Breton - Templar

    Guild: Dirty Pundies
This discussion has been closed.